similar to: any way to recover card after cursor disappears

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "any way to recover card after cursor disappears"

2012 May 30
still seeking way to recover card after cursor disappears or card locks up
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a question about how to recover a card (an Asus ENGT430 card, which the box says is a GeForce GT 430, running Mageia 1 with kernel when the cursor had disappeared or the card had locked up while exiting X. Thanks to Vincent Pelletier for for suggesting chvt. That command does work to change the console, just as Alt-Ctrl-F(n) for 1 <= n
2012 May 14
any way to recover card after cursor disappears or card locks up
With an Asus ENGT430 card, which the box says is a GeForce GT 430, and with 64-bit Mageia 1 with kernel, about once a week, the mouse cursor disappears from at least one monitor or the display locks up when exiting X. (I use runlevel 3 and startx.) Usually, if the cursor disappears and I then exit X, the display will lock up showing the X root window background. Once the
2012 Jun 03
still seeking way to recover card after cursor
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 13:24:55 +0200 > From: Arvydas Sidorenko > To: "Robert M. Riches Jr." <rm.riches at> > Cc: nouveau at > > On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:25 AM, Robert M. Riches Jr. > > > > I very doubt that rmmod and modprobe will help you in any way since
2010 Jun 08
type conversion with apply or not
Folks, i thought it should be straightforward but after a few hours poking around, I decided it's best to post my question on this list. I have a data frame consisting of a (large) number of date columns, which are read in from a csv file as character string. I want to convert them to Date type. Following is an example, where the first column is of integer type, while the rest are type
2006 Apr 07
Compiling PL/R against R.dll in Win32/MinGW
Hello list, I've been trying to get the PostgreSQL PL/R library to compile on windows ( The author of this library says the problem is likely because the distributed R.dll isn't compiled as a shared dll. Is this the case? If so, is there any way to compile it such that it is shared? If that's not the case, than maybe someone on this list has a better
2008 Jul 26
Hi, I''ve been posting this question to lots of lists and not getting good answers. I have a Ubuntu Hardy laptop. With a ssh connection to a RHEL5 xen dom0. Running cobbler/koan on the dom0 Koan --virt --nogfx ... starts a new domU on the xen box and starts up the RHEL5 installer the installer attempts to configure its network interface using DHCP and gets stuck If this was an install
2005 Dec 13
slug of zombies
after booting a CentOS 4.2 system I have a bunch of zombies... root 2828 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 14:41 0:00 [chvt] <defunct> My read from googling this is chvt stems from something that involves a shell. They ***may*** have been created from my attempts to start mysqld which isn't working (I will start another thread) but no efforts to kill them off are working...
2004 Jan 08
Strange parametrization in polr
In Venables \& Ripley 3rd edition (p. 231) the proportional odds model is described as: logit(p<=k) = zeta_k + eta but polr apparently thinks there is a minus in front of eta, as is apprent below. Is this a bug og a feature I have overlooked? Here is the naked code for reproduction, below the results. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- version
2012 Jan 01
Bisect: i2c regression in 63daa9589cb88617d9cc8a0b0282564682a975b7
Hi. Updating nouveau module to a newer git revision, I noticed I lost hwmon. I ran a bisect, which identified 63daa9589cb88617d9cc8a0b0282564682a975b7 as being the first bad commit. Adding printk traces, I saw that probing i2c bus 3 for sensors always failed with -EIO (no ack from slave). After reading the code, remembering how i2c works and reading sample code on wikipedia, I couldn't
2014 Nov 23
Getting rid of my former cards: NV4B*2, NVA0*1
Hi. I am getting rid of my former nvidia graphic cards. Their models are not listed on but as advised, I post here. Hardware: - 7600GS 256MB (2 cards) Maker: Gigabyte, originally in SLI setup (wink, wink) Outputs: VGA, DVI-I, s-video, SLI - GTX280 1GB (1 card) Maker unsure, only nvidia markings visible, but possibly ASUS
2011 Mar 01
How to understand output from R's polr function (ordered logistic regression)?
I am new to R, ordered logistic regression, and polr. The "Examples" section at the bottom of the help page for polr<>(that fits a logistic or probit regression model to an ordered factor response) shows options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl +
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
Hi, I'm getting an error message using polr(): Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite The outcome variable is ordinal and factored, and the independant variable is continuous. I've checked the source code for both polr() and optim() and can't find any variable called
2009 Feb 27
R_CHAR + 21 (memory.c:2573) in crash report...
I'm not sure if this is the best subject line, and I apologize in advanced for the cross-posting, but I've been trying to get past a piece of code for two days now, and seem to have narrowed where a show stopping crash is occurring... I keep getting: psql:../sql/schedpak.sql:257: server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or
2007 Jun 04
How to obtain coefficient standard error from the result of polr?
Hi - I am using polr. I can get a result from polr fit by calling result.plr <- polr(formula, data=mydata, method="probit"); However, from the 'result.plr', how can I access standard error of the estimated coefficients as well as the t statistics for each one of them? What I would like to do ultimately is to see which coefficients are not significant and try to refit the
2006 May 16
problems with kickstart %post and python/snack gui
Hi All, I'm trying to migrate from Fedora Core 4 to a more stable linux deployment of Centos 4.3. I'm using kickstart to do an automated installation of minimal packages and then doing configuration in the %post section. I do this by calling serveral custom system-config-local-* scripts that I have written along with system-config-network-tui (aka netconfig). The problem that I am
2006 Jun 30
Mongrel-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 24
>> Can I change my vote to yikes! how''d that get past my firewall? +1 On 6/30/06, mongrel-users-request at <mongrel-users-request at> wrote: > Send Mongrel-users mailing list submissions to > mongrel-users at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
2005 Jun 10
problem with polr ?
I want to fit a multinomial model with logit link. For example let this matrix to be analyzed: male female aborted factor 10 12 1 1.2 14 14 4 1.3 15 12 3 1.4 (this is an example, not the true data which are far more complex...) I suppose the correct function to analyze these data is polr from MASS library. The data have been
2006 Apr 20
EastMedia Group to offer Ruby on Rails training courses in New York City and London
EASTMEDIA GROUP TO OFFER RUBY ON RAILS TRAINING COURSES IN NEW YORK CITY AND LONDON EastMedia Group, New York City?s premier Rails shop, is now offering two separate training courses on Ruby and Ruby and Rails. On April 29, EastMedia will offer a one-day training course in New York, to be taught by Francis Hwang and Matt Pelletier. On May 5 through 7, Smartlab/Volks Lab and EastMedia
2012 Apr 24
Hi all, The nobs method of (MASS:::polr class) takes into account of weight, but nobs method of glm does not. I wonder what is the rationale of such design behind nobs.glm. Thanks in advance. Best Regards. > library(MASS) > house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing) > house.logit <- glm(I(Sat=='High') ~ Infl + Type + Cont, binomial,weights
2013 Oct 18
No P.values in polr summary
Hi everyone, If I compute a "Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression" with the polr function from MASS package. the summary give me : coefficients, Standard error and Tvalue.. but not directly the p.value. I can compute "manualy" the Pvalue, but Is there a way to directly obtain the pa.value, and I wonder why the p.valeu is not directly calculated, is there a reason? exemple