similar to: Reworking win32-mmap for the pure Ruby version

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Reworking win32-mmap for the pure Ruby version"

2006 Oct 13
win32-mmap - trying to marshal self
Hi all, I realized the current implmentation has a problem - you can only get the last value set? I realized, after looking at the old C code, that it actually stores values in a hash and marshals the hash, not the values themselves. That seemed clunky to me, though. I thought it would be more interesting if we just marshalled the entire mmap object and passed that back and forth.
2007 May 04
[ win32utils-Bugs-10589 ] Bug in win32-mmap
Bugs item #10589, was opened at 2007-05-04 12:01 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-mmap Group: Code Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Assigned to: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Summary: Bug in win32-mmap Initial Comment: Ruby 1.8.6 win32-mmap 0.2.1 Assigning
2006 Oct 06
Need some help with latest win32-mmap
Hi all, I''ve got the latest win32-mmap code checked into CVS. Unfortunately, it seems that I''m not able to open an existing mapping and retrieve set data. Below is a simple example that seems like it ought to work but doesn''t. Any ideas? # map1.rb require ''win32/mmap'' include Win32 mmap = => ''alpha'', :size
2004 Feb 25
win32-mmap committed
Hi all, I have committed win32-mmap package. It is similar to mmap or shared memory of unix Basically, it can be used for variable sharing like this In server side ================================== m = a = 1 m.setvar("a",a) =================================== In client side ================================== m =''reuse''=>true) a =
2004 Mar 09
win32-mmap test suite
I just tried running tc_mmap.rb and noticed that something rather curious seems to happen. The call to in setup seems to cause the test suite to just exit without ever actually running the tests. I reduced the test suite to just this bit of code. This works, although the final test (TypeError) does not pass - no exception in thrown. This is 1.8.1 on Win2k. Any ideas? Dan PS - I
2004 Mar 07
win32-mmap problem
Hi all, Ruby 1.8.1 (hand built, not the installer) Windows 2000 I was just playing with win32-mmap. I tried running the test_server.rb and test_client.rb. I started the server, which seems to be fine, but when I run the client I get this: C:\eclipse\workspace\win32-mmap-0.1.0\test>ruby test_client.rb C:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/ftools.rb:23:in `initialize'': Permission denied -
2009 May 06
[ win32utils-Feature Requests-25792 ] Create a pure Ruby win32-ole library
Feature Requests item #25792, was opened at 2009-05-05 17:29 You can respond by visiting: Category: None Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Daniel Berger (djberg96) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Create a pure Ruby win32-ole library Initial Comment: The current Win32OLE
2006 May 17
Need a little help with the pure Ruby win32-eventlog
Hi all, I''m working on the EventLog#read method for the pure Ruby version of win32-eventlog, but I''m stuck on the get_description private method. Here are the problems: * I don''t think I''m advancing the EVENTLOGRECORD properly between iterations. Take a look at the end of the "while dwread > 0" loop. I get some records, but not all of them.
2006 Oct 17
Fw: mmap 0.2.0 writing value from a child process
I thought I would forward this to see if anyone has any suggestions (other than, "You shouldn''t use this code in conjunction with fork"). Thanks, Dan ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: "Park, Chong SuhX" <chong.suhx.park at> To: Daniel Berger <djberg96 at> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 3:59:55 PM Subject: mmap 0.2.0 writing value
2008 Apr 25
win32-mmap test failures
Hi all, This is odd. It looks to me like we have all 4 variations of memcpy set in Windows::MSVCRT::Buffer but somehow this one creeps up. I actually noticed it in a few cases with that earlier mmap sub/replace example, but I wasn''t sure what was happening. Note that windows-api 0.2.3 and windows-pr-0.8.3 are the latest versions in CVS, but this happens with windows-api-0.2.2 and
2004 Mar 13
Quick thought on win32-mmap
I suggest getting rid of the hash style arguments fior new() for this package. In this particular case, you already have a class and accessors, so you can just use the yield trick, e.g. rb_yield(self) if rb_block_given_p(). Thus you can do: mm = do |m| m.namespace = file m.swapfile = sfile m.size = 1024 end Looks just as nice, and is a lot less code on the C side of
2007 Aug 04
Need some help with pure Ruby win32-changenotify
Hi all, I know it''s deprecated, but people seem to still be using win32-changenotify, so I thought I''d see if I could make it pure Ruby. Also, I thought it would be a good opportunity to test passing a custom Win32::Event object. I''m mostly done I think, but I''m having trouble unraveling the FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION struct buffer. Please check out the
2008 Sep 18
quantile regression / problems calling nlrq from inside other functions
All, This worked: mBW <- function( ... ) ... # matrix-valued function BaconWatts <- function(formula, mmf=mBW, # model matrix function(x, bp, g) data, plot=T, tau=0.5 ) { ... <- nlrq(y ~ b0 + mBW(x,bp,g) %*% c(b1,b2), tau=tau, start=par0, trace=T )$m ... } For some reason the following reports a failure to find the
2011 Aug 22
Pure Ruby TCP Daemon
Hi all, I created a "pure" branch on github that uses the code Heesob posted a while back: However, I couldn''t make it work on my Vista laptop. c:\Users\djberge\Repositories\win32-service\examples>ruby demo_daemon_ctl.rb start VERSION: 0.8.0
2007 Sep 21
Pure Ruby win32-open3, win32-service?
Hi all, I can''t remember - with callback support in our win32-api library now, can we turn win32-open3 and win32-service (specifically, the Daemon class) into pure Ruby libraries? If not, is there anything we could possibly add to win32-api so that we *could* make them pure Ruby? Thanks, Dan This communication is the property of Qwest and may contain confidential or privileged
2011 May 15
Centos 5.5 mmap.c and mmap hints
Good morning, We are trying to figure out how to properly provide adresss hints to mmap on 32-bit Centos 5.5. Does any documentation exist about to how to provide address hints to mmap on 32-bit Centos 5.5? If so, where can we find this documentation. In order to understand mmap better, we decided to try to find the Centos 5.5 source code for mmap.c. We already installed the kernel source
2004 Mar 25
factor based on pattern match ?
Hello, is't possible to specify pattern in levels ? > y=c("ff","f","m","mm","fm","mf","ffm","mmf","mmm","fff"); > factor(y) [1] ff f m mm fm mf ffm mmf mmm fff Levels: f ff fff ffm fm m mf mm mmf mmm I want to specify levels using regexp ("f.*","m.*") or use
2006 May 02
Pure ruby win32-process now in CVS
Hi all, I''ve committed what I think is a complete version of win32-process in pure Ruby. The new version is in the toplevel CVS directory. You''ll need to grab the latest windows-pr from CVS as well. If there are any errors, or any comments that are incorrect, please let me know. Otherwise, I''m planning on a release this weekend. Thanks, Dan
2006 Feb 04
Pure Ruby version of win32-clipboard
Hi all, In CVS you''ll find a clipboard.rb file. I hadn''t touched it in a while until recently. However, it doesn''t seem to actually work. Calling set_data doesn''t fail, but it doesn''t actually seem to set the clipboard data. Any ideas? Thanks, Dan
2006 Oct 26
[ win32utils-Patches-6335 ] pure ruby implementation
Patches item #6335, was opened at 2006-10-26 16:51 You can respond by visiting: Category: win32-shortcut Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Jano Svitok (janek) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: pure ruby implementation Initial Comment: This is (not finished) pure-ruby