similar to: [ win32utils-Bugs-12881 ] Cannot wait on Process - service_daemon/service_main

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "[ win32utils-Bugs-12881 ] Cannot wait on Process - service_daemon/service_main"

2006 Oct 26
The win32-service patch is committed - and now, some questions
Hi all, I *finally* committed the patch from Patrick Hurley (you know, the one he submitted way back in June). Looks like it works. I''ve also revamped the code under the examples directory. There''s now a tdaemon.rb (the test daemon) and tdaemon_ctl.rb (the test daemon controller). Before I release this into the wild I want to make sure I document how to use it properly.
2006 Feb 20
Win32 service and blocking code in service_main
Hello mailing list! Sorry for the personal/private mail I sent to Daniel and Park, but just a few minutes ago I subscribed to this list. I have found the solution, for webrick, mongrel and other webserver (well I guess). If the code in service_main is blocked (like the webrick dispatcher), the service_main function never exit/left, so service.mainloop never terminates and service control
2011 Aug 29
Fwd: [win32-service] win32 daemon error - Service_Main thread exited abnormally (#4)
Any suggestions? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: 2potatocakes <reply+i-1463859-6ae63452bd734578892fcf4b571ee941f465e643 at> Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:40 AM Subject: Re: [win32-service] win32 daemon error - Service_Main thread exited abnormally (#4) To: djberg96 at Thanks for looking at this guys. Have updated the strcpy line.. I''m
2006 Dec 07
Fwd: win32-service problems with patch
Got this today. Please take a look and let me know what you think. - Dan ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kevin Burge <kevin.burge at> Date: Dec 7, 2006 6:45 AM Subject: win32-service problems with patch To: djberg96 at Hi Daniel, Thanks for win32-service. In the process of using it for running a reliable-msg (drb) server and clients, I had some
2007 Nov 24
Service.start arguments failing or causing segfault
Hi, Unless I''m mistaken the final arguments to Service.start should be passed to the Daemon''s service_main method. Correct? I modified the Service.start method (now in CVS) to look something like this: def self.start(service, host=nil, *args) ... num_args = args.length if args.empty? args = nil else args.unshift(service) # Necessary?
2005 Nov 26
Another patch of win32-service for nice startup.
Hi, I believe this patch would be a perfect solution for a lengthy initialization application. Added hStartEvent, service_init, checkpoint increments. ============================================================ --- temp/service.c 2005-11-27 00:03:30.000000000 +0900 +++ service.c 2005-11-27 00:01:58.000000000 +0900 @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ static VALUE cDaemonError; static VALUE rbServiceStruct,
2004 Apr 09
Issues with win32-service Daemon
Hi all, I wrote a little echo client to run as a service. I have a couple of problems with this. First, any time I try to define anything in "initialize", the service fails to start. Any idea why? Also, this service runs for a while, then just quits for no reason that I can see. The Event Log merely says, "The Abba service terminated unexpectedly". Any ideas on
2005 Dec 01
Hi, I just got done using win32/service to run a very small/hack-ish "Riki" WEBrick service. Very cool stuff. Thanks. So, in the process, I noticed a lot of the "control" start/install/etc. command line parser stuff looked a bit boilerplate, so I pulled it out into a helper function "service_cli" (for lack of a better name). Its simple, but it allows me to do away
2007 May 04
Trying to get a good example for win32-mutex
Hi all, I''ve been going through the various IPC modules for Win32Utils and converting them to pure Ruby. I''m almost done with win32-mutex, but I can''t get the example to work. I keep getting this error: C:/Documents and Settings/djberge/workspace/win32-mutex/examples/mutex_test.rb:41: undefined method `+'' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from
2006 May 07
Problem with the new version of win32-process
Hi all, Well, I''ve messed something up in the pure Ruby Process.fork method. If you run the test_fork_waitpid.rb file (in CVS), you''ll see this error: c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/windows/process.rb:132:in `call'': can''t convert false into Integer (TypeError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/windows/process.rb:132:in `OpenProcess''
2005 Dec 10
sendmail problems errors
hello, i am having problems with sendmail when i am trying to restart it. this morning i woke up and found it not working and when i tried restarting it belched out these errors at me. [root at dusty init.d]# ./sendmail start Starting sendmail: 451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 91: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': Group writable directory 451 4.0.0
2007 Aug 10
[ win32utils-Bugs-12979 ] Error while trying to update my gem collection
Bugs item #12979, was opened at 2007-08-10 15:29 You can respond by visiting: Category: windows-pr Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Nobody (None) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Error while trying to update my gem collection Initial Comment: C:\ruby>gem update Updating
2005 May 14
Problems with custom service and webrick
Hi all, Windows XP Pro Ruby 1.8.2 I''m having a couple of problems with the following service. The first issue is that the code in service_start doesn''t seem to fire off. The second problem is that any attempt to do ''require "webrick"'' within webrick_daemon.rb causes the service to fail on start. Any ideas? # webrickctl.rb
2005 Sep 08
Stopping services
I''m back to getting stuff to run as a Windows service, and am running in to a problem. My service (a Daemon ruby class) installs and starts fine, but when I try to stop it, I get: C:\workspaces\default\tahoe>ruby script\service stop script/service:77:in `stop'': An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request. (Win32::ServiceError) from
2006 May 22
win32/service... still with problems.
Hello list, In my quest to get Mongrel working as service for win32, found some problems with win32/service that make it impossible to solve. Attached is the simplest service script I could do with ruby, which depends on win32/service. I found that doing anything complex in service_stop (killing threads, doing file handling, even sleeping for 0.25 seconds). crash the service with backtraces (of
2006 Apr 19
URIS SYNOPSIS open child process with handles on pid, stdin, stdout, and stderr HISTORY 0.3.0 : - bug fix from jordan breeding. general clean up. added spawn method. 0.2.0 : - added exception marshaled from child -> parent when exec fails. thanks to jordan breeding for a patch
2004 Feb 06
Daemon method name changes
All, At the risk of annoying you all to death with seemingly trivial things, I was thinking that we should change a couple method names. I know that I myself had suggested "on_stop", "on_pause", etc, for the event hooks in the Daemon class. However, I think I will change those to "service_stop", "service_pause", etc. This isn''t a major issue,
2004 Feb 10
Daemon help
I''m having some trouble separating the Daemon class stuff from the Service Control stuff. I have a "daemon.rb" file in ''C:\''. I also have a daemonctrl.rb script in another directory. It installs fine, but I can never start it successfully. What am I doing wrong? Dan # daemon.rb in ''C:\'' require "win32/service" include Win32
2004 Feb 10
TCPServer failure within daemon
I wanted to see if I could setup a simple echo server to run as a service. So, using daemon_test.rb, I modified the Daemon class to something like this: require "socket" class Daemon def initialize @server ="localhost",8888) end def service_main while state == RUNNING while session = @server.accept str =
2007 Dec 28
puppet hangs on Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum
This is particularly nasty, since it''s on the puppetmaster itself: [root@puppet tmp]# rpm -q yum puppet puppet-server yum-3.0.5-1.el5.centos.5 puppet-0.24.0-2.el5 puppet-server-0.24.0-2.el5 [root@puppet tmp]# cat /etc/issue CentOS release 5 (Final) Here''s the output of puppetd --debug: notice: Starting catalog run debug: Loaded state in 0.01 seconds debug: Prefetching rpm