similar to: titles in textile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "titles in textile"

2006 Apr 29
Textile to LaTeX
Hello, Is there a patch laying around somewhere to convert Textile to LaTeX? (Instiki did/does this?) Or, better yet, is RedCloth 3.1 still in the pipeline? In ruby-talk 129874 (7 Feb 2005), why the lucky stiff wrote: > > Let me give you a roadmap of what to expect with RedCloth 3 > in the coming months. > > RedCloth 3.1 will focus on getting us diverse outputs.
2007 Jan 16
<BR> and <P> in RedCloth v. Textism
Hi, I''m using RedCloth right now for some simple markup in a Rails project. It''s simple and easy - thanks for a great tool! I have a question about an apparent discrepancy between RedCloth and Textile, relating to newline characters. I''ve played with the "hard_breaks" feature and that seems to generate it''s own problems.. If I go onto the Textile
2005 Nov 22
I have a few of patches for RC. A quick fix for a bug in clean_html, an improvement to clean_html to sanitize more links, and the addition of "filter_classes" and "filter_ids". What should I do? Email them to someone? why? (sorry, couldn''t avoid it) I actually don''t have separate patches for each, but could do them if needed. The first two are
2007 Nov 23
SuperRedCloth inserting <pre><code>
I maintain a web application frozen to version Ruby 1.8.6 and RedCloth 3.0.4 Whenever I insert a newline followed by a white space, SuperRedCloth, wraps the text with <pre><code> tags. Say for example I write ############### Hi This is me ############### This piece of text gets translated to <p>Hi</p><pre><code>This is me</code></pre>
2005 Dec 02
Hard breaks problem - tests attached
Hi All, As it was mentioned in [1], hard_breaks parsing breaks parsing. Particularly, I noticed that paragraphs and lists don''t work. Attached is a patch to run-tests.rb, as well as yml test case. Not sure if last test case is 100% correct, though. Regards, Vadim [1] -------------- next part -------------- An
2007 May 27
Stripping out textile markup
Hi, I have several hundred pages of text, all carefully marked up with textile, which I use redcloth to convert to html for display. Now I find I need all these pages to alternatively output plain text - ie. A-Za-z0-9 and simple punctuation only. Any suggestions on the best way to do this? My only thought is to let redcloth do its stuff, and then strip out the html tags - but it feels wrong.
2007 Apr 25
Redcloth bug - Stack overflow in regexp matcher
Hi, I''ve been using the rassmalog static blogging engine and have encountered a stack overflow inside the redcloth regexp matcher. I don''t seem to suffer this error on my Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) box (with Ruby 1.8.4??), but I do get it on my Gentoo system. Running the following line will generate it (I''ve attached the YAML/redcloth file to this message). $ ruby -ryaml
2006 Aug 23
emdash vs <del>
Hey guys. Is this a bug or what? >>"First part -- middle part -- end part.").to_html => "<p>First part <del>- middle part -</del> end part.</p>" But says the output should be: <p>First part&#8212;middle part&#8212;end part.</p> Thing is, I *want*
2008 Feb 21
Question about entities
1.) What is everyone''s preference on NCRs or character entities? Textile 2 uses decimal NCRs, so a less-than character becomes &#60; whereas RedCloth (3.04 and prior) used &lt;. What is your preference? It gets tough because &#39; (a straight single quote) doesn''t have a character entity equivalent. 2.) How do you feel about encoding characters like quotes
2007 Jun 02
Rel attribute in anchor tags
Hi there, I haven''t looked at the code but will it be possible to add rel attribute to anchor tags in super redcloth? It would be great! ATM i have changed the regexp in redcloth to use curly braces as rel tag when writing textile. Since target attribute don''t validate in XHTML strict and i still want to open some links in new a window. Old style ---- Textile:
2007 Mar 24
Patch for superredcloth to enable textile table headers
SuperRedCloth v1.160 and svn rev 163 don''t work the textile commands that specify table headers instead of table data. Here''s a simple test: require ''superredcloth'' w = "|_. a|_. b|_. c|\n|1|2|3|" h = puts h <table> <tr> <td>_. a</td>
2009 Jun 07
Close to a 4.2 release; experimenting with Ragel alternatives
Hi Jason ! Hmmm, this is good and bad news: Good: ruby hooks means I could use a single pass to parse textile customizations in zena instead of running two parsers: nice. Bad: I have just switched to ragel for QueryBuilder to parse pseudo sql and I fear your shortcomings (if that''s an english phrase). Could you describe more precisely what you are missing with ragel ? I''m
2006 Aug 04
Hard break broken in 3.0.4?
Is :hard_break working in RedCloth 3.0.4? $ ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-linux] $ pwd /lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/RedCloth-3.0.4/lib $ irb irb(main):001:0> require ''redcloth'' => true irb(main):002:0> rc ="h1. Heading\n\n_Not_ heading.") => "h1. Heading\n\n_Not_ heading." irb(main):003:0>
2008 May 13
hard_breaks issues
Hello, I''m new to this list, so first of all, many thanks to RedCloth''s developers, it really helps me in many ruby apps :-) I post here because I''d like to have a clear view on "hard_breaks" related issues. I saw old references on the web and on the archives on this ML, I''d like a fresh view ! It seems that RedCloth 3.0.4 does not handle
2009 Jun 05
<notextile> bug
Hey, and thanks for a great RedCloth! I have however stumbled upon a very weird bug. Have a look at this Textile file: I have two <notextile>-tags inside, but it still escapes single-quote to &#8216; in the first <notextile>-block, but not the last... Any reason why this would happen? //Magnus Holm -------------- next part
2007 Jan 24
Strikethroughs and dashes
Who really uses strikethroughs?? This is one of the most common tripwires in RedCloth. You are the friend--the only friend--who has offered to help. Obviously em dashes. I died in -2006- wait, no, two-thousand-FIVE! Obviously strikethrough. I''m going on a trip - a long one - to the Virgin Islands. That''s got to be en dashes. Such a cheap, no-hassle, no-worry
2008 Jan 07
HTML handling in SuperRedCloth
I''m having all kinds of fun trying to get HTML to work "properly" in SRC (mild sarcasm). I''m still working on the problem, but wanted to run it by the group. Currently, Textile2 lets you put in HTML as long as it''s in the same block (i.e. no double-returns). <ul> <li>You can put HTML code right in Textile.</li> <li>It will
2008 Jan 18
A Simple Idea
I had an idea to make the output of textile more meaningful and style-able, by adding automatic divs. I''ve made an example of what it would do: View Source on the RedClothPlus page to see what I''m aiming for, and try out the various stylesheets to see some ideas of uses for this. Of course, there are a lot of other things you
2007 Dec 19
Convert all HTML entities within <pre> tags?
Textile 2.0.0: bc. This is within a block of code, so < and > should be *entities*. You can talk about a <p> tag if you wish and it will be properly escaped. <pre> You can''t make something actually <b>bold</b> within. </pre> Output: <pre><code>This is within a block of code, so &lt; and &gt; should be *entities*. You can
2008 Mar 10
Only 5 tests out of 376 currently failing!
Good news! SuperRedCloth is down to just five failing tests! I was down to 10 or so in mid-February but then I added test cases from "The official reference manual for Textile 2", which added 97 new tests, many of them failing. I''m happy to say, they''re almost all passing now. Four of these last five I just need to check with you on before I deviate from