similar to: Aliasing type method in Mocha

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Aliasing type method in Mocha"

2006 Oct 25
Mocha, Stubba and RSpec
Hi, I''ve been reading with interest the threads trying to integrate Mocha and Stubba with RSpec. So far, I''ve made the two changes in spec_helper.rb suggested, but discovered another one that neither of the archives mentions: If you use traditional mocking: object = mock or the stub shortcut : object = stub(:method => :result), you run into namespace conflicts with
2006 Sep 11
Using rspec and mocha
I prefer to use rspec than test::unit for developing my apps. However I''ve found its mocking library to be pretty inflexible compared to Mocha. This isn''t really a surprise since rspec isn''t intended as a mocking framework, whereas Mocha is. So I''d like to play to both of their strengths and use rspec as my testing/specification framework and Mocha do to
2006 Sep 11
Using rspec and mocha
I prefer to use rspec than test::unit for developing my apps. However I''ve found its mocking library to be pretty inflexible compared to Mocha. This isn''t really a surprise since rspec isn''t intended as a mocking framework, whereas Mocha is. So I''d like to play to both of their strengths and use rspec as my testing/specification framework and Mocha do to
2007 Nov 15
Story adapter and SQLite Was:What command to run all stories?
Hi, by switching to MySQL from SQLite, it fixed the problem. I ran rdebug on it and it is trying to call I ActiveRecord::Base.connection.begin_db_transaction. from ActiveRecordSafetyListener.scenario_started. I don''t think SQLLite likes transactions. Ed On Nov 15, 2007 10:56 AM, Ed Howland <ed.howland at> wrote: > If I run the story stand-alone, I get: > ruby
2007 May 07
mock frameworks
Just curious - now that rspec (as of 0.9) let''s you choose your mock framework, how many of you are actually using (or planning to use) mocha or flexmock? Anybody planning to use any other mock framework besides rspec, mocha or flexmock? Thanks, David
2009 Jun 13
removing Mocha; 'spec spec' fails but the specific model file passes
I happened to mix ryan bates'' authentication scaffold with rspec_scaffold on a demo project. and ran into the problem of mixing mock frameworks...ryan uses mocha. So, as a learning experience, I choose to redo ryan''s tests without mocha but ran into a strange problem with tests of the User model. With debugging you can see.... If you run just the user_spec.rb file, everything
2007 Dec 21
Mocha and rails 2.0.2?
Folks- With Rails 2.0.2, I''m seeing mocha failures where they did not fail with Rails 2.0.1 test_set_to_process_fail_in_transaction(FileRecordTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `ord'' for 63:Fixnum /home/wolpert/svn/rubylms/vendor/plugins/mocha/lib/mocha/class_method.rb:45:in `hidden_method''
2007 Jul 24
mocha tarballs don''t uncompress cleanly
Hi Antonio, My environment is OS X 10.4.8. Thanks a lot for looking into the problem. Please let me know if I can do anything to help. I have had problems previously with tar including Mac resource fork files. Could this be what is causing your problem? James. On 24 Jul 2007, at 20:42, Antonio Terceiro wrote: > Hi James, > > First of all, thanks for mocha, it''s a really
2006 Oct 26
Mocha and SimplyHelpful
Hi, I''m getting a conflict between the Mocha plugin and the Rails SimplyHelpful plugin. For some reason the dom_id method from SimplyHelpful is not being found in my views when the Mocha plugin is installed. The dom_id method if used in the controller works properly. This is the error I get when running the tests: 1) Error: test_truth(HmmControllerTest):
2007 May 10
Problem with translator
Hi, Just installed 0.9.4 (from 0.8 series) and ran the spec translator. It messed up specs that had the should include() where the argument to include is a string (using no parens for the arg) IOW, given: context "OldSchool" do class OldSchool attr_accessor collection def initialize @collection = [] end def add_new(item)
2006 Sep 13
Problem with RSpec and Mocha/Stubba
I''ve recently upgraded to the latest versions of Mocha and RSpec (0.3.2 and 0.6.3 respectively) and I''m no longer able to use Mocha/ Stubba with RSpec. Its actually only Stubba I''m interested in as I use RSpec''s built-in mocking library. I require stubba in my spec file but whenever I try and run my spec it fails with the error: Unintialized constant
2006 Sep 18
Mocha + Selenium-on-rails loading problem ?
Hello All, I need to stub two class methods before a selenium call. The .rsel is : require ''mocha'' SalesConfigWork.stubs(:load_work_data) SalesConfigWork.stubs(:delete_work_data) setup :fixtures => :sales_config_works open "/" The Selenium test runner result is : undefined method `stubs'' for SalesConfigWork:Class Extracted source (around line *#0*):
2006 Oct 18
New to Mocha
Hi all I am new to Mocha. I am trying to use it for my pet rails project. I seem to be getting loads of errors when I add mocha as a plugin. It seems to be conflicting with TinyMCE plugin articles/2006/05/31/tinymce-with-ruby-on-rails I am getting the following errors ActionView::TemplateError: undefined method `using_tiny_mce?'' for
2007 Mar 23
Mocha 0.4.0 Hates My App
Hi all - I''ve recently made the leap from FlexMock to Mocha for mocks within my app. Today I decided to upgrade from Mocha 0.3.2 to Mocha 0.4.0. So I updated the gem, started rake and went to get some coffee. I came back 5 mins later and my units (which were clean) are now reporting 97 failures (!!!). Every failure reports a callstack like this: 18) Error:
2007 Apr 11
Fwd: [ mocha-Bugs-5892 ] Using a setup method in test_case_class destroys subsequent test cases
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: noreply at <noreply at> Date: 11-Apr-2007 15:24 Subject: [ mocha-Bugs-5892 ] Using a setup method in test_case_class destroys subsequent test cases To: noreply at Bugs item #5892, was opened at 2006-09-25 07:49 You can respond by visiting:
2010 Nov 12
pending tests fail when I switch to mock_with :mocha
First of all, please direct me into how better to search existing threads in this mailing list. Ok to my rspec 2.0.1 mocha 0.9.8 issue: given a controller test before do subject.expects(:authenticate).once end it "should bla bla" do pending "PENDING, shouldn''t fail?" end with config.mock_with :rspec it''s ok: pending, but with
2007 Sep 11
Fwd: [ mocha-Feature Requests-13763 ] add with_any_arguments method
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: noreply at <noreply at> Date: 7 Sep 2007 22:43 Subject: [ mocha-Feature Requests-13763 ] add with_any_arguments method To: noreply at Feature Requests item #13763, was opened at 2007-09-07 17:43 You can respond by visiting:
2007 Mar 04
Rails functional testing and Mocha
I''ve always wanted to be able to do stuff like this in my functional tests c = customers(:customer_1) c.expects(:great_customer_service) post :service_customer, :id => This of course fails because inside the rails action a different instance of customer is used. Some of the time setting your expectation/stubbing on Customer.any_instance works, but it''s not
2008 Jun 02
get method under 1.1.4 in Stories is undefined
HI, After I upgraded to RSpec 1.1.4 (from git), my stories all failed. I was using Webrat and the first thing I noticed was the ''visits'' method was gone. I then backtracked to just using ''get'' and got the same undefined method exception. I confirmed it was still working in 1.1.3 Eventually, I got it to work doing this: in my first Given: @app =
2006 Sep 08
A quick guide to Mocha
Hello :) Having just gone through the (admittedly simple) API of Mocha to learn how it works, I wrote a quick guide (190 lines) to help others get up to speed. I''ve attached it as RDOC and as HTML. It is a first draft - please help me improve by giving feedback ! Contents : Overview - Quick overview of Mocha Unit testing, mock object and stubs - Very quick introduction to mock