similar to: prediction of sales with VAR model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "prediction of sales with VAR model"

2009 Nov 27
VAR forecasts and out-of-sample prediction
Dear users, I am struggling with this issue. I want to estimate a VAR(1) for three variables, say beta1 beta2 beta3, using monthly observations from January 1984 to September 2009. In-sample period January 1984 to December 2003, out-of-sample January 2004 to September 2009. This is what I have done at the moment
2011 Apr 04
simulating a VARXls model using dse
Hello, Using the dse package I have estimated a VAR model using estVARXls(). I can perform forecasts using forecast() with no problems, but when I try to use simulate() with the same model, I get the following error: Error in diag(Cov, p) : 'nrow' or 'ncol' cannot be specified when 'x' is a matrix Can anyone shed some light on the meaning of this error? How can I
2005 Jun 14
using forecast() in dse2 with an ARMA model having a trend component
(My apologies if this is a repeated posting. I couldn't find any trace of my previous attempt in the archive.) I'm having trouble with forecast() in the dse2 package. It works fine for me on a model without a trend, but gives me NaN output for the forecast values when using a model with a trend. An example: # Set inputs and outputs for the ARMA model fit and test periods
2009 Jan 22
Forecasting by using ARFIMA(0, d, 0) models in R
Hello. I'm trying to make k-step-ahead forecasts using ARFIMA(0, d, 0) models by taking the first T+k-1 coefficients in the binomial expansion of (1-B)^d, regarding (1-B)^d x(T+k) as an AR(T+k-1) on x(T+k), where x(T) is the series value at time T and k = 1, 2, 3, . That is, I forecast the series k values forward using the first T+k-1 coefficients in the binomial expansion of (1-B)^d as
2008 Oct 22
forecasting earnings, sales and gross margin of a company...
Hi all, I am playing with some companies' balance sheets and income statements and want to apply what I've just learned from Stats class to see if I can forecast the companies earnings, sales and gross margin in the short term (3rd and 4th Quarter), mid-term (2009) and long term (2011, etc. ) I pulled up some data from companies' financial statements over the past a few years. The
2005 Aug 16
vector autoregression
dear All, I have the following problem: I need to calculate an h-step ahead forecast from a var model (estimated with a dse1 method estVARXls), which in turn will be used as an input for another model as conditioning data, so I need it as a simple, numeric matrix. No exogenous input is used. However, the standard forecast method produces a 1-element list that includes a forecast matrix, yet I
2012 May 18
Forecast package, auto.arima() convergence problem, and AIC/BIC extraction
Hi all, First: I have a small line of code I'm applying to a variable which will be placed in a matrix table for latex output of accuracy measures: acc.aarima <- signif(accuracy(forecast(auto.arima(tix_ts, stepwise=FALSE), h=365)), digits=3). The time series referred to is univariate (daily counts from 12-10-2010 until 5-8-2010 (so not 2 full periods of data)), and I'm working on
2007 Oct 24
Package forecast
Hello All, I trying to use the function auto.arima(....) from package forecast but I have a problem. My steps after I used the function auto.arima(...) I create the time series like this: >bbrass = scan("C:/Program Files/R/data PTIN/my_file.dat") >regts.start = ISOdatetime(2006, 7, 1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, tz="GMT") #2006 07 01 00 >regts.end = ISOdatetime(2006, 7,
2013 Apr 07
Fitting distributions to financial data using volatility model to estimate VaR
Ok, I try it again with plain text, with a simple R code example and just sending it to the r list and you move it to sig finance if it is necessary. I try to be as detailed as possible. I want to fit a distribution to my financial data using a volatility model to estimate the VaR. So in case of a normal distribution, this would be very easy, I assume the returns to follow a normal distribution
2005 Aug 24
Model forecasts with new factor levels - predict.warn
predict.warn() -- a function to display factor levels in new data for linear model prediction that do not exist in the estimating data. Date: 2005-8-24 From: John C. Nash (with thanks to Uwe Ligges for suggestions) nashjc at Motivation: In computing predictions from a linear model using factors, it is possible to introduce new factor levels. This was encountered on a practical
2011 Nov 06
VAR and VECM in multivariate time series
Hello to everyone! I am working on my final year project about multivariate time series. There are three variables in the multivariate time series model. I have a few questions: 1. I used acf and pacf plot and find my variables are nonstationary. But in adf.test() and pp.test(), the data are stationary. why? 2.I use VAR to get a model. y is the matrix of data set and I have made a once
2007 Nov 08
Help me please...Large execution time in auto.arima() function
Hello, I using the fuction auto.arima() from package forecast to predict the values of p,d,q and P,D,Q. My problem is the execution time of this function, for example, a time series with 2323 values with seasonality to the week take over 8 hours to execute all the possibilities. I using a computer with Windows XP, a processor Intel Core2 Duo T7300 and 2Gb of RAM.
2010 Feb 07
Out-of-sample prediction with VAR
Good day, I'm using a VAR model to forecast sales with some extra variables (google trends data). I have divided my dataset into a trainingset (weekly sales + vars in 2006 and 2007) and a holdout set (2008). It is unclear to me how I should predict the out-of-sample data, because using the predict() function in the vars package seems to estimate my google trends vars as well. However, I want
2009 Jan 23
forecasting error?
Hello everybody! I have an ARIMA model for a time series. This model was obtained through an auto.arima function. The resulting model is a ARIMA(2,1,4)(2,0,1)[12] with drift (my time series has monthly data). Then I perform a 12-step ahead forecast to the cited model... so far so good... but when I look the plot of my forecast I see that the result is really far from the behavior of my time
2011 May 19
DO you know, HP revenue outlook dims as PC sales drop 20%?
netbook ( The world's largest computer maker ( startles analysts by scaling back its revenue forecast for the second time in as many quarters. It cites weak demand for desktops and
2007 Nov 26
Time Series Issues, Stationarity ..
Hello, I am very new to R and Time Series. I need some help including R codes about the following issues. I' ll really appreciate any number of answers... # I have a time series data composed of 24 values: myinput = c(n1,n2...,n24); # In order to make a forecasting a, I use the following codes result1 = arima(ts(myinput),order = c(p,d,q),seasonal = list(order=c(P,D,Q))) result2 =
2016 Aug 25
Gnome weather applet stranded
Fred Smith writes: > On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 08:33:46AM +0100, Nux! wrote: > > I've rebuilt libmateweather for EL7 with the aforementioned patch and it seems to have fixed the issue. > > Feel free to use it until EPEL package the fix. > > > > > > thanks Nux! > > I installed it and it now gets current
2017 Jul 13
Question on Simultaneous Equations & Forecasting
Hi Frances, I have not touched the package for quite some time, but to solve your problem the following two pointers might be helpful: 1) Recast your model in the revised form, i.e., include your identity directly into your reaction functions, if possible. 2) For solving your model, you can employ the Gau?-Seidel method (see
2003 Apr 16
arima function - estimated coefficients and forecasts
I'm using the arima function to estimate coefficients and also using predict.Arima to forecast. This works nicely and I can see that the results are the same as using SAS's proc arima. I can also take the coefficent estimates for a simple model like ARIMA(2,1,0) and manually compute the forecast. The results agree to 5 or 6 decimal places. I can do this for models with and without
2007 Jan 24
n step ahead forecasts
hello, I have a question about making n step ahead forecasts in cases where test and validation sets are availiable. For instance, I would like to make one step ahead forecasts on the WWWusage data so I hold out the last 10 observations as the validation set and fit an ARIMA model on the first 90 observations. I then use a for loop to sequentially add 9 of the holdout observations to make 1