Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "R Error, very odd...."
2010 Jun 09
barplot of a table
Good morning,
I've been dabbling in R, so my knowledge has quite a few holes in it. I'm
hoping that this has a simple answer and just falls into one of those holes.
I have a table of percentages that I want to display as a barchart. Groups
1-4 in columns and Variables 1-5 in rows, with the percentage of each group
expressing interest in each variable in the cells. In Excel I just
2009 Sep 02
Problems with Boxplot
I have been having difficulty getting boxplot to give the output I want -
probably a result of the way I have been handling the data.
The data is arranged in columns: each date has two sets of data. The number
of data points varies with the date, so each column is of different length.
I want to get a series of boxplots with the date along the x-axis, with
alternating colors, so that it
2009 Mar 26
loading and manipulating 10 data frames-simplified
I have to load 10 different data frames and then manipulate those 10 data
frames but would like to do this in a more simplified code than what i am
doing. I have tried a couple of approaches but cannot get it to work
So the initial (bulky) code is:
#Bin 1
#Loads bin data frame from csv files with acres and TAZ data
Bin1_main <-
2009 Mar 15
Testing for Inequality à la "select case"
Using R 2.7.0 under WinXP.
I need to write a function that takes a non-negative vector and returns the
parallell maximum between a percentage of this argument and a fixed value.
Both the percentages and the fixed values depend on which interval x falls
in. Intervals are as follows:
>From | To | % of x | Minimum
2012 Oct 05
Calculating the mean in one column with empty cells
Hi all,
I recently tried to calculate the mean and the median just for one column.
In this column I have numbers with some empty cells due to missing data.
So how can I calculate the mean just for the filled cells?
I tried:
But the output was different to the calculation I died in Microsoft Excel.
Thanks in
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks, Pikal and Jim. Yes, it has been a long time Jim. I hope you have
been well.
Pikal, thanks. Your solution may be close to what I want. I did not know
that I was posting in HTML. I just copied the data from Excel and posted in
the email in Gmail. The data is still in Excel, because I have not yet
figured out what is a good way to organize it in R. I am posting it again
below as text. These
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Okay. Here is a modification that does four single line plots.
"Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current
Bank_Savings Bank_NA
$10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307
$25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891
$40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4
$75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74 62.17 24.61 11.48 1.746
2023 Jun 28
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi Anupam,
Haven't heard from you in a long time. Perhaps you want something like this:
"Income MF MF_None MF_Equity MF_Debt MF_Hybrid Bank_None Bank_Current
Bank_Savings Bank_NA
$10 1 3.05 29.76 31.18 36.0 46.54 24.75 25.4 3.307
$25 2 2.29 28.79 32.64 36.27 54.01 24.4 18.7 2.891
$40 3 2.24 29.51 34.31 33.94 59.1 25.0 29 13.4
$75 4 1.71 28.90 35.65 33.74
2007 Nov 08
Calculate percentages in a table of data
Hi everybody,
Im a newbie, but i hope someone can help me in this work...
Ill try to explain what i need to do in the best way, but my english is
not good...
Iv imported a big table of data, this table is something like this:
255 0 255 0 255 255 255 0 255 0
255 255 255 255 0 255 255 0 255 0
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 0 255 0
255 255 255 255 0 255 255 0 255 0
255 255 0 255 255 255 255 0 255 0
2008 Aug 02
Bubble plots
Is there a way to create a 'bubble plot' in R?
For example, if we define the following data frame containing the level of y observed for 5 patients at three time points:
time<-c(rep('time 1',5),rep('time 2',5),rep('time 3',5))
2012 Jul 27
How can I use IPF function correctly?
Hi All,
I am trying to creat a simple example byusing ipf function in R, but i
could not get it succefully...I am very new to R, does anyone could help,
to instruct me about this ipf fucntion?
Actually, this is what I mean
50 | 50
33.4| 28.57 | 14.29
33.3| 23.81 | 4.762
33.3| 9.523 | 19.05
2009 Jun 03
Excel Export in a beauty way
Hallo all,
I`ve read a lot of things in this forum about an Excel export via R. It is
no problem to export my data frames via write.table or write.xls (xls or
csv), but some things are not very convenient for me: I always have to
adjust the column with to see all the numbers or the text and there is no
frame between the cells. And I missing the possibility to make some headers
bold or coloured.
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Reposting the data did not help. We do not like to guess, and doing so takes a great deal of time that is likely wasted.
Rows are observations.
Columns are variables.
In Excel, the first row will be variable names and all subsequent rows will be observations.
Income is the first variable. It has seven states: $10, $25, $40, $75, >$75, "No", "Answer"
MF is the second
2007 Mar 07
Read data with different column lengths
Dear r-help users,
I have the following simple problem: Reading data from a file. The
file is a .txt file exported ("save as...") from Excel (see below for
an example). The Excel file consists of two header rows (first row
consists of ticker symbols of stocks, the second row consists of
column explanations ("Date","Px Last"), followed by several rows of
2006 Aug 31
Tables with Graphical Representations
Hi useRs -
I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me where to find R-code
to do mixes of tables and graphics. I am thinking of something
similar to this:
or like the excel routines people are demonstrating:
My aim is to provide small graphics to illustrate
2008 Nov 07
For Loop - loading 10 sets of data and calculating
I am trying to simplify my code by adding a for loop that will load and
compute a sequence of code 10 time. They way i run it now is that the same
8 lines of code are basically reproduced 10 times. I would like to replace
the numeric value in the code (e.g. Bin1, Bin2....Bin10) each time the loop
goes around. Below i tried doing this with a simple for loop and adding the
string character before
2004 Dec 13
Percentages in contingency tables *warning trivial question*
I hesitate to post this question in the light of recent threads, indeed
I have hesitated for several weeks, however I have come to a full stop
and really need some help if I am going to progress. I am a new user of
R for medical statistics. I have attempted to read all the relevant
documents, but would welcome any suggestions as to what I have missed.
I am trying to contruct "table 1"
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
I think your best bet with your data would be to tidy it up in Excel, read
it into R using something like the readxl package and then supply some
sample data is the dput() function.
In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100))
should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where *mydata* is your
data. Copy the output and paste it here.
On Thu, 29 Jun 2023
2010 Jun 17
Optimization problem
I'm facing a problem of optimization, I've already solved but I'm trying to
find other answers to this problem to improve the solution.
Well, to make it short: I have to set/install a number of devices in a
building, and I have to give service to a number of "customers", or better
say, to give a good quality of the signal. The more devices I place, the
higher the
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:21, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than
> "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes
> and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in
> "lattice".
You will need to convert Income to a