similar to: Parameter Matchers with optional params

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Parameter Matchers with optional params"

2006 Sep 22
foo.expects(:blah).returns(10).then(11) syntax
I recently needed the behavior of my object to change on subsequent method calls so I added the syntax above. Here''s the diff of changes I made: Index: test/mocha/expectation_test.rb =================================================================== --- test/mocha/expectation_test.rb (revision 854) +++ test/mocha/expectation_test.rb (working copy) @@ -95,6 +95,12 @@
2007 Sep 11
Expectations on portions of arguments called.
I''d like to create expectations on just portions of the arguments a function takes. For example, I want to verify that the a certain ActiveRecord association extension adds an order clause to the find options hash. Currently I simply check the entire argument structure, something like this def test_referring_journals_should_order_by_citation_count article =
2007 Oct 25
Insure a method is called with no arguments.
We''ve been working with the ParameterMatchers (so cool!) but I don''t see a way to insure a method is called with no arguments. I imagined something like: user = mock(''User'') user.expects(:friends).with(nothing) Anyone run into this?
2007 Mar 12
using mocha with rspec
Hi folks. I''ve just started using rspec and I have to say it''s very nice. The thing is, I prefer mocha''s mocking dialect. So I thought a simple require ''mocha'' would set me up. Unfortunately, rspec does all its goodness using do/end blocks in anonymous classes, so it wasn''t quite that obvious. Anyway, here is the incantation I ended up
2008 Jan 28
Nested matchers
We''re encountering a failure with Mocha 0.5.6. We had this expectation: game_version.expects(:attributes=).with(:game_file => kind_of(GameFile), :game_id => This expectation was passing with 0.5.5, but fails with 0.5.6. I added this test to parameter_matcher_acceptance_test.rb, which passes in 0.5.5 and fails in 0.5.6 def test_should_match_nested_parameters
2006 Oct 06
Expecting calls with two different parameters
Hello, I''ve just started using Mocha in the tests for my Rails app, and I''ve run across an issue with mocking a method that should be called with different parameters. How would I setup a mock that expects that a method will be called once with no paramaters, and a second time with a parameter? I''d be tempted to shortcut and just do something like
2006 Oct 08
Organizing tests and mocha expectations
I''m simultaneously getting into using Mocha and RSpec-style tests (courtesy of the simply_bdd plugin) and I''m struggling with some issues while trying to organize my specs/test. Here''s a code example illustrating the problem: context "update cliient invalid data" do include ClientsControllerSpecHelper specify "should render edit form" do
2007 Jun 21
only checking certain parameters for a method
I''m writing a test where I only care about one of the parameters being sent to the method, does anyone think having a way to say that any value for a parameter which I don''t care about is valid? I''m thinking something like: def test_charge_is_for_10_bucks gateway = test_gateway member = member.credit_card_number = "1"
2007 Sep 21
Stubbing yielding methods
I''ve just been tying my brain in knots looking at bug #8687 ( ). I''ve been (1) trying to work out whether there is anything logically wrong with Mocha''s existing behaviour and (2) whether Mocha should support the requested functionality. It all centres around the use of the
2008 Jun 12
Google Group?
A number of people have had difficulties subscribing and/or sending messages to the existing mailing list. Also I have to spend quite a bit of time moderating spam and the mailman interface is pretty clunky. So I was contemplating setting a Google Group up instead. Does anyone have any objections? -- James.
2007 Nov 04
Returning the mock associated with an expectation.
I was reading through the FlexMock docs and noticed the expectation method .mock, which returns the original mock associated with an expectation. It looks really handy for writing nice all-in-one mocks like: mock_user = mock(''User'').expects(:first_name).returns(''Jonah'').mock So I started playing around with mocha and found I could actually already do this!
2007 Sep 06
Removing/overriding/unstubbing a stub?
We''re using Mocha stubs to stub out a slow-performing network request in a Test::Unit class. But naturally, we don''t want to stub it out in the few tests that actually verify the functionality of that network request. Is there a way to do the stub in "setup", but override it for the few tests that need the original functionality? (I realize that in this case, the
2007 Jan 17
Mocha Mock''s hanging on after test run?
Hi guys, I''m running mocha (0.3.2) against Rails core and just found an issue where the mock doesn''t go away after the test is run. For example: def test_reset_bang_doesn_reinstall_named_routes ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.expects(:install).never @session.reset! end def test_zzz puts ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.inspect
2008 Jun 12
Anyone using trunk?
Has anybody been using Mocha trunk over the last month or two? I''ve done quite a bit of internal refactoring and wondered whether anyone had any problems. There are also a bunch of new features e.g. states, sequences, extra parameter matchers & configurable warnings, but these are not documented in the on-line rdoc. I wondered if anyone has been looking at the rdoc in trunk and
2007 Dec 21
Mocha and rails 2.0.2?
Folks- With Rails 2.0.2, I''m seeing mocha failures where they did not fail with Rails 2.0.1 test_set_to_process_fail_in_transaction(FileRecordTest): NoMethodError: undefined method `ord'' for 63:Fixnum /home/wolpert/svn/rubylms/vendor/plugins/mocha/lib/mocha/class_method.rb:45:in `hidden_method''
2007 Apr 12
Preview of Latest Mocha Changes
I''ve finally managed to find some time to do some serious work on Mocha. There are some code snippets on my blog ( showing the new functionality available in trunk (revision 128). I don''t don''t know how many people out there are using trunk, but it would be great to get some feedback on these
2008 Jan 21
stubs! method
Hello James et al. I try to set only one expectation per test, but I also dislike having extra stub declarations that are no longer used, thus I often find myself wanting Object.expects(:foo).at_least_once. That works, but I don''t actually "expect" foo to be called, in fact, I don''t care, I only want to know when it isn''t called so I can remember to
2008 Jan 02
I really like the idea of Mock Proxies as explained in Brian Takita''s post here: I posted to this list eariler with an incomplete implementation of .stops_mocking in the thread "Mocking Time, delegating to original object." The Mock Proxy pattern would make this simpler.
2007 Sep 11
Fwd: [ mocha-Feature Requests-13763 ] add with_any_arguments method
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: noreply at <noreply at> Date: 7 Sep 2007 22:43 Subject: [ mocha-Feature Requests-13763 ] add with_any_arguments method To: noreply at Feature Requests item #13763, was opened at 2007-09-07 17:43 You can respond by visiting:
2008 Jan 30
Testing a call to super
Did any further discussion ever come of this? I take it is officially not supported currently? I just get an odd error when I try it (it throws a "0 expected 1 received", no matter what stubbing/expectation combo I use), so came looking around on google, and finally the mailinglist. Here''s my stripped down example: (it fails with expects too)