similar to: Replacing tick labels in a plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Replacing tick labels in a plot"

2010 May 29
adding statistical output to a plot
I have written a function to emulate minitab's QQ plotting output (with SW test and AD test results on the graph): mtab.norm<-function(x) { library(nortest) library(lattice) x<-as.numeric(x) x<-as.vector(x)<-4.6 plot.wd<-4.6<-( X11(width=plot.wd,, bg='gray96') qqplot(x, pch=16,,
2005 Feb 11
importing minitab datasets
I'm having trouble using the read.mtp function in the foreign package to import datasets from minitab (.mtw) format. Specifically, each file I try to import fails to load any data beyond a header row stating the version of Minitab that saved the dataset. I get this error: incomplete final line found by readtableHeader on 'income.mtw' The dataset appears to be complete (ie, using
2005 Apr 20
Anova - adjusted or sequential sums of squares?
Hi I am performing an analysis of variance with two factors, each with two levels. I have differing numbers of observations in each of the four combinations, but all four combinations *are* present (2 of the factor combinations have 3 observations, 1 has 4 and 1 has 5) I have used both anova(aov(...)) and anova(lm(...)) in R and it gave the same result - as expected. I then plugged this into
2010 Dec 17
Define absolute size of tick and axis labels in basic plots
I am currently submitting final copies of graphics to a journal for publication and they are asking that the fonts used in the plots are times new roman and 10 pt. I set the font size when I call the graphics device and in the par statement to 10. However, when I create a plot, the tick labels and axis labels are not 10 pts. I know I can use the cex commands to scale the fonts, but is there a
2008 Jul 06
Different Autocorrelation using R and other softwares
Dear All, Would like to ask the inconsistency in the autocorrelation from R with SPSS/Minitab. I have tried a dataset x with 20 data (1-20) and ask R to give the autocorrelation of different lags using the command < acf(x, lag.max=100, type = "correlation"), However while SPSS and Minitab give the same answers (0.85 for lag1), R gives 0.3688 which is much smaller. Obviously, the
2004 May 14
covariates in lm
Dear R list, I have been trying to do a linear model, extracting the effect of a covariate.... and the results do not match, when I do it with other programs (e.g. minitab).... so it is obvious that I was doing something wrong. Whan I do it with minitab, I have this results: (sector is a factor and depth is the covariate): Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P
2003 Nov 19
Difference in ANOVA results - R vs. JMP/Minitab
Hi, I ran a small data set from a factorial experiment through R, Minitab and JMP... the result from R is significantly different from what Minitab or JMP give... The data set is at the following link: The first 5 columns are the factors and the next three are responses. In particular, for the response beta11MSE, two of the
2011 Mar 07
linear mixed model with nested factors
Hi R-help. I am trying to run a linear mixed model with nested factors with either lme or lmer and I am having no luck obtaining the same results as Minitab. Here is Minitab's code: MTB > GLM 'count' = site year replicate(site year) site*year; SUBC> Random 'year' 'replicate'; Can you tell me how to code this in R? The settings are typeII, Tukey,
2006 Feb 09
New user: Custom probability distribution
Hello, Given a probability function: p(x) = 12 / (25(x+1)) , x=0, 1, 2, 3 we generate the following values: C1 C2 0 0.48 1 0.24 2 0.16 3 0.12 Now, I'm supposed to create 50 random values using this table. In MiniTab, I simply selected Calc -> Random Data -> Discrete, and selected the columns, and it created 50 random values in a new column.[1] How do I do the
2008 Apr 21
R-2.7.0 RC (2008-04-20 r45403) fails fullcheck
A strange thing happened. After installing the most recent RC version of 2.7 (2008-04-20 r45403) I compiled it as usual with no errors. After installing it I ran "make fullcheck". I got as far as testing recommended packages and I got the following: ... -------- Testing package foreign -------- Running examples in 'foreign-Ex.R' ... Comparing `foreign-Ex.Rout' to
2007 Feb 05
Beginner Question on Persp()
I recently downloaded R for Windows, running on Win XP. I'm trying to create a perspective plot but not having any luck after reading the R manual and several examples found on the Internet. I have a 100 x 100 matrix of Z data as a tab-delimited text file exported from Minitab. I read this in to R using read.delim; this seemed to go ok. I created X and Y using seq() to get 100 divisions
2017 Nov 01
Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees
Hello, David, don?t worry about answering this question or any of my inquiries in the future. Not looking for code servants. Definitely not an expert at using the scatter plot 3D library. That being said, I plan on researching rgl as was recommended so kindly on a previous response to my question. Regards, Alex On Oct 31, 2017, at 4:13 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at
2003 Dec 08
Character graphics
Does anyone else miss email-friendly character graphics such as the following example, produced using Minitab? Histogram of C6 N = 478 N* = 21 Each * represents 2 observation(s) Midpoint Count -12 16 ******** -11 53 *************************** -10 63 ******************************** -9 83
2004 Nov 21
Two factor ANOVA in lme
I want to specify a two-factor model in lme, which should be easy? Here's what I have: factor 1 - treatment FIXED (two levels) factor 2 - genotype RANDOM (160 genotypes in total) I need a model that tells me whether the treatment, genotype and interaction terms are significant. I have been reading 'Mixed effects models in S' but in all examples the random factor is not in the main
2017 Oct 31
Scatterplot3d :: Rotating x tick labels by x degrees
> On Oct 31, 2017, at 8:55 AM, Olivier Crouzet <olivier.crouzet at> wrote: > > Hi Alex, > > this should be related to the "las" argument of "par()" but > actually it does not seem to be parametered in scatterplot3d. > Searching the net for "scatterplot3d las" provides a link to: > >
2008 Sep 25
Dot plot - equivalent of MINITAB
hi folks, Bit of a newbie, but I've spent a fair bit of time looking for an answer on this, with no joy. Can anyone help me? Dataset: A single column of values in a csv file (eg. 52, 53, 54, 85, etc) Goal: In Minitab, you have what they call a dot plot. It's a histogram, where a single dot represents a set of identical values (eg. 57, 57, 57 would be one dot). Multiple dots are
2010 Feb 09
Hola, LLevo buscando desde hace tiempo como hacer el Goodness of fit test en R. Es decir, me explico, intento hacer una cosa parecida que se hace en Minitab, por ejemplo, yo tengo un conjunto de datos, y lo que quiero es sabes que tipo de distibuciĆ³n es, en minitab se hace un histograma para ver si se ajusta bien o no a la campana de Gauss, luego vemos si aproximar la distribuciĆ³n de la muestra
2002 Jun 26
re: GUI's for teaching
Definitely 2 camps on this issue; so why not compromise with a drop-down menu for the most frequently used processes, the user responds with the necessary parameters for his choice, and R then writes the source statements on the terminal and executes them. The user follows the familiar gui procedure, is thereby automatically introduced to the command statements involved, and R's
2000 Dec 22
Found "answer" to my question on MTB's INDICATOR
Dear R-Friends, Sorry to bother everyone with my earlier question: "Do we have similar R function to work like Minitab's INDICATOR?" I found the way to make things work: e.g., > x <- c(2,2,5,3,6,5,NA) > model.matrix(~ factor(x) - 1) factor(x)2 factor(x)3 factor(x)5 factor(x)6 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0
2007 Apr 11
Boxplot with quartiles generated from different algorithms
R users: I am trying to replicate the boxplot output I achieve with Minitab in R. I realize that R gives the user many more options on the algorithm used to calculate the IQR than Minitab, so I concentrated on type=6 when using the quantile() function in R. The problem I am having is setting the upper and lower limit of the whisker based on the nearest actual data that should be included. If