similar to: braking a label in two lines when using expression()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "braking a label in two lines when using expression()"

2012 May 07
How can I brake a label in two lines when using expression()?
I making an xyplot and the y label is too long and needs to be in two rows, but when I brake it there is a huge gap between the last text string and the expression, and I can't get rid of it. Any ideas? Data: structure(list(Temp = c(8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L), CO2 = c(380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L, 380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L), Treat = structure(c(3L,
2012 May 01
error bars for a barchart
Hi I have the following barchart to which I want to add error bars. library(lattice) barchart(Change~fTreat,groups=Process,change, auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE), panel=function(x, y,...){ panel.barchart(x,y,origin = 0,...); panel.abline(h=0,col="black",...); } ) I have tried
2011 Sep 05
Power analysis in hierarchical models
Dear All I am attempting some power analyses, based on simulated data. My experimental set up is thus: Bleach: main effect, three levels (control, med, high), Fixed. Temp: main effect, two levels (cold, hot), Fixed. Main effect interactions, six levels (fixed) For each main-effect combination I have three replicates. Within each replicate I can take varying numbers of measurements (response
2012 Dec 14
COZIGAM removed from CRAN
Hi All, Another quick question - I noticed that COZIGAM has been removed from CRAN, and that you are referred to the archive for previous versions (last updated 23 July 2012). Is this package still ok to use? Or is there an alternative which might also fit zero-inflated GAMs? Thanks, Raeanne The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is registered in Scotland as a Company Limited by
2012 Dec 07
Negative Binomial GAMM - theta values and convergence
Hi there, My question is about the 'theta' parameter in specification of a NB GAMM. I have fit a GAM with an optimum structure of: SB.gam4<-gam(count~offset(vol_offset)+ s(Depth_m, by=StnF, bs="cs")+StageF*RegionF, family=negbin(1, link=log), data=Zoop_2011[Zoop_2011$SpeciesF=='SB',]) However, this GAM shows heterogeneity in the
2013 Jan 18
lattice: loess smooths based on y-axis values
Hi there, I'm using the lattice package to create an xy plot of abundance vs. depth for 5 stages of barnacle larvae from 5 species. Each panel of the plot represents a different stage, while different loess smoothers within each panel should represent different species. However, I would like depth to be on the y-axis and abundance to be on the x-axis, because this is more intuitive as an
2013 May 27
metaMDS with large dataset produces 'insufficient data' warning
Greetings everyone, I am running MDS on a very large dataset (12 x 25071 - 12 model runs with 25071 output values each), and also on a very much reduced version of the dataset (randomly select 1000 of the 25071 output values). I would like to look at similarities/dissimilarities between the 12 model runs. When I use metaMDS on the full dataset, I get a warning message: Warning message: In
2009 Oct 15
Two way anova repeated measures and post hoc testing - several questions
Hi, I am fairly new to R and still trying to figure out how it all works, and I have run into a few issues. I apologize in advance if my questions are a bit basic, I'm also no statistics wizard, so part of my problem my be a more fundamental lack of knowledge in the field. I have a dataset that looks something like this: Week Subj Group Readout 0 1 A 352.2 1 1 A
2012 Dec 12
help with predict.glm, and charting with factors
Dear R Wizards, After much frustration and days of confusion I have finally broken down and am asking for help, which I don’t like doing, but I just can’t figure this one out on my own. I’ve conducted a laboratory experiment testing the effects of temperature and salinity on whether or not a biological event will occur (Go or NoGo). I’ve coded the factors temperature and salinity as factors for
2009 Oct 19
Reposting various problems with two-way anova, lme, etc.
Hi, I posted the message below last week, but no answers, so I'm giving it another attempt in case somebody who would be able to help might have missed it and it has now dropped off the end of the list of mails. I am fairly new to R and still trying to figure out how it all works, and I have run into a few issues. I apologize in advance if my questions are a bit basic, I'm also no
2004 Aug 13
incomingcall braking all
Good day all We have a voicetronix openline4 card.Asterisk is configured for sip with all the extensions and all&all. I can call out and internally,to dial out I have to dial 0... My problem is with incoming calls If I call my external PSTN number,asterisk answers with the default message and if I press the extension it goes to the right sip client. BUT As soon as I hangup this call all gets
2008 May 03
factor analysis for binary data with FactoMineR package
Hi List, I'm following on the discussions regarding the use of exploratory factor analysis with binary data, from nabble: and i tried using FactorMineR package but unfortunately i have trouble understanding what are the types of the variables which AFDM is suitable for? I guessed from that example in ?AFDM that
2011 Feb 14
Optimization Question
Hi all, This is my first optimization code and am receiving the following error for the following function: fn <- function(p) { +263*log(sqrt(2*pi)*sd(test$A))+ sum(log(abs(c(test$A[-1], 1))^p[3])) + (sum(((test$A-p[1]+(p[2]+1)*c(test$A[-1], 1)))^2)/sum(sd(test$A)*(abs(c(test$A[-1], 1))^p[3])^2))/2 } out <- optim(fn, p = c(0.1, 0.1, 2.5), method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE) Error
2013 Aug 06
Estimada Beatriz Entonces hay buenas noticias. Ese es un error muy común, es como que no aprendemos y siempre cometemos el mismo error, las veces que me paso a mi. Al respecto yo aprendí a realizar str(mis.datos) para ver ... Sobre la actualización, yo sufrí de un software que requería R pero en una versión “obsoleta”, entonces comencé a tener más de una versión de R instalada en mi computadora
2009 Nov 20
Guardar gráficos en eps con letras griegas en las leyendas
Beatriz, Prueba legend("topleft",0,substitute(chi)). En mi PC funciona! En cuanto a LATEX, tienes razón, excede el tema de este foro, con lo que me reservo (lamentablemente) mis sugerencias. Saludos, Jose -----Original Message----- From: r-help-es-bounces en [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en] On Behalf Of Beatriz Lacruz Sent: 20 November 2009 15:13 To: Jorge Ivan
2009 Jan 22
ggplot seq
Hi Hadley: Not sure if you received my email, so I am resending it again. I have dealt with this before and I can't remember how it got resolved. It is too much data to reproduce the example below(49.000 records) but all I am after is trying to get the x axis breaks. I want my x axis to go from 27 to 51 and 1 to 25 by 2. I am trying to concatenate the breaks but it sorts the seq() in ascending
2009 Mar 29
a loop for boxplot graphs
Dear Colleagues   I have the following code that generates a boxplot for one specific labtest:   boxplot.n(LBSTRESN~COHORT, main="Boxplot of laboratory data for XLXXX-XXX test=Creatinine", subset = LBTEST=="Creatinine", xlab = "Cohort Number", ylab = "Units = umol/L", varwidth=TRUE   I would like to know if there is a way to loop through the dataset and
2009 Mar 03
I am running the function amd I am getting the following error:   my code is  >,COHORT,xlab="Units = umol/L"subset = LBTEST=="Creatinine")   Error in if (from == to), length.out) else as.vector(c(from,  :   missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed   I do not understand the error and I have had no help when searching
1999 Nov 20
No subject
Dear friends. I wanted to reproduce a sheet of paper useful for plotting the reciprocal of some biochemical variable (creatinine) over time (Bleyer Am J Kidney Dis 34:576-578,1999). Time on X axis with units years and months. On Y axis, 1/creatinine, but with the original creatinine value indicated - to make it easier for people to use it. When using the graph, the linear decrease in 1/crea over
2013 Oct 29
Hoy reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - martes 29-octubre"....
el material lo podéis descargar de aquí El 29 de octubre de 2013 15:59, Carlos Ortega <>escribió: > Hola Beatriz, > > Si me pasas el *.md lo subo a un Dropbox y si no es muy grande lo subo a > R-Hispano (linkándolo a la agenda).... > > Saludos, > Carlos. > > > El 29 de octubre de 2013 15:56, Gregorio R. Serrano