similar to: Unhandled exception launching games from Steam

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Unhandled exception launching games from Steam"

2008 Jun 30
Serial port communication
Hi folks I've been trying to programm some devices which need a serial port win-app but can't get it to work :S wine can run it without problem until the serial port is activated. I read about making the link to the port and I created on "dosdevices" folder. I'm not sure what's the next step, does anyone have an idea?
2007 Sep 20
issues submitting a search form
Hello to the list and thanks to Aaron for the cool software. I''ve been fooling around with Mechanize and Hpricot for a couple of days and from the docs I''ve read, the following code SHOULD work but doesn''t. I''ve tried the same code on a couple of different sites and I get the same exception for each. Any pointers or suggestions are appreciated.
2011 Dec 22
Can I play any Win7 game on Linux?
Hi, I am apprehensive about buying the Windows 7 for my new desktop PC ( ) and pay more than 100 euros for it. I don't have enough money before I get the student loans after New Year 2012, and I was wondering if I could get Linux somewhere today or before Christmas holidays. Before I decide, tell me, can I play any Win7 game I like on Linux, by
2007 Sep 24
selecting a form
What''s the best way to select a form on a page with Mechanize if the form doesn''t have the "name" attribute? I''m already familiar with the page.form(''myformname'') syntax but this doesn''t? work with forms that have no names. -- Thank you, Shane Witbeck Digital Sanctum, inc. -----------------------------------------------------
2005 Dec 31
winecfg hangs forever
I installed wine-0.9 from pkgsrc on NetBSD/i386 3.0. When I run winecfg, it never finishes, but it outputs: wine: creating configuration directory '/home/ben/.wine'... I see a number of wine processes: sanctum $ ps alwwx | grep wine 1000 316 1 0 2 0 360 1016 poll Ss ? 0:00.03 /usr/pkg/bin/wineserver 1000 322 793 0 10 0 80 1212 wait I+ ttyp4
2004 Oct 25
functions for special na handling?
hi, i need a function that can replace na's in univariate ts objects with a value interpolated linearly using the adjacent non-na values. for example, the function i need (myfun) would do the following > x <- ts(10,11.4,NA,12,9.7) > y <- myfun(x) > y 10 11.4 11.7 12 9.7 i can code an na.action method myself to accomplish this, but has someone else already coded routines of
2005 Jan 17
problem installing RSPython
Hi, I'm trying to install RSPython v0.5-4 on a debian machine (woody, testing) but am having the following problem. $R CMD INSTALL -c --library=/usr/lib/R/library RSPython_0.5-4.tar.gz 2>err But then... $python >> import RS Error in .PythonInit() : Error in Python call: values Error in library("RSPython") : .First.lib failed for 'RSPython' Traceback (most recent
2004 Dec 01
can't install r package on debian due to linker problem
hi, my attempt to install the package Hmisc v3.0-1 fails with the message: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfrtbegin collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Hmisc' i'm at a loss here. any hints will be very much appreciated. i'm running: debian stable R version 2.0.1 gcc 2.95.4-14 g77 2.95.4-14 binutils
2007 Oct 20
Sony Digital Voice Editor
All, I have been trying to get my Sony Digital Voice Editor software to run with wine. (DVEdit.exe) I've installed it with the latest version of code weavers (6.2) Standard for Linux. I've exported WINEDEBUG=+relay in order to see some detail and am running it command line as follows: wine --bottle dve --cx-log ~josepy/wineDVE/wineDebug.log --cx-app DVEdit.exe --verbose I get a window
2011 Jun 18
Sonic Adventure DX - problem
Hi, when I'm trying to run Sonic Adventure DX (with NoCD crack) I get this: Code: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x7d1c36 (thread 0059), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x007d1c36). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:007d1c36 ESP:0032fd6c EBP:0032fe90
2008 Jun 22
Problem with Gothic2
Hi, i got a problem with gothic2. after installing i tried to start the game. i got this: Code: wine Gothic2.exe wine: Unhandled page fault on execute access to 0x0166fd78 at address 0x166fd78 (thread 0009), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on execute access to 0x0166fd78 in 32-bit code (0x0166fd78). Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
2007 Apr 28
Can't install gecko engine
Following these instructions to install steam[1], I try to install gecko engine by running the command $wine iexplore wine iexplore But it crashes, leaving that error message I'm using wune 0.9.36 on Ubuntu 6.10 [1] ========================================== fixme:shdocvw:IEWinMain "" 1
2009 Aug 09
Running NFS Undercover on wine
Hi I am currently runing xubuntu 9.04 x64. I'm using wine 1.1.10 simply because the wineDB for NFS Undercover was last tested for it (well i tried on the latest version too but it didnt work so i went back to 1.1.10). I installed it following this link After that I installed using the EAsetup.exe. that worked fine. Then I copied d3dx9_36.dll as mentioned in
2008 Jun 16
runtime error 216
I use wine-1.0-rc5 to install Wind financial service terminal in my Ubuntu 8.04.But I've got 'runtime error 216 at 00B4E994'.Please tell me how to install this package. Thanks in advance the error information as follows: err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"MSADDNDR.DLL" failed with error 2 wine: Unhandled
2011 Mar 17
Unable to instal vcrun2005/vcrun2008 MSCOREE.DLL
Hi Guys, Trying to install Photoshop CS5 under Ubuntu 10.10, I understand I need to ensure that I've got other supporting drivers etc installed. I'm trying to install vcrun2005 and vcrun2008 with winetricks and manually, each time, the install is fails the command line shows this: Code: rhobit at novux:~/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2005-ms09-035$ wine vcredist_x86.exe
2009 Feb 16
Arcsoft Photoimpression 5
Hello all, I am running Ubuntu 8.10 and wine 1.0.1. Has anyone successfully run photoimpression 5 using wine? It installs without any errors. It created an icon on the desktop, but when I try to run it nothing happens. I tried using the terminal and below is what I got. Thanks, Dan dstock76 at dstock76-desktop:/media/disk-1/Program Files/ArcSoft/PhotoImpression 5$ wine photoimpression.exe
2001 Feb 14
ASPI problem
Having gotten WinOnCD to start (though the installer fails (*.msi file)) by copying the files and registry from a windows install, I now have an ASPI problem. I am able to erase a cdrw from within winoncd and most of winoncd works pretty much as it should (but no drag'n drop works). Writing a CD does however not work yet and it appears to be a winaspi problem: Here is part of the trace:
2008 Feb 20
Counterstrike 1.6 problems
When I try to run counterstrike, I get the following: fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub. dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.mix dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.asi dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.flt warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4 warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 30 err:dscapture:widDsCreate DirectSoundCapture flag not set This sound
2005 Jan 14
R package classification
Dear list, there are now >400 packages available on CRAN. Would it be useful to classify these packages according to what they do (e.g. classification, graphics, spatial statistics), to assist the user in finding the appropriate package for their problem? Or perhaps the search facility is enough. I would attempt such a classification, but my knowledge of statistical methods isn't good
2007 Mar 19
Wine unhandled exception running PocketFMS
I'm trying to get the PocketFMS flight assistant program to work under Wine. This program is available for free at . The installation of PocketFMS works OK with a few 'fixme' warnings, but running the installed program causes an immediate crash. As this program is still in development itself and not designed to run on anything but Windows, I'd like to know if