similar to: bind() fd 6, family 28, port 123 at boot time

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "bind() fd 6, family 28, port 123 at boot time"

2006 Oct 18
Eth0 in Promisc mode
Hello, Is it normal that eth0 in domain0 is in promisc mode ? [root@vmaster ~]# ifconfig -a eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:CD:4D:C4:8A inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20b:cdff:fe4d:c48a/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING PROMISC MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:3602633 errors:0
2005 Apr 22
I have a problem similar to FAQ 2 scenario, but reply packets don''t seem to be recognized.
Hello, I am running Shorewall 2.0.2f, on SuSE 9.2 distro, kernel 2.6.8-24.11-default My ip addr show output is as follows: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet brd scope host lo inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0:
2009 Mar 26
PRI dropping #2
Hey, I wrote yesterday about PRI dropping, which turned out to just be a regular reset of unused B-channels. This time there's a real issue. As noted earlier I have an ISDN-30 connection, a Digium TE-121 with VPMADT032 echo cancellation. These are my configurations files: == /etc/zaptel.conf loadzone=dk defaultzone=dk span=1,1,0,css,hdb3,crc4 bchan=1-15 dchan=16 bchan=17-31 == ==
2009 Jan 12
USB and serial
Hello, everyone - I have an old Windows app - a ship navigation program - that needs to see GPS input on a serial port (it was written in the pre-USB days.) My laptop, however, has no serial ports - but this same program, when run on a friend's Windows box, can read the GPS info from the USB-connected GPS via the "USB-Serial Driver". This is one of the frustrating bits of this
2004 Dec 29
Shorewall rpm failed dependency: iproute (ip is working)
Hello Shorewall gurus, as outlined on the shorewall site I have done the following after failure to install shorewall via the rpm: I have read all of the FAQ. I have read the quickstart guide with particular attention directed at the Mandrake solution. I have searched the mailing list archives (all old replies). I have studied the documentation index. I have previous experience using shorewall
2001 Jul 04
IPv6 and sshd
Hello, I am having a some problems getting SSHD to run on the Ipv6 interface. Interface/Ipv6 Address: [kevin at satan kevin/xp-0.0.15] 536 $ping6 PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 3ffe:1200:3028:ff01::cab --> 3ffe:1200:3028:ff01::caa 16 bytes from 3ffe:1200:3028:ff01::caa, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=73.96 ms sshd_config: ListenAddress
2009 Jan 16
No subject
"RED: Loss of signal (LOS): The equipment shall assume "loss of signal" when the incoming signal amplitude is, for a time duration of at least 1 ms, more than 20 dB below the nominal amplitude. The equipment shall react within 12 ms by issuing AIS." This sounds like what is happening, and is in order with what one of the technicians said - I was about 20 dB below their
2009 Jan 16
No subject
"RED: Loss of signal (LOS): The equipment shall assume "loss of signal" when the incoming signal amplitude is, for a time duration of at least 1 ms, more than 20 dB below the nominal amplitude. The equipment shall react within 12 ms by issuing AIS." This sounds like what is happening, and is in order with what one of the technicians said - I was about 20 dB below their
2006 Jun 12
Network stops responding after some time
Hi there, I''m using the Suse Enterprise 10 RC2 along with Xen 3.0.2 on X86-64 and I''m experiencing a problem with the network. I boot into the Xen kernel and everything works just fine. I can browse the net etc. However after a while the network stops responding completely. I am not sure what causes this to happen or what triggers it. After a few hours, the network just stops
2008 Jul 02
Ethernet poor performance
I am attempting to build an IPv4/IPv6 router. I have put a 2nd ethernet card in a box. I have one Ethernet card attached to my network and the other to a switch with nothing else there just so the link comes up for testing. When I have the built-in Ethernet attached to my network, I get pings around 60ms. The other card, btw, does not have any IP addresses configed. When I switch the
2006 Sep 26
RE: Individual passwords for guest VNC servers ?
> Thanks all point about security, I''ll do as follows. > I thought that the point was the following two. > > > 1. Storage place of encrypted password > Should I store it in /etc/xen/passwd ? > Or, should I wait for DB of Xen that will be released in > the future? The xend life cycle management patches were posted by Alistair a couple of months back.
2009 Aug 29
RFE: vectorize URLdecode
In R 2.9.2, > URLdecode(c("a%20b", "b%20c")) [1] "a b" Warning message: In charToRaw(URL) : argument should be a character vector of length 1 all but the first element will be ignored Could URLdecode be modified to actually process all elements of the vector, not just the first? Thanks in advance
2007 Jun 05
PPTP port forwarding question
Hello, Please see the following picture: I used one to one NAT from to for web server, and then use port forwarding from to for pptp server, but I cannot connect from my home to pptp server. Here is the nat file: eth0:2 Here is the rules
2005 Oct 21
Openldap for PDC
I have been testing with openldap_2.2.13-2 and have experience on 2 occasions lockups where the ldap server does not respond (slapcat will just hang). I have upgraded to openldap_2.2.13-4. Is there a recommended version of openldap for SambaPDC? Does anyone have a system in production using openldap_2.2.13-2 or openldap_2.2.13-4? I'm currently using samba3-20b any recommendations for a
2009 Feb 26
elastic tabstops, proportional fonts, and more
nick said: > exactly. thanks for writing it up, nick. the only thing i'd add is the notion that tables should be copyfit to the viewport. if the viewport gives you plenty of room, give the columns some breathing space. if not, tighten them as much as needed. *** > cool. now how about an
2008 Sep 24
Calling object outside function
What i thought was a simple process isnt working for me. After i create an multiple objects in a function (see below), how to i use those objects later in the program. I tried calling the function again and then the object i wanted and it worked the first time but now it doesnt( i think i defined the object outside the function accidently so then it worked but when run properly it doesnt). I
2006 Oct 27
Voicemail and OSX 10.4 Intel
Hello; I have a problem with voicemail and my asterisk 1.2.1 on a OS X Mac Pro intel box. When I try to record a message from an incoming call or a greeting message from internal phone using voicemail, It's like something is not doing well. I can heard anything, only a distorsion sound that is equal to lenght of the message left. First I thoug that could be something with format=gsm|wav.
2007 Mar 19
Does wine support CDDA?(CD Digital Audio)?
I have got few games that use Audio CD as music source. SonicR for excample - runs much better on linux (using wine) then on my W2k (doesn't run at all). But there is no music even thoug Audio CD is in the drive... - is it normal? Or is there some "switch" for audio cd to work?
2013 Jun 02
Pools are not persistent
Hi all! I'm trying virt-manager on Debian Wheezy and I noticed that it has already defined a "default" pool. But if I run: # /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart I lose the definition of the pools. Actually, there are the definitions of the pools; but these are not read after restarting libvirt. ss01:/etc/libvirt/storage# ls -l total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 jun 1 09:36
2012 Aug 28
[LLVMdev] Assert in LiveInterval update
Andy, Lang, Thanks for the suggestion. I have spent more time with it today, and I do see some strange things in liveness update. I am not at the actual cause yet, but here is what I got so far: I have the following live ranges when I start scheduling a region: R2 = [0B,48r:0)[352r,416r:5)... R3 = [0B,48r:0)[368r,416r:5)... R4 = [0B,32r:0)[384r,416r:4)... R5 = [0B,32r:0)[400r,416r:4)...