similar to: New version of the knitr package (0.5)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "New version of the knitr package (0.5)"

2013 Feb 19
knitr version 1.1
Hi, I released knitr 1.1 to CRAN a few days ago: See all new features and changes at The version 1.0 does not imply perfect stability or maturity. The major version number was bumped from 0.x to 1.x due to a number of important features and the breaking of compatibility with
2013 Feb 19
knitr version 1.1
Hi, I released knitr 1.1 to CRAN a few days ago: See all new features and changes at The version 1.0 does not imply perfect stability or maturity. The major version number was bumped from 0.x to 1.x due to a number of important features and the breaking of compatibility with
2012 Jan 18
New package knitr
The knitr package was designed to be a transparent engine for dynamic report generation with R, solve some long-standing problems in Sweave, and combine features in other add-on packages into one package. It is a general-purpose package, and currently supports LaTeX, HTML and Markdown (still extensible). See the package website [1] to get started; see the package manuals ([2], [3] and [4]) for a
2012 Jan 18
New package knitr
The knitr package was designed to be a transparent engine for dynamic report generation with R, solve some long-standing problems in Sweave, and combine features in other add-on packages into one package. It is a general-purpose package, and currently supports LaTeX, HTML and Markdown (still extensible). See the package website [1] to get started; see the package manuals ([2], [3] and [4]) for a
2012 May 01
knitr + markdown: simplemente útil
Hola: Ya se ha comentado aquí algo sobre knitr, creo que la alternativa a Sweave (al que le tengo un gran cariño). La cosa va muy bien y lejos, os comento muy breve y os adjunto dos ficheros para muestra. Estoy buscando una forma de escribir potente y ágil para que los alumnos trabaje al cien por cien sin necesidad de aprender LaTeX (aqltugc). Para eso había encontrado markdown pero ¿cómo hacer
2017 Jun 09
Paths in knitr
I'd say it is an expert-only option. If you do not understand what it means, I strongly recommend you not to set it. Similarly, you set the root_dir option and I don't know why you did it, but it is a typo anyway (should be root.dir). Regards, Yihui -- On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 4:50 AM, <G.Maubach at> wrote: > Hi Yi, > > many thanks for your reply.
2017 Jun 12
Paths in knitr
Will there be anything wrong if you do not set these options? Regards, Yihui -- On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 2:24 AM, <G.Maubach at> wrote: > Hi Yihui, > Hi Duncan, > > I corrected my typo. Unfortunately knitr did not find my plots in the > directory where they reside which is different from the Rmd document. > > The documentation of knitr
2013 Dec 13
Cambiar opciones knitr en documento latex
Muchas gracias Daniel. Era eso lo que buscaba. El 13/12/2013 14:18, daniel escribió: > Manuel, > Los cambios los puedes hacer desde el chunk > << size = 'LARGE' >> > o lo puedes hacer para todos los chunk cambiando las opciones de éstos dentro de un chunk de código > opts_chunk$set(comment=NA, fig.width=6, fig.height=6, size='Large')), > No
2017 Jun 12
Paths in knitr
Hi Yihui, Hi Duncan, I corrected my typo. Unfortunately knitr did not find my plots in the directory where they reside which is different from the Rmd document. The documentation of knitr says: base.dir: (NULL) an absolute directory under which the plots are generate root.dir: (NULL) the root directory when evaluating code chunks; if NULL, the directory of the input document will be used
2013 Jan 04
Bug in R CMD check for \ in Rd?
Hi, I have a function knit_expand() and its source/Rd are below: When I run R CMD check on the package I get this warning (with both R 2.15.2 and R-devel): * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Codoc mismatches from documentation object
2012 Oct 19
customize building package vignettes
Hi, I mentioned this at useR! 2012 but I guess the relevant R core members were not there (presumably Fritz, Duncan and Brian), so I'm making this wishlist again: Currently package vignettes have to be processed through Sweave, which is too restrictive since several add-on packages aiming to improve or extend Sweave have appeared (e.g. cacheSweave, pgfSweave, R.rsp, highlight, knitr, ...).
2017 Jun 08
Paths in knitr
Hi All, I have to compile a report for the management and decided to use RMarkdown and knitr. I compiled all needed plots (using separate R scripts) before compiling the report, thus all plots reside in my graphics directory. The RMarkdown report needs to access these files. I have defined ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_knit$set( echo = FALSE, xtable.type = "html",
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
Dear Yihui, I have created a reproducible example at The \usepackage{} line is needed, otherwise R CMD check --as-cran will give a warning. %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} did not solve the problem. I use rmarkdown_0.3.11 HTML vignette is not an option as the vignette demonstrates the use of a custom beamer output format. Best regards, Thierry ir. Thierry
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
On 09/12/2014 11:13 AM, Yihui Xie wrote: > A few things to clarify: > > 1. You do not necessarily have to keep the \usepackage{} line if you > use %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}, because Pandoc will use UTF-8 anyway in > its LaTeX template. > > 2. Perhaps the vignette engine in R has done something clever to > convert utf8 to UTF-8, but I'd recommend
2013 Jan 08
how to label two figures in the same chunk independently with knitr
Dear R helpers, I am using knitr to run analysis with R and edit my document with Latex. I am wondering whether there is a way to include 2 or more pictures per chunk and being able to refer them in the text independently and eventually whether it is possible to give them different captions. Let me give you an example.Rnw: \documentclass{article} \title{Example} \author{FS} \begin{document}
2013 Jul 17
SweaveParseOptions, quoted commas, and knitr vignettes
I haven't figured it out entirely, but it looks like there are a couple of small glitches with knitr-based vignettes and SweaveParseOptions. I posted the tarball of a package with a knitr vignette with (as far as I can tell) everything properly coded in the DESCRIPTION file (VignetteBuilder: knitr, Suggests: knitr) and the vignette itself (%\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr}). When Windows
2013 Jun 19
knitr without R studio
Hello folks, I`m using knitr on R studio, which make it easy to use, but a coworker of mine would like to run it on "simple" R. So I was wondering if you know what is the equivalent of the button "knit HTML" in RStudio in R. I tried knit2HTML( <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body style="background-color:white">
2015 May 24
1 support on CRAN
That is more or less what I had been doing for a long time (having both and NEWS), but decided not to do it any more last year. In fact, you can easily convert to a NEWS file that R's news() can understand, e.g. (if your is like this I
2014 Dec 09
UTF8 markdown vignette
On 09/12/2014, 4:38 PM, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote: > Dear Yihui, > > I have created a reproducible example at > > The \usepackage{} line is needed, otherwise R CMD check --as-cran will give a warning. > %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} did not solve the problem. I've just taken a look at the sources, and that's only in R-devel, it never
2014 Mar 13
Manuales de knitr
Hola: Efectivamente, hicimos este taller el 24 de julio de 2012 y quedo grabado. Aquí está la información. El vídeo. En las 5ª jornadas de R hicimos una versión de taller actualizada y los materiales está aquí <> aunque también puedes ir aquí <> y descargar todos los materiales, pues se trata de