similar to: Attempting to boot into ramdisk on 8.3

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Attempting to boot into ramdisk on 8.3"

2002 Apr 16
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:20.syncache
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ============================================================================= FreeBSD-SA-02:20 Security Advisory FreeBSD, Inc. Topic: syncache/syncookies denial of service Category: core Module: net Announced: 2002-04-16
2004 Apr 23
Proposed RST patch
Here's my proposed patch to change RST handling so that ESTABLISHED connections are subject to strict RST checking, but connections in other states are only subject to the "within the window" check. Part 2 of the patch is simply a patch to netstat so that it displays the statistic. As expected, it's very straightforward, the only real question is what to call the statistic...
2008 Nov 24
RELENG_7 panic under load: vm_page_unwire: invalid wire count: 0
Box with fresh RELENG_7 panic under heavy network load (more than 50k connections). This panics seems to be senfile(2) related, because when sendfile disabled in nginx, I can't reproduce the problem. Backtrace in all cases like this: # kgdb kernel /spool/crash/vmcore.1 GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General
2006 Apr 12
powerd not behaving with an Asus A8V-MX and Athlon 64 X2 3800+
I have an Asus A8V-MX motherboard with an AMD Athlong 64 X2 3800+ CPU and I'm trying to run powerd to keep it cooler/quieter/greener. I'm running -STABLE (6.1-RC) cvsup'ed a couple of days ago, with a kernel config that consists of the SMP sample plus an atapicam device. I'm loading the cpufreq.ko module in /boot/loader.conf. I've attached my dmesg output and sysctl -a
2002 May 29
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:26.accept
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ============================================================================= FreeBSD-SA-02:26.accept Security Advisory The FreeBSD Project Topic: Remote denial-of-service when using accept filters Category: core Module: kernel Announced:
2005 Mar 24
[patch] small accounting and lockup fix for xenfreebsd on -unstable
# This is a BitKeeper generated diff -Nru style patch. # # ChangeSet # 2005/03/23 18:27:49-08:00 # only bump tmpindex by NKPT-1 once # release sched lock on upcall # Signed-off-by: Kip Macy <> # # freebsd-5.3-xen-sparse/i386-xen/i386-xen/machdep.c # 2005/03/23 18:24:47-08:00 +0 -4 # remove extra bump of
2003 Aug 22
PAE removal patch for testing
If you're one of the people who has cvsup'd to 4.8-stable since August 8th and you've since begun to experience panics on a previously stable system, please apply the attached patch and see if your previous stability has been restored. Please tell me your results. Thanks, Mike "Silby" Silbersack -------------- next part -------------- diff -u -r
2012 Nov 13
thread taskq / unp_gc() using 100% cpu and stalling unix socket IPC
Hi there We have a pair of servers running FreeBSD 9.1-RC3 that act as transparent layer 7 loadbalancer (relayd) and pop/imap proxy (dovecot). Only one of them is active at a given time, it's a failover setup. From time to time the active one gets in a state in which the 'thread taskq' thread uses up 100% of one cpu on its own, like here: ---- PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE
2003 May 19
FreeBSD firewall block syn flood attack
Hello, I current have a FreeBSD 4.8 bridge firewall that sits between 7 servers and the internet. The servers are being attacked with syn floods and go down multiple times a day. The 7 servers belong to a client, who runs redhat. I am trying to find a way to do some kind of syn flood protection inside the firewall. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -- Ryan James
2012 Apr 12
PF - pf not loading non-persist tables from main ruleset on 8.3-PRERELEASE
Hello list, I installed a box recently and updated it to 8.3-PRERELEASE on 2012/04/11 I'm experiencing this extremely weird behavior where PF refuses to load standard and const table definitions from the main ruleset. - persist tables load just fine - normal and const tables inside anchors load just fine Does anyone else have the same problem ? I'll try to update the kernel again,
2004 Jan 16
smbldap-tools 8.3 populate errors
I downloaded the new 8.3 (tgz format) ldap-tools from IDEALX today. When I run the smbldap-populate script I receive an error that it cannot find the file. This file was not included in the tar file. If I use the tools file from the samba 3.0.2pre1 distribution it is then expecting the old file which has now been split in favor of the /etc/smbldap-tools config. I
2009 Apr 27
Encoding Problem / mod_rails / passenger / Postgresql 8.3
Hi, when I use mod_rails/passenger with apache2 on linux instead of webbrick for our application, then it stops working with certain browsers like the ie, and konqueror but still works with firefox. I get the following error message: ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xad HINT: This error can also happen if the byte sequence does
1998 Oct 13
2.0.0-prealpha*: Only 8.3 filenames with NT 3.51?
Hi all, We've been using the 2.0.0 prealpha's with some success, but now I have run into a problem which I can't seem to solve. The client, an NT 3.51 workstation logged in to an NT 3.51 PDC, can't create long file names on a 2.0.0 prealpha Samba server. For example, when renaming a file from 'readme.doc' to 'readme.pqrst', 'readme.pqr' is created. In
1999 Jul 26
8.3 name mangling options going wrong ?
I've just bumped into a name mangling issue with Samba which I'm sure people have already found before me...... If you create 2 files called moss_burn.bmp & moss_bend.bmp on a Samba share that has been mapped to a drive under windows then a 'dir' in a DOS shell will show that the 8.3 filenames of these two files are identical......MOSS_~UV.BMP... which is not good for legacy
1999 Feb 02
Executing non-8.3 named files
Hi, I've got an AIX 4.2.1 server running Samba 2.0. I am having a little problem with executable files. Seems that if I try to execute (on an NT client, at least) a file whose path or filename is non in 8.3 format, I get wierd "can't find xxxx.exe or a component" messages. For example, one file we have on the AIX filesystem, /qa/images is
2011 Sep 03
Re: Igo for PC ver. 8.3
+1 for the good solution. Although I had a bit of problem with the downloading of droid fonts (they have some sort of generic html file that apparently loads on every single page on their site so, instead of downloading the font it loads that ... and so it fails the checksum - what's with the sheep anyway?)
2002 Nov 07
Can't get 8.3 filenames to lower the case
Hi, I seem to have some trouble on default lowering the case on 8.3 filenames. I use the following settings but sometimes I still get a 8.3-compliant file with uppercased chars in my unix filesystem. default case = lower case sensitive = no preserve case = yes short preserve case = no mangle case = no mangling method = hash2 Any thoughts? BTW. using HP/UX 11.00
2003 Sep 12
Question about DOS 8.3 mangling files name
Dear all, I have used the Samba 2.2.8a server. mangle method = hash or hash2 But when i make a "dir" command on the MS-DOS prompt, the file name aren't the same from a disk on DOS local partition and Samba Server partition. :-( File name on the Windows view: ESTE_DE_NOME_BEM_GRANDE.TXT DOS prompt on the Samba Serve Partition: TESTE~65.TXT DOS prompt on the DOS local Partition
2012 Sep 01
Getting 8.3 samba short filenames in linux
From a windows client it is easy and fast to obtain from a samba share both the long filenames and the short 8.3 names by using DIR /x. Is there a way for a Linux client to obtain this same information swiftly for a large directory listing - or indeed for the samba server to show this information? The only way I have found is using smbclient's altname function but I seem to have to call
2020 Jul 06
Limit dirs/filenames to old 8.3 DOS convention
Hello all, after endless searching for days you might be able to help. In short: Is there a way to get Samba accept only 8.3 filenames and directory names on a share? The problem: From a windows client a user should be able to save files on a destination (samba share) which aren't longer than the old 8.3 dos convention. This is a requirement for a system behind it, which can only deal