similar to: Puppet in Fedora Extras

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Puppet in Fedora Extras"

2006 Dec 21
cft through changes (new tool based on puppet)
I''ve started working on a new tool that should help with modifying the configuration of a system under the control of puppet. The tool is called cft (pronounced ''sift'') and is inspired by Gnome''s Sabayon[1] in taht it watches how an admin changes a system and spits out a puppet manifest based on its observations. Cft''s website is
2007 Mar 15
puppet standlone hanging when ran via init.d
Hi, I''ve just changed my debian preseed configuration to install the debian unstable package of puppet v0.22.1. As part of the preseed I have a late command that clobbers the /etc/init.d/puppet file into using the puppet standalone program and not the puppetd (as this is what I''m using). Since the upgrade to 0.22.1 every boot hangs during the initd. Going into standalone mode
2007 Jul 05
Getting a list of managed machines on the puppetmaster.
Is there an easy way to list which puppet daemons a puppetmaster controls? ... and from that, is there a way of getting the puppetmaster to store a copy of their compiled configuration somewhere? Thanks, mike
2007 Jan 04
New Feature: Graphing
Hi all, One of the major new features in the upcoming release is that Puppet now uses a graph library internally to handle resource relationships. The big benefit to all of you is that you can use this library to turn these graphs into images. The trick, right now, is adding --graph when you run puppetd. This creates .dot files, which can then be interpreted by the
2009 Dec 24
Multiple CHOLMOD errors when attempting poisson glmm
Hello, I have been attempting to run a poisson glmm using lme4 for some time now and have had a lot of trouble. I would say 9 times out of 10 I receive the following warning: CHOLMOD warning: %h Error in mer_finalize(ans) : Cholmod error `not positive definite' at file:../Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c, line 432 My data are counts of microbe colony forming units (CFUs) collected from
2007 Apr 13
puppet reporting an older version installation
Hello all, I have puppet rpm on internal repository for updating it to servers that don''t have it on their normal repos (Centos, Fedora Core 4 or older...) Then I have this to ensure that puppet is at latest version: package { "puppet": ensure => latest, provider => yum, } I added puppet 0.22.3 to my internal repository and all servers updated to that version,
2010 May 20
Comparing three groups, data: present, absent
Dear R-Experts, Dear friends of dung. I have a statistical Problem, to which nobody I asked could give me an answer. Maybe you can. I was in the African-Savanna and made a Dung-Monitoring. This means I walked randomly over the field and for every Dung-Event I found I noted following parameters: Species (Waterbuck, Giraffe, Reedbuck); Age-Category (less than a week, more than a week & less
2006 Sep 04
package: ignores "source"; "provider" doesn''t work as advertised?
Hi I¹m not sure if I¹m misunderstanding, however, when I try the following: class thttpd { package { thttpd: version => "2.25b-4.2", source => "" } [snip other code] } On fedora core 5, the ³source² is ignored: yum is used to pull the package from the upstream repos listed in
2014 Jun 30
How to combine/join/merge etc PCA and Cluster?
Hello everybody, I Would like to get some help to plot together, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and clusters. I am handling environmental data from 25 locations spread across 5 different ecosystems.When grouped into 5 clusters, locations from different ecosystems are arranged in the same group. So, I want to plot together PCA and Clusters, in a such way that locations belonging to the same
2005 Jan 30
Asterisk 1.0.5-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC5 crashes with Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
I have Asterisk 1.0.5-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC5 up and running. Everything seems to be running fine but after some time asterisk just goes crazy (even withouth any incoming or outgoing call activity perviously). If I leave the box up for some time * goes haywire and the console is flooded with this message: Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe At that time I can see that there
2013 Dec 27
CentOS6 CR repo - depsolving problem
All, Has anyone else had a problem with the CR repo on a 6.4 or 6.5 system? I have a test VM that has the CentOS6 CR repo enabled and it recently (well a week or so) started having dependency problems. It's choking on dependencies for ca-cerfificates. Obviously there aren't any CR packages yet for 6.5 so a zero package count and empty directory on the mirror [0] are legitimate. But
2006 Aug 18
RH init scripts busted ?
Hi, I''m just getting started with puppet, and using the RPMS provided (on CentOS 4.3), and RedHat''s killproc is annoying me again. The process is called ''ruby'' instead of ''puppetmasterd''. $ ps 7869 PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 7869 ? Ss 0:00 ruby /usr/sbin/puppetmasterd [ etc ] So, service puppetmaster
2005 Jan 08
dear all iam newbie , i have 256 kbits of down link and 64 kbits of up link iam using squid and htb i have got this while browsing the net , there are some few issues i need help while running the script i want browsing to be as fast as possible , uplink especially kaaza should not eat my band width. eth1 got public ip address and eth0 is internal with network iam also using nat
2013 Feb 27
Support for PolarSSL?
Hey Timo, Just curious if you ever thought about supporting other than just OpenSSL? PolarSSL looks really interesting, has no major dependencies and is very lightweight compared to OpenSSL, GNUTLS or others... I guess it could be a lot of work, or not, anyway, I'm just curious... -- Best regards, */Charles/*
2006 Sep 06
Fileserver Issue
Am having difficulty in getting the fileserver part of puppet 0.18.4 on centos 4 working fully in respect to %h / %H. In file server.conf I have the following defined [private] path /var/lib/puppet/files/%h allow * In ''/var/lib/puppet/files/davinci/'' the source file up2date.sources.centos(davinci being hostname). And in manifiest have file {
2007 Jan 15
Yaml Segfaults on ubuntu puppetd client
While running puppetd on a linux client I get the following, the actual spot that the segfault happens varies, but it always happens. This is on ubuntu with the stock apt ruby1.8.4 package. Puppet also installed from apt. Puppet version 0.18.4 It seems very likely that this isnt a bug in puppet per se, but it is tickling a yaml bug (regardless of where it fails, it is always yaml). But I
2006 Sep 21
Examples, and what is the preferred version/release to use?
First of all, in the thread ''Using multiple values for source, for platform/arch/host configs'' Jason said: "I would really appreciate any examples, or further advise anyone has." -> I heartily second that. A good start would be to fill in the cookbook, as Luke has been quietly whispering here and there. ;) Then my other main question at the moment is: what version
2006 Aug 02
OpenSuSE packages
Hello, I just made packages for puppet for OpenSuSE. They are available at my yum repo at I had to change the init scripts and the first line of puppetd and puppetmaster programs from #!/usr/bin/env ruby to #!/usr/bin/ruby otherwise the killproc from init scripts could not kill the daemons. Unfortunately I had to change the spec file as well. I wonder
2006 Dec 06
Problem with puppetd --listen
Hello all, I have a little problem with the --listen option. Id like my client servers to update only when I run puppetrun on the puppetmaster server. So far, I tried: puppetd --listen --server mymasterserver -v (on the client server) Then: puppetrun --host myclientserver The updates runs ok... but the client check for updates again every 30 mins or so and I dont want him to do so. I tried:
2006 Dec 11
How to deal with log and puppetrun?
Hello, Now that I can run my client with the --silent and --no-client option, Id like to centralize the logs on my puppet server and not on my puppet clients. The problem is that so far I havent found an option to tell puppetrun to get the logs back on my server. Is that possible to do such a thing with puppetrun? (running on v.0.18.4) Thanks in advance. -- Jean-Christophe Lacaze Ministry