similar to: Recent crashes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Recent crashes"

2006 Jul 10
ubuntu & mongrel
I''m getting the following error. Which apt-get install <some missing package> do I need to run? looks like some build tools. Building native extensions. This could take a while... extconf.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError) from extconf.rb:1 ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
2006 Sep 20
Defining function in template files?
Hi, Is it possible to define a function in a template file? For example, I thought it might be a good idea to define my Debian systems'' /etc/apt/sources.list files based on what level of stability and freeness a system should have. So I have this puppet code: #---------- apt.pp ---------------- define apt-sources-list
2006 Sep 06
FQDN nodes in LDAP
Hi, I''ve set up puppet to get node definitions from LDAP as per the docs. It''s been working well, but I now want to use fully qualified domain names instead of simple domain-less hostnames for the node name. I replaced the ou=Hosts entries with equivalent ones using FQDNs, restarted the puppetmasterd, and tried a "puppetd --test" from one of the nodes. However, I
2006 May 13
Which Linux flavor for a Rails server?
Hi folks, I''m a linux noob, and I''m trying to pick a distro for my rails server. I don''t want to start a flame-war about linux distros! I''m interested in the best distribution for these criteria: 1 - Simplicity of getting ruby and rails set-up (gem updates) 2 - Stability (it is a server, after all) 3 - Support resources (community, and as a fall-back, paid
2008 Apr 04
Bug Report: Segmentation Fault when indexing with a specific set of FieldInfos.
I''m submitting this through the mailing list because Trac won''t let me use its bug report form... Is there some more appropriate way of submitting bugs if Trac doesn''t work? This is the Trac error message: 500 Internal Server Error (Submission rejected as potential spam (IP blacklisted by,, Maximum number of posts per hour for this
2006 Apr 27
Ferret crashing Ruby
I''ve gotten several problems with C ferret crashing ruby. Here''s the stack trace of my latest case: #0 0x00000050 in ?? () #1 0xb74028ab in iw_close (iw=0x8685a40) at index_rw.c:947 #2 0xb7414359 in index_destroy (self=0x829ebc0) at ind.c:89 #3 0xb73f00bc in frt_ind_free (p=0x829ebc0) at r_search.c:1564 #4 0xb7f04dca in rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit () from
2008 Mar 31
Mongrels stop responding
I have a Rails 1.2.3 app (due for an update, I know) running on a Mongrel 1.1.4 behind Apache 2.2.3 mod_proxy on Debian 4.0. It keeps hanging up for no reason I can tell. I have tried everything that anyone has ever hinted at being a solution for this problem: - The application doesn''t use MySQL, so setting the connection timeout won''t help. - Using AR not PStore for sessions. -
2007 Nov 17
crash while building index
Hi, I''m trying to reindex a model (I''m using acts_as_ferret) after having added (via metaprogramming) a large number of fields (several hundred) to the index. It keeps crashing when trying to rebuild the index (the crash log is below, from ferret_server.out) but it only seems to crash on Linux (Ubuntu server 7.04, x86-64) whereas it''s fine on my OS X laptop
2006 Sep 07
How to handle config files used by a combination of classes?
Hi, How should I handle the combinatorics when one config file must be built for a combination of possible classes? Take for example the amd automounter''s configuration file, which on Debian is found at /etc/am-utils/amd.conf. This is an INI style file which looks like: [fsname1] param1=foo param2=bar [fsname2] param1=baz param2=quag In my case I have one class of machines
2007 Oct 04
Help Installing Ferret Gem on Media Temple Grid Server
It seems that I''ve successfully installed the ferret gem on my Media Temple Grid Server [ ferret 0.11.4 (ruby) ] but now my application won''t start and gives me this error in my mongrel.log /home/25280/data/rubygems/gems/gems/ferret- 0.11.4/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - /home/25280/data/rubygems/gems
2009 Sep 30
Apache2.2 + what to get Rails
Me: not experienced with Rails or Ruby, Problem: Ubuntu 9.04 server in my shop ...couldn''t get Apache2.2 + Passenger + Rails to work for Redmine. (No answer at Redmine list and I don''t think its their problem anyway). Also couldn''t get Apache2.2 and just Rails to work, though some people said it would. Webrick works. Goal: run Redmine on a server that also runs PHP
2009 Oct 06
rails: command not found on Debian lenny
I installed ruby gems from their website and installed rails using gem install rails I got a successful installed notification. But when I tried to use rails command, it gave me command not found. After I installed gems. I had to create a symbolic link otherwise gem command wouldn''t work. Anyone know how to get rails to work? Thanks!!
2006 Apr 28
mongrel error on debian sarge
Hi, I cannot get mongrel working on i686 debian sarge, whereas it works quite well on another ppc box under debian unstable. Instead I can use scgi_rails or webbrick without any problem. Here is the error: # mongrel_rails start /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- uninitialized constant Mongrel::HttpHandler (NameError) from
2010 Mar 07
Upgraded puppet-server from EPEL 24.8 to 25.1 - now seeing "puppetmasterd[xxxx]: Too many connections"
I have updated the 1100 clients that prior to the update used to connect to the master just fine. Now after about 30 minutes of running, puppetmasterd starts to complain "puppetmasterd[6875]: Too many connections", and from that point forward will stop compiling catalogs. Puppetmaster is configured using the Mongrel Apache configuration as described here:
2007 Feb 27
Using a single class multiple times
Hi- Recently starting using puppet while migrating an existing messy group of systems to some nice new hardware. Things are going incredibly well, and puppet''s functioning great. Have a bit of a headache. I''d like to keep myself from duplicating lots of included classes. Lets say I have this (snippet of a) class: class dbserver { file { "/etc/my_${db}.cnf":
2006 Sep 12
Any path manipulating functions available in puppet''s lang?
Hi, In puppet''s language, is there any equivalent of the shell/make functions "basename" and "dirname" or other means to manipulate a path stored in a variable? Thanks, -Brett.
2010 Aug 31
0.24.5 puppetmaster, 0.25.4 puppetd, version sheer?
This feels like a FAQ and sorry if it is, I failed to find an answer. I''d like some advice on handling backward compatibility between puppetd and puppetmaster. My puppetmaster is at v0.24.5 using Debian Lenny packages. I tried to bring up a puppetd client v0.25.4 (Ubuntu 10.04 packages) but failed to have it download the puppetmaster''s certificate. The puppetd client seemed
2009 Dec 08
invalid pointer in libxml xmlFreeNodeList
Hi, Not sure if there is a better place to post this. The libxml-ruby mailing list doesn''t have much activity. We are getting occasional errors on our production box, that I can''t duplicate in testing. It''s not even reproducible on the production box with the same inputs, but I''ve managed to track down (via a lot of print statements into the Apache
2006 Sep 01
templates and require
Thanks everyone for your quick responses to my questions. I''m trying to get templates working. I want to pull the template down from the puppet server, then use it. It looks like the require parameter is not being enforced when using the content parameter so the template can''t be found. This doesn''t work: file { "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" :
2006 Apr 30
Mongrel 3.15, Ubuntu and Park place (S3)
Hello. I installed under Ubuntu (Dapper) Park Place. I followed the instructions given at the RedHanded site. I get the following mongrel error when launching the application: ** Please login in with `admin'' and password `pass@word1'' ** You should change the default password or delete the admin at soonest chance!/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-