similar to: x2puppet executable, rename

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "x2puppet executable, rename"

2006 Sep 02
BayLISA Puppet presentation video
Hi all, Jennifer Davis from BayLISA has done us the service of already posting the presentation from this past Wednesday night: It''s about 2 hours total, and I can''t promise it''s any kind of amazing presentation, but I do a
2007 Oct 22
I''d like to be removed from the puppet-users email list... but I cant find my name on the webpage. Thanks, Jennifer Ford *********************************** Manager, Unix Administration Teach For America Phone: 212-279-2080 ext. 688 at One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
2007 Feb 02
Re: Subscribe to multiple files - Modification
Mr. Kanies, If you would not mind filing the bug, it would be appreciated. Puppet Version: 0.22.0 Platform: Fedora Core 6 Thank you, -- Rob -- ----- Original Message ---- From: Luke Kanies <> To: Puppet User Discussion <> Sent: Friday, February 2, 2007 1:34:13 PM Subject: Re: [Puppet-users] Subscribe to multiple files - Modification On Feb
2007 May 04
Editing the references
Hi all, I''ve just noticed that two wiki users edited the wiki reference documents. One of these edits (to the function reference) was a good edit but would have been overwritten if I did not find it. The other edit (s/darwinports/macports/g) made the documentation incorrect, since the provider actually is called darwinports (even if that itself is a bug). I haven''t
2007 Jan 15
Re: How to conditionally run defines? (and a question about updating... )
OK, too bad. I could work around it of course by adding ''unless'' and ''creates'' clauses on all the individual parts of the define where appropriate, but I think I''ll just ignore the warnings and overhead for now. It would be cool, though, if something like the ''unless'', ''onlyif'', etc, logic was available for all
2007 Jun 20
ANNOUNCE: 0.23.0 release
Hi all, I''ve finally released 0.23.0 (only two days late!). You can get it from the usual locations (although the packagers will take a little while to package it up, I assume): You can read the full changelog[1], which is pretty long, but here''s a summary of the things you either want or should look out for:
2008 Feb 25
Switching to Google Groups tomorrow night
Hi all, Is everyone switched over to the Google lists? I''m basically ready for the switch, I think, and doing so would be one more closed loop for me. I notice we''ve only got a bit over 300 subscribers to the Puppet Users list, while my madstop list has nearly 600. This is a bit depressing, but it probably represents a better idea of who''s actually using the
2007 Sep 25
Runnels development
Looks like there''s enough interest in runnels that it''s time to create a list: -- Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth. -- Katherine Mansfield
2007 Feb 16
Looking for descriptions of difficult problems
Hi all, Paul Anderson, a friend of mine who works at the University of Edinburgh, is looking for complicated problems that are currently difficult to handle with existing config mgmt tools. Please read his request below, and if you have any difficult problems that seem to meet his needs, I''d appreciate it if you would send descriptions of them to him. Thanks, Luke Begin
2007 Sep 24
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.3.8
I''ve just committed Facter 1.3.8. All of the work for this release was done by James Turnbull, so everyone should thank him for getting it done. Here''s the changelog: Fixed Rdoc::usage bug on CentOS 5 - closed Puppet #753 and Facter #40 Added support to return multiple interfaces and their IP addresses and MAC addressess as facts. Returns
2007 May 02
UPDATE automated installation of puppet into solaris 10 zones
On Apr 30, 2007, at 4:44 AM, wrote: > I''ve built a puppet solaris - package which is distributed via > jumpstart at installation time of a solaris 10 machine. > It''s postinstallation registers the puppetd into smf and starts > puppetd afterwards. Puppetd connects to puppetmasterd, gets ist > certificate signed (autosig on) and the
2007 Mar 19
ANNOUNCE: Puppet 0.22.2 (grover)
Hi all, I''m proud to announce that I seem to have pushed a new release of Puppet out in record time. This is a minor upgrade, mostly bugfixes and small features, but there are lots of each. See the changelog[1] for an idea of what this release provides, but keep in mind that this changelog is my first real attempt at keeping an up-to-date changelog. Enjoy! 1 -
2007 Oct 29
Reports in Puppet
Hi, I wanted to configure reporting in puppet. I came across the below links which says what needs to be added in config file to enable reports. But I was wondering how I view the visual report/graphs do I need to create my own script. -- Deepak
2007 Mar 30
Intended behavior of sourceselect => all [Proper]
Hi all, again. It looks like my last attempt of sending this message got cut off, at least it looks like that in the archive[1], so I''m trying again: <rerun> Luke Kanies suggested that I take this up here since his memory on the subject was a bit poor. I am trying to cat various files together into one file. According to the documentation "sourceselect => all" might
2007 Feb 18
Passing XMLRPC errors on to clients
Hi, I''m experimenting with using Mongrel to serve XMLRPC, and I''m having trouble passing the XMLRPC errors on to the client. In my webrick implementation, I just raise the XMLRPC error and the client receives it and can handle it like a normal exception. With Mongrel, when I raise the error, Mongrel catches it and just closes the client connection, which means the
2006 Dec 13
Bug status for next release
Hi all, I''ve now finished all of the functionality I plan to add in the next release, so all that remains is closing as many open bugs as possible. I''ve gone through and marked all of the bugs I specifically plan on fixing with the ''minor'' milestone. If you have a bug in the db[1] that you think needs to be fixed in the next release but is not
2007 Mar 28
New Introduction
Hi all, I''ve just rewritten the Puppet introduction from scratch: I think it''s better, but I''m not convinced it''s a whole heckuva lot better. Comments are very much appreciated, especially if you can recommend a better approach to the document. I tried to organize it how I have been giving
2007 Feb 19
In Europe for the next week
Hi all, As most probably know by now, I''ll be in London and Brussels for the next week, starting Tuesday (well, I leave Tuesday but don''t arrive until Wednesday). That means I''ll hopefully get to meet more of you (I''m giving talks in London Thursday night and in Brussels, probably on Sunday morning), but it also means I''ll have limited access
2007 Mar 19
Provider features
In my neverending quest to generate documentation so I don''t have to write it myself, I am proud to announce a new form of documentation generation: Provider features. Each resource type can now declarate "features" (currently defined as a list of methods a provider must define). Providers can then be tested to see whether they provide a given feature; for instance:
2007 Mar 29
Intended behavior of sourceselect => all
Hi all Luke Kanies suggested that I take this up here since his memory on the subject was a bit poor. I am trying to cat various files together into one file. According to the documentation "sourceselect => all" might do this. From the language reference [1]: "Whether to copy all valid sources, or just the first one. Valid values are first, all.""" Giventhe