similar to: status and hasstatus

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "status and hasstatus"

2006 Sep 15
file: target generates error
file { "/var/log/syslog": target => "/var/log/messages" } generates the following error: err: //henson/stanford/syslog/file=/var/log/syslog: Failed to retrieve current state: undefined method `should'' for false:FalseClass
2006 Nov 11
Ubuntu experience
What is everyone''s experience with Puppet on Ubuntu? Does it work as expected? Any caveats or oddities? -- DK -- Digant C Kasundra <> Technical Lead, ITS Unix Systems and Applications, Stanford University
2007 Dec 11
puppet seems to be restarting itself very often
I turned on reporting the other day and I''m seeing alot of these when puppet runs. Especially during times when nothing is going on (middle of the night etc) Tue Dec 11 12:34:48 -0500 2007 //base/puppet/puppet::client/Service[puppet]/ensure (notice): ensure changed ''stopped'' to ''running'' It''s also quite odd that puppet when it runs it thinks
2007 Apr 10
Import all modules?
Is there a way to tell the puppetmaster that I want to import all modules rather than listing each one individually?
2007 Mar 29
Anyone using the rrdgraph report on the puppetmaster on Debian stable? I''m trying to get this working and not getting far. I even took rrdtool and librrd0-dev from backports and I still get the same problem. It seems that the rrdfiles are being somewhat created, but nevertheless, the puppetmaster isn''t happy and keeps spewing: err: Report rrdgraph failed: Could not create
2007 Jul 03
CA migration
Anyone ever migrated the puppetca to a different host? What are the steps that are involved?
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly
2007 Jul 13
new puppet providers
I might have the terminology wrong, but how to a give new puppet providers to the puppet clients? I''m thinking a provider is the thing the puppet client uses to implement a task that the master has given it. Am I way off here? Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2007 May 08
Override to unspecify
In the normal override method, you can change the value of a parameter, but can you unset a parameter? file { "/etc/somefile": mode => 644, owner => "dude" } File ["/etc/somefile"] { mode => unset } ??
2006 Sep 14
Specify and respecify
Hello Puppet users, I had talked with Luke about this scenario and was wondering how others would/are handling something like this. Imagine a scenario where all servers will have a specific postfix configuration except for a server or two or three. So, you want to define a file "/etc/postfix/" and specify the source from your dist tree. But for those exceptional servers,
2007 Feb 15
Fwd: syslog filter results (fwd)
We''re still intermittantly getting these messages in syslog on various different systems: Feb 14 17:32:10 server-dev puppetd[20363]: Could not call #<EOFError: end of file reached> Feb 14 17:32:10 server-dev puppetd[20363]: Reporting failed: end of file reached Anyone else ever see stuff like this?
2007 Apr 18
Could not describe errors
Hello community, We are running puppetmaster 0.22.3 with 45 servers attached and we are seeing a lot of messages that say: (err): Could not describe /ssh/sshd_config.RedHat: End of file reached: We were seeing a lot of this with 0.22.1 as well. Interestingly, during the stretch where we were running 0.22.2 (most of April until 2 days ago) we didn''t see this error at all or very
2007 Aug 23
Questions about modules and namespaces
Hello >From my understanding, modules are not autosearched. So, if I have: include ssh ... then puppet will look for a module names ssh and class named ssh defined in /modules/ssh/init.pp Moreover, if I have: include ssh::global ... then Puppet will for class global defined in /modules/ssh/init.pp or /modules/ssh/ Is that correct? Or am I leaving out some imports
2007 Feb 01
ANNOUNCE: 0.22.1 (kermit) is out
I''ve published the tarballs and whatever bad packages my publishing system knows how to create; look for more official debs, sun packages, and rpms in the near future, hopefully. Note that this is mostly a bug-fix release, and I expect it to be a pretty painless upgrade for most everyeone (but please, test before upgrading). Here''s the changelog: Compile times now
2007 Mar 19
Monitoring puppet
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi *! How do you monitor when the last puppet transaction was successful on a node? I''m searching for something easy like a timestamp, so I can put a nagios watch on this. Regards, David - -- - - hallo... wie gehts heute? - - *hust* gut *rotz* *keuch* - - gott sei dank kommunizieren wir über ein septisches medium ;) -- Matthias Leeb,
2007 Feb 12
How to validate puppet manifests without actually executing puppet?
Hi, I want to validate my puppet manifests before I check them into source control. I just want to make sure that the manifest syntaxes are legal, not to do any more complex testing - the checkin may be on my laptop and not on the system that the manifests may be intended to run on. Ideally I''d be able to do this from ruby code - and I did try to instantiate some classes and override
2007 May 11
Trailing commas [best practice survey]
I''m sure everyone has read and committed the Puppet Best Practice to memory by now (I joke). One of the things I''ve written in there deals with trailing commas, which I adopted from the way I used to do multiline in Perl, but I''ve noticed that most people don''t tend to do that in Puppet. Should I revise this or should we all start using the trailing commas?
2007 Oct 02
End of file and other errors: solution
For anyone that has experienced the odd End of file or Cannot describe errors, we''ve found that switching to Mongrel has fixed this problem for us. We''re currently running 5 instance of puppetmaster under mongrel (with the apache proxy in front) and things are going great. For more information on setting up Mongrel, visit:
2007 Apr 04
Best practice, dev/test/staging/production environments
I like the Stanford Best Practices guide for puppet. One thing I didn''t see it address was handling of separate environments, for example Dev, Test, Staging, Production. My thoughts on this so far, are: brainstorm #1) Handle environment differences with metadata: node devProductName01 { $env = "dev" include ProductName-webserver } node testProductName01 {
2007 Feb 01
Interesting interaction between source and ensure in file definition in function...
Given the following: file { "/my/file": source => "puppet://server/path/to/some/file", ensure => absent } Puppet will copy /my/file to the host. What I was hoping was that ensure => absent would trump a source file. However, if we change the above slightly like this: file { "/my/file": source =>