similar to: Bug status for next release

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Bug status for next release"

2006 Nov 21
strange puppetd error
Greetings, I''m trying to set up a minimal CentOS 4 kickstart that installs puppet during the %post and then use puppet to build up the rest of the configuration. I''ve gotten things so that puppet 0.20.1-2 will install using yum during the %post in the kickstart, but now I''m seeing this error when it tries to run during %post and after I reboot the newly installed
2006 Nov 06
problem with remotefile definition
Hi, I''m exploring Puppet and have hit a rather weird problem. The puppetmaster server is running CentOS4, fully updated, with puppet installed from the dlutter RPM repo, version 0.20.0-1.el4. I tried adding the remotefile function definition from in /etc/puppet/manifests/utils/remotefile.pp but when I start
2007 Oct 26
Managing R packages under Linux
Greetings, I need to develop a way to manage the installation and update of R packages under linux (CentOS), hopefully using Puppet. I''ve got most of the rest of hodge-podge of install scripts and maintenance scripts translated into Puppet and need to tackle this beast now. R is a programming language for statistics, basically, and has a few jillion add on package libraries, very much
2013 Feb 21
Problem with managesieve proxy
Hi folks, I'm setting up a new dovecot email service and have a proxy server running in front of it to facilitate migrating users from my very old UW-IMAP-based mail server to the new one. I have a mysql proxy table that directs inbound IMAP and LMTP connections to the correct server, works great. Managesieve connections are not working through the proxy using either with the sieverules
2006 Nov 27
Brett''s snippet implementation
I''ve been playing with Brett''s file snippet implementation from September 12th today and found a bug. With the following dirsnippet definition define dirsnippet { file { $name : ensure => directory } } if you change the order value of one of your file snippets, Puppet will not remove the snippet with the old order value on it from the snippet directory. Changing the
2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2010 Apr 23
Event History Data Recoding
Dear R list, I have an event history data set that is structured like this: Legislative act Discussion Agreement Time Event Act1 2006-05-30 2006-06-19 20 1 Act2 2004-03-01 2004-06-14 105 1 . . . I have information on the meetings in the legislature between adoption periods in a separate variable (the
2007 Aug 10
Information when using puppetd
I''m just now getting to testing some things out with puppet and here is my first stab at it. This is in the site.pp file of the puppet server. class test_class { cron { testentry: command => "/usr/sbin/", user => root, hour => 2, minute => 0 } } node leestestbox { include test_class } I''m
2003 Dec 08
Samba NTFS permissions
Hi, I am new to this list. Does samba 3 support ntfs permissions or a way to map them? Creating a share for a user is easy but can you set different file permissions in that share with separate ntfs permissions to give different users permission to different areas of the share? This is on an Active Directory network. Thank you. PS: We are trying to save the state of Wisconsin some money by
2006 Mar 24
making ooh323 authenticate gateway just like sip does
Can someone tell me how I can configure ooh323.conf to accept call from h323 gateway (only the authorized h323 gateway) to my asterisk. I will be glad to know how this can be done. I tried the setting as in ooh323.conf [abcd] type=user context=default ip=62.193.1XX.2XX disallow=all allow=gsm allow=ulaw this gateway can make call, even if these lines are commented out and you restart the
2013 Jan 08
tm: custom reader for readPlain
Hello: I have a series of newspaper articles from a Canadian newspaper database (Canadian Newsstand) that look just like below. I've read through this vignette ( about creating a custom reader to extract meta-data, but I can't understand how to apply this in the context of a text document, rather than in the tabular format
2011 Oct 11
[LLVMdev] LLC ARM Backend maintainer
I am very interested in seeing a qualification plan for ARM given that it is a widely used target with several combinations of options/modes to be tested. I & my team use ARM hardware for running tests and we run all LLVM test suite tests as part of qualification process. I had started a similar conversation in llvm-commits, but this is probably the right forum. It will save everyone a lot of
2011 Oct 11
[LLVMdev] LLVMdev Digest, Vol 88, Issue 29
I am very interested in seeing a qualification plan for ARM given that it is a widely used target with several combinations of options/modes to be tested. I & my team use ARM hardware for running tests and we run all test LLVM test suite tests as part of qualification process. I had started a similar conversation in llvm-commits, but this is probably the right forum. It will save everyone a
2007 Jan 10
Problem adding facts ...
I have created my first ''fact'', first attempt at Ruby too, and configured the fileserver to server it but when a Fedora (5 or 6) client sync''s puppetd appears to hang. CentOS clients sync and use the new fact fine. Find attached the fact file and the output from ''puppetd --debug --factsync'' on a FC5 client is below. This is a 0.20.1 client and
2007 Aug 27
Multiple Environment Support
I''ve got a first version of a doc explaining how multiple environment support will work in the next release: As always, comments are appreciated. Even if you just don''t understand what the doc says, please let me know. It''s clear that the community is generally unhappy with the documentation I
2007 Mar 09
Add the ability to ''eval'' ruby code in exec type?
Hi, Anyone think this is a good idea? I have found that there are some exec tasks that I am making that just shell out to ruby to do a one / two line script in the exec line, was thinking it would be nice to have an option for exec to tell it to just eval ruby code passed to it, e.g. exec { ''eval: code to evaluate'':, ... } I know Lane wants users to turn execs into new
2008 Sep 19
problems with too many NA in the function ideal() from pscl package.
Hi all, I'm trying to run some monte carlo simulation for my roll call data using the ideal() function, which resides in the pscl package. However, I'm receiving an error message that I don't understand. Error in ideal(a, maxiter = 1000, thin = 10, burnin = 50, store.item = TRUE, : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 13) my code is simple the following: > m_a <-
1999 Dec 09
Minor patches to openssh-1.2pre17 for Solaris
Almost worked first time (Solaris 2.7, gcc-2.95.2). Well done. perl -i -p -e 's/-m644/-m 644/' Also, it would be nice to be able to set up LFLAGS somehow, to provide the following: LFLAGS=-R/usr/local/lib YMMV with the path. That way the executables will run without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I can't see where to tweak this in the configure setup at the moment - I'll
2008 Oct 11
Force backup of files modified outside of puppet's File Type
I''m using the SimpleText recipe and Augeas plugin to modify files in place. I''d like to notify the appropriate File resource that a modification is about to take place so puppet can backup the file. Maybe this is already possible but I haven''t found any examples or documentation on how to accomplish this. I think a natural way to do this would be to use the subscribe
2006 Oct 20
Dataset on Baltimore home energy costs
I received a private request for my complete dataset from my previous questions. In gratitude to the developers of R, and especially to the helpful members of r-help, I'm happy to attach it. Anyone is free to use this dataset in any manner they wish, including published books. Attribution is not required, or even desired. Explanatory notes on dataset: This data is collected from monthly