similar to: Default variable reference

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Default variable reference"

2007 Feb 13
Is there a limit on the size of a template?
Hello, I have recently run across the following error: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml/rubytypes.rb:315: [BUG] Segmentation fault This has happened after adding a particularly large template file with ruby 1.8.1. Thank you, -- Rob -- ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a PS3 game guru. Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews
2007 Feb 27
Problem enforcing permissions on remote file copy
Hello, I have been attempting to do the following: file { "/home/test/test.txt": owner => test, group => test, checksum => md5, source => "puppet://puppet/files/test.txt" } At first, this appeared to work, but now I realize that when the file is copied from the server, the permissions are not applied until the next puppet run. Does puppet not apply the
2007 Mar 19
Changing the SSL Ciphers used between Puppet client and server.
Hello, Is it possible to specify which of the OpenSSL ciphers to utilize during client/server communication? Thank you, -- Rob -- ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.
2007 Feb 22
Assistance Requested
Hello, I am currently experiencing a bit of a quandry with how to specify default configuration applications to generic nodes. Here is an example setup: Classes: Class A Class B inherits Class A Class C inherits Class B Problem: I have unique hosts (nodes) X and Y and a bunch of other standard hosts. I would like X and Y to be able to override attributes in Class C (thus inherit class C) but
2007 Jan 17
Cron jobs not removed when deleted from Manifest
I''m not sure if this has been posted previously, but I couldn''t find any information on it. I added a cron job via the cron type and it installed properly. Next, I removed the cron type from the manifest. The result was that, while the entry was no longer in the yaml file, the cron entry was not removed! Is this a bug, or the way that it is supposed to function? Thank you,
2007 Feb 02
Re: Subscribe to multiple files - Modification
Hello, I apologize for the duplicate post, but I made a typo last time. I am trying to notify the service, not subscribe to it. Also, I found that notifying a service, in this case nfs, appears to cause the service to load even if the service is configured to be disabled. Is this supposed to happen, or should the ensure => stopped state be enforced even during a notify? Thank you, -- Rob
2007 Jan 18
Docs moved to Trac
Hi all, Peter Abrahamsen has duplicated all of the documentation and cookbook pages in Puppet''s Trac page: Please let me or Peter know if there are any problems. -- A motion to adjourn is always in order. --Robert Heinlein --------------------------------------------------------------------- Luke
2007 Feb 06
Unless in exec doesn''t seem to be honored on notify.
This was a fun one to track down... I was trying to use the append_if_no_such_line script from the wiki and it was working fine EXCEPT when I threw a notify at it. The notify appears to completely ignore both unless and onlyif within the exec for some reason. If I put the same test in the actual command line, it works fine. Example: unless => "/bin/grep -Fqe ''$line''
2007 Jan 07
0.22.0 Errata: Facts are not downcased
I forgot to mention this in my announcement yesterday. Puppet facts are no longer downcased in the language, and string comparisons now default to being case-insensitive. Where your operating system might previously have been ''solaris'' or ''debian'', it is now ''Solaris'' or ''Debian''. However, you can still do comparisons
2007 Jan 22
Some trouble with file and source
Is it possible to have two files that source the same puppet-hosted file in the same File description? Example: [ "/etc/issue", "/etc/" ]: owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, source => "puppet://puppet/files/issue" Should this work, or am I doing something wrong? Thank you, -- Rob --
2007 May 31
fork terminates thread...event-loop.rb:123
I''m getting the following error on the client: /usr/lib64/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:300: warning: fork terminates thread at /usr/lib64/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/external/event-loop/event-loop.rb :123 when using the following code: case $operatingsystem { CentOS: { service { "nrpe": ensure => true, enable => true,
2007 Feb 20
overriding included classes
I believe this has already been discussed[1], but I''d like to add a bit more to that original discussion and see if anyone has any suggestions. Here''s what I''m trying to do: we have a set of very thorough "wipe" scripts that run every night on our workstations. I''d like to stash these into a class so that I can include them as a group: class wiped
2007 Oct 29
Boolean expressions
I''m trying to write a wrapper definition for the file type to make it a bit smarter. I have a basic version working fairly well: define xfile($owner = root, $group = root, $mode = 644, $source, $backup = main, $recurse = false, $ensure = file) { file { $name: mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, backup => $backup, recurse
2006 Aug 29
Red Hat release info
Hi all, I''m looking at changing the operatingsystemrelease fact for Red Hat. Linux currently just uses the kernel release as the operating system release, but I''ve got a client who wants the release to have both the specific distro (e.g., AS or EL) and the release (e.g., 3 or 4). Will this particularly annoy anyone? Anyone want to help make the release string work on
2007 Feb 02
Re: Subscribe to multiple files - Modification
Mr. Kanies, If you would not mind filing the bug, it would be appreciated. Puppet Version: 0.22.0 Platform: Fedora Core 6 Thank you, -- Rob -- ----- Original Message ---- From: Luke Kanies <> To: Puppet User Discussion <> Sent: Friday, February 2, 2007 1:34:13 PM Subject: Re: [Puppet-users] Subscribe to multiple files - Modification On Feb
2006 Dec 21
service reload?
Hey All, I can see in the type reference under service it has restart, stop, start etc. But is there a way to issue a /etc/init.d/daemon reload ? but still have the restart available if needed Cheers Brendan Brendan Beveridge Managed Services Consultant Direct | 02 8235 9593 Mobile | 0434 077 934 Email | "Brennan IT lands major IT&T
2007 Feb 01
ANNOUNCE: 0.22.1 (kermit) is out
I''ve published the tarballs and whatever bad packages my publishing system knows how to create; look for more official debs, sun packages, and rpms in the near future, hopefully. Note that this is mostly a bug-fix release, and I expect it to be a pretty painless upgrade for most everyeone (but please, test before upgrading). Here''s the changelog: Compile times now
2007 Jan 01
suggestion - Password replication
Hi, I would find it very useful if puppet were able to replicate passwords for specified users from a master PC (the puppetmaster would do me fine, though I suspect this may not suit everyone). That would make changing passwords on my small Linux network a little easier. cheers John Dubery
2007 Mar 22
FLAC: specifying all files with extension .WAV
Hi, I want to use the "flac" encoder (in commandline mode) and I specify this command to encode all .WAV files in the current directory: N:\WAV>flac -V --best -- *.wav flac 1.1.4, Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Josh Coalson flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type
2007 Jan 19
A pre/post execution question
If I have an operation, such as an RPM install, and I have certain mounts that are read-only, how should I go about making sure that they are read write prior to an update? For example: 1. Re-mount file systems as read write. 2. Perform RPM updates 3. Re-re-mount file systems as read only. I got to thinking about this when I saw the post about automatic remounting after changing mount options.