similar to: scripts installed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "scripts installed"

2008 Jan 24
writing pid file earlier
I''m using god* to monitor my mongrels. God looks at pid files to know the status of the cluster. It seems as though mongrel does not write a pid file until it has loaded the entire rails/project environment, which in my case, takes upwards of 90 seconds. Meanwhile, god is freaking out because it thinks that there aren''t mongrels running, and it tries to start them. Thankfully I
2007 Nov 19
thanks for the mongrel_cluster fix!
Just as I was composing an elaborate email illustrating that capistrano version detection was broken, I realized that 1.0.5 fixed the problem :) While we''re on the topic of code changes-- where is the mongrel_cluster subversion repository? I looked all over the mongrel site, sorry if I''m missing something obvious. Thanks, John -- John Joseph Bachir
2008 Jan 21
properly restarting mongrel instances
Hi folks. Using mongrel_rails and the mongrel_cluster capistrano recipes, I often encounter a situation where some of the mongrel processes don''t die in time to be restarted. The output of capistrano will tell me something like "mongrel on port 8001 is already up", but that''s only because capistrano/mongrel_rails failed to take it down in the first place. The solution
2007 Mar 31
DRb server & aaf gem
I''m having problems getting the DRb server running with the aaf gem. I tried it with the plugin installed in my application, and it worked. I suspect the problem has something to do with the startup scripts expecting certain files to be in certain relative file paths. Any insights are appreciated, and maybe if you have time you can update the wiki document :) Thanks for a great
2011 Sep 30
Multiple rack applications on the same server with unicorn
If I''m running two rails apps on the same server using Unicorn, I have to run two instances of Unicorn, right? If so, then here''s a place where passenger might win in terms of memory use, as the rails code will be loaded into memory twice, right? I''m still probably going with Unicorn, but just exploring this first. Thanks, John
2007 Oct 27
Mongrel 1.0.2 on Ubuntu Feisty
Hi everybody, I''ve been trying to setup a Ruby on Rails application on a Ubuntu Feisty machine and I''ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out why Nginx and mongrel_cluster weren''t working. The setup was correct (based on some tutorials found on the internet), but there weren''t any pid files for the mongrels started. In case anybody else has experienced the
2008 Jun 05
Why not ignore stale PID files?
Hi, I have an application which is dying horrible deaths (i.e. segmentation faults) in mid-flight, in production... And of course, I should fix it. But while I find and fix the bugs, I found something I think should be different - I can work on submitting a patch, as it is quite simple, but I might be losing something on my rationale. When Mongrel segfaults, it does not -obviously- get to clean
2007 Jan 10
Anyway to "dynamically" start/stop mongrel based on web traffic?
Hey all - I''ve got a question that I haven''t seen addressed anywhere and was wondering if anyone has put any thought into it or not... Here''s my setup... I have several *small* sites running apache/mongrel. Each has a single mongrel instance. Most don''t get any traffic (no one reads my blog :). And I was thinking, I could host a couple of more
2011 Jul 07
Changing Host Name
Thanks to all of you who are answering my dumb questions about my new CentOS instgallation. I modified /etc/hosts, as the hostname man page seemed to suggest, and rebooted. The hostname is still localhost. I want to change it to jjb-centos. I also want to change the domain name to Thanks, John -- John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer Abilitiessoft, Inc.
2016 Apr 27
Bourne shell deprecated?
Once upon a time, JJB <jack at> said: > Interesting. Back in 1980 we called /bin/sh the Mashey shell. It > did not have command substitution or other things we now take for > granted. Bourne did that for us. So there's a version or two > missing in history... Check the history here: -- Chris Adams
2007 Apr 09
IndexReader#terms for all fields?
Is it possible to query the index for a TermEnum for all fields in the index instead of just ? Thanks, John
2008 Apr 02
weird election with non-existant machine
Forced Election: In workgroup WORKGROUP when announced server was: SYSTEM-1 ( : 50 Time(s) SYSTEM-2 ( : 2 Time(s) SYSTEM-3 ( : 1 Time(s) Cannot get workgroup name from domain name browser: : 96 Time(s) was a mac running Leopard. It has not been on the network for a month, but this keeps
2007 Mar 29
nil''s representation in the index?
How are ruby nil values represented in the index? Thanks, John
2007 Apr 01
indexing mostly-binary documents (.ppt)
Here''s an interesting problem: In my app, we are indexing various types of documents, including microsoft powerpoint. Powerpoint documents are mostly binary, but have a bunch of text (all of the text in the document?) as well. My thinking is that the binary will never get searched for, and the proper text will be indexed and queried as expected, so the indexed binary will never
2007 Apr 01
baffling sort problem
I had sort-by-date working almost perfectly with my app. It was behaving as expected for most data, but had a few hiccups with certain data. I investigated and discovered that the correct data was storing this in my ferret index: "1999-10-18 00:00:00" and the incorrect data was storing this: "Mon Oct 18 00:00:00 EDT 1999" (oops...) So I of course had to fix the
2008 Apr 09
Help: justification for Linux PDC vs Windows...
Hello, My IT department has implemented a samba PDC and now we are taking flack for it. Can anyone help me out with some good justifications for doing it this way vs the Microsoft way? Have a meeting about it in a short while... We wanted to do it because Linux is more secure and more stable. But there may be other good reasons and it would be good to know them. Or maybe it would be better
2007 May 31
complete index rebuild using AAF trunk
I am using AAF trunk, and I want a way to rebuild an index on a production site with little or no interruption to service. The Drb Server documentation* states that when an index is rebuilt, it is done in a separate location and then swapped into place when finished, and so to do a complete rebuild on a live site, one must take into consideration objects which have been created or
2007 Jun 16
more specific queries via IndexReader
We would like to show a list of "most recently added terms", meaning, the results of this query: Resource.aaf_index.ferret_index.reader.terms(:summary) BUT, only returning terms from a certain set of documents (in our case, we are going to filter by creation data). Is this possible? Thanks, John
2007 Jan 17
removing special/syntax characters
Is there any somewhat standard way to remove or otherwise handle special or syntax characters from a user''s search, such as a colon? I was thinking maybe there was something akin to Ferret::Analysis::FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS, like Ferret::Analysis::FERRET_SYNTAX_CHARS, but no such luck. How are other folks dealing with filtering user input? John
2007 Dec 11
Mongrel install problem
Hi, I''m having difficulties getting mongrel running on my Debian Etch machine. It seems to install and is listed with my other gems, but things like... "mongrel_rails start ..." ... are not recognised. Perhaps this is something to do with the file "lib" not being found in the install process: ruby extconf.rb install mongrel --include-dependencies checking for main()