similar to: err: Configuration retrieval timed out

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "err: Configuration retrieval timed out"

2007 Feb 08
exported ressources
Hello, i wanted to know if we can use exported ressrouces to do things like this: - for all nodes tagged as xxx create on the node yyy a file which content is a template where we can have each hostname , or create one file per nodes matching exemple /etc/hosts.allow sshd: host1 sshd: host2 ... or /etc/backuppc/host1 /etc/backuppc/host2 ... from the docs it seems i can collect only ALL
2012 Aug 23
Puppet Agent VS User
Hello, Running into a problem when wanting to daemon-ize the agent. It doesnt seems to do anything: - cannot find any daemon process with (ps aux | grep puppet) - the config is not updated after editing some params on the master - /var/log/puppet stay empty... while, when logged as root, it is working without issue with $puppet agent --test. ##Conf Ubuntu 12.04 Puppet 2.7.11 ## Daemon is
2006 Dec 29
SVN Release Candidate: Please test
Hi all, I''m getting very close to the next release of Puppet, and I need help making sure it''s as bug-free as possible. The major changes in this version relate to Rails (and thus resource collect/export) and transaction internals. If you are currently using Puppet''s rails support, you''re going to have to migrate manually, unfortunately (or just
2006 Nov 02
certificate not trusted
Hello, I try to install puppet on freebsd 6.X. All is well but i cannot get the certificte to install and be recognized. I run .19.3. I run the puppetd --test --waitforcert 60 then sign and then i got: err: No certificate; running with reduced functionality. info: Creating a new SSL key at /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/conf/ssl/private_keys/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pem info: Creating a new certificate
2007 Dec 24
could not find user puppet ?
err: /Settings[top]/Settings[main]/File[/usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/var/yaml]: Failed to retrieve current state of resource: Could not find user puppet debug: Finishing transaction 75413780 with 2 changes since i put the last version on this test server i cannot launch puppet manualy: mkdir -m 700 -p /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/conf/ssl; \ mkdir -m 700 -p /usr/local/.aqadmin/puppet/var/facts; \
2006 Sep 29
Facts load by puppet -factsync question
fact loads: I use facter to search the rsync path and then i write this sudoers line: Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = /usr/bin/rsync I call puppet like this: puppetd --factsync --server=xxx.yyy.61.131 --waitforcert 60 --test the recipe is: sudoensure_line { sudobackupcommands: ligne => "Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = $rsyncpath",
2012 Jun 14
Problem with Load Balancing Puppet masters with Apache mod_proxy
I have a single LB running Apache with mod_proxy in front of a Puppet master. These are the LB and Puppet master configs: <Proxy balancer://puppetmaster> BalancerMember </Proxy> Listen 8140 <VirtualHost *:8140> SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1 SSLCipherSuite
2006 Dec 10
Problem faxing with SPA2100 in passthru mode.
Hi everyone, I'm trying to send a FAX with the following configuration: Analog FAX machine (OKI) <----->SPA21000<----->LAN<----->Asterisk<--------> PSTN I'm restricted to use passthru mode for faxing, instead of T.38 protocol, because the Asterisk box is running v1.2 and cannot be changed as it is in a heavy production environment. Anyway, it "should"
2011 Jun 07
Changes on master applied only on second run on nodes
Hi! If I change manifest on master and then immediately run "puppet agent --no-daemonize --report --pluginsync --onetime" then it still uses old version of manifest. When I run it second time it sees changes and applies them. Why is it like that? Is it intended to be so? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To
2006 Aug 19
file type when you create directory inside throw
Hello, I have a strange problem this nigth that i cannot solve, perhaps you can help me understand what is wrong. I have a file type that upload a directory into my servers. Inside this uploaded directory i create subdirectory and files on my own (directly on the target host). The problem is that when puppet comes back to the directory it spills out this error: err:
2006 Sep 15
before everything
I have some facter file to distribute before running puppet on the platform. The problem is : how can i send the facter local.rb file so the rest of the .pp file take into account the new facts created ? ex: i have sudopath as a facter fact and one sudoers class that need that sudopath to work. How do you model that ? it seems puppet would have to rerun after the new local.rb is downloaded
2007 Jun 14
Please test export/collect from svn
For those of you out there using export/collect (which we really need to come up with a better name for...), can you test the current SVN code? I''m mostly wondering if the performance is any better. To use it, you''ll have to remove your current database, since the database schema is significantly changed. I''m getting what looks like an additional 25% reduction
2007 Apr 12
upgrade to .22.3 and got errors on packages (debian sarge)
I just upgraded to .22.3 from .22.1 and now i got several error messages. I havent found why i got them. Nothing has changed but still there is error and i cannot correct them: err: Package[lsb-release](provider=aptitude): Could not find latest version i run debug: debug: package provider aptitude: Executing ''/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W --showformat ${Status} ${Package} ${Version}\n
2007 Jun 11
freeBSD User provider
Hello, from the doc it seems that the User type has a provider of ''pw'' for FreeBSD. It seems the provider does not allow dupelicate, does not allow to manage the homedir and to manage password. in the code the duplicate uid is set so it seems the doc is out of date on this :) - manage home directory, i don''t really understand what is that parameter. The
2006 Sep 28
cron environement settings
It seems to me that when you setup an environement for a cron it just recreate the crontab at each run even if the cron has not changed. Seems it does not recognize actual environement settings. I put 2 environement and i got: info: Writing cron tab for aqadmin /linux/cron=puppetdcron/environment: environment changed '''' to
2007 Apr 18
puppet does not speak french ;)
i got a little idea there, should not puppet use environement LANG=C when managing facts or packages etc... ? i have LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 and puppet choke on quite a few facts (erors messages with uname for exemple: Pour en savoir davantage, faites: « uname --help ». ) and also with packages updates : /usr/bin/apt-cache policy mysql-client-4.1 => err:
2008 Dec 18
errors after 0.24.7 upgrade ..
After upgrading my puppetmaster to 0.24.7 from 0.24.6 i am getting the following errors in the puppetmaster logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thu Dec 18 16:11:39 +1100 2008 Puppet (err): Could not store configs: undefined method `environment='' for #<Puppet::Rails::Host:0xb72c0c38> I do not use environment''s and they are not defined anywhere in the puppet.conf
2009 Jun 03
Facter 1.5.5
Hello, Since i use facter 1.5.5 i got error running it by hand. It still work in puppet but i loosed the hability to run it from the command line: (aqadmin)> /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter:50:in `require'': no such file to load -- facter (LoadError) from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.5/bin/facter:50
2007 Nov 11
puppetrun fails: "Certificates were not trusted"
Hello all, I''ve tried to run ''puppetrun'', but there seems something unconfigured regarding the certificates. The reverse way (puppetd pulls the config from puppetmasterd) works fine. The namespaceauth.conf on the client (where puppetd runs) is configured as follows: [puppetrunner] allow * (also tried the calling host: But when I call
2013 Aug 06
Puppet first run timing out
I''m working on deploying Puppet to our environment and after reinstalling some nodes, I run Puppet for the first time. It appears to be updating some Puppet specific files (see below), and then times out with the error: "Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/ip6tables_version.rb]/ensure: change from absent to file failed: execution expired Error: Could not retrieve plugin: