similar to: Working on docs: PRM and modules

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Working on docs: PRM and modules"

2007 Apr 24
Announce: References are now on Trac
I''ve converted all of the inline docs over to restructured text, and I''ve got them all up on trac: Please let me know if you find any
2008 Jun 06
useradd provider not working?
I have this config: # BL00070 - Disable NFS service {["nfs","nfslock","netfs","portmap"]: ensure => stopped, enable => false, } user {"rpc": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } user {"rpcuser": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } file
2007 Apr 02
Man pages
Folks, I''ve been looking at creating a set of man pages for puppet and I''m trying to come up with a reasonable hierarchy. I''d appreciate any suggestions. So far, here''s what I''ve come up with: - puppet(1) - puppetca(1) - puppetdoc(1) - puppetrun(1) - puppetca.conf(5) - puppetd.conf(5) - puppetmasterd.conf(5) - puppetd(8) -
2007 Apr 25
Facter repository
Is there a repository of Facter plugins that people have made? I''m working on a few that i wouldn''t mind sharing when complete.
2008 May 20
puppet thinks yum fails when it doesn't
Hi all, Not sure if this is a bug in puppet, yum, or just something I''m doing wrong. I''m trying to use puppet to update a package to a particular version and exec a command when that update is applied. The problem is, puppet calls yum which successfully updates the package, but puppet then thinks the update has failed and hence doesn''t trigger the exec. Next
2007 Feb 08
Documenting puppet manifests
Hi there, I''m trying to document my puppet manifests, and I have created kind of a template for class documentation. After documenting a few I thought it would be great for complex manifests if we could have a tool that read some kind of standard documentation in puppet manifests and create HTML (or other format) documentation, as javadoc in Java or RDoc (?) in Ruby. So two questions:
2006 Sep 01
Recent crashes
Hi, After figuring out the strange "rdoc" related crashes yesterday I''ve really started to test out puppet today. However, as my manifests become more complex I''m back to seeing random crashes again. I read the recent message in the archives of this list about downgrading to Debian''s libruby1.8-1.8.4-1 but it seems like only the "-5" version is in
2006 Dec 12
Variables available in configs...
Is there a list somewhere? How do I know what $operatingsystem, for example, is going to be set to? Using ''solaris'' seems to work, but I haven''t tested ''ubuntu'' and ''redhat'' yet (haven''t gotten that far). It''d be nice to have a list of available vars, along with "how they are set." -Charlie
2007 Sep 24
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.3.8
I''ve just committed Facter 1.3.8. All of the work for this release was done by James Turnbull, so everyone should thank him for getting it done. Here''s the changelog: Fixed Rdoc::usage bug on CentOS 5 - closed Puppet #753 and Facter #40 Added support to return multiple interfaces and their IP addresses and MAC addressess as facts. Returns
2007 May 08
Provider suitability reports
As promised, I''m trying to extra more data out of Puppet''s internals, and this is one I''ve been wanting to do ever since I developed the idea of provider suitability. I''ve created new type of ''reference'' (although it''s more of a report than a reference) that can tell you which providers are functional on the current platform,
2006 Oct 19
puppet 0.20.0: updated language syntax doesn''t work?
Hi, I just upgraded to puppet 0.20.0 today after a short time playing with 0.19.3. The docs say to use the uppercase form for types but that seems to break for me. When I updated the remotefile function to use the new way, the puppet clients complain about objects not being found. For example: ----- OLD WAY (works, just with deprecations) ----- define remotefile (...) { file { $name :
2007 Dec 17
New error in Centos 5.1
Just started a "pilot" puppet server for real after messing around in VMs for the past week or so... I used the 0.24.0 since it was available, and on the test run, got this: err: Could not prefetch package provider ''yum'': Execution of ''/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/'' returned 512: /usr/bin/python:
2007 Feb 27
Using a single class multiple times
Hi- Recently starting using puppet while migrating an existing messy group of systems to some nice new hardware. Things are going incredibly well, and puppet''s functioning great. Have a bit of a headache. I''d like to keep myself from duplicating lots of included classes. Lets say I have this (snippet of a) class: class dbserver { file { "/etc/my_${db}.cnf":
2008 Apr 10
ldap trouble
I am trying to setup puppet for use with ldap. Following the page ( ) I run ruby -rldap -e ''puts :installed'' with success, however ruby - rpuppet -e ''p Puppet.features.ldap?'' fails with ruby: no such file to load -- puppet (LoadError) I imagine that it is related to how I have things installed. I am
2007 Apr 30
escape regex code
hello, i wondered if it would not be interesting to have some filters function in puppet like filter_integer(), filter_prelregex, filter_text, filter_email or such so we can validate and make our defines a little more foolproof :) i particulary see filter_regex as usefull in quite a lot of exec that manipulates text files. What do you think about this ? -- Cordialement, Ghislain
2007 May 08
Override to unspecify
In the normal override method, you can change the value of a parameter, but can you unset a parameter? file { "/etc/somefile": mode => 644, owner => "dude" } File ["/etc/somefile"] { mode => unset } ??
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly
2007 Jan 30
hi I''ve read about PuppetReporting at the Trac website. Apparently you are working on integrating the benchmark tests for every type in ruby. Do you have any idea when this will all get implemented? This is a crucial part (and actually a necessary feature) in the configuration management system we have set up using Puppet. grtz Koen Vereeken
2007 Apr 10
Import all modules?
Is there a way to tell the puppetmaster that I want to import all modules rather than listing each one individually?
2007 Jul 05
Getting a list of managed machines on the puppetmaster.
Is there an easy way to list which puppet daemons a puppetmaster controls? ... and from that, is there a way of getting the puppetmaster to store a copy of their compiled configuration somewhere? Thanks, mike