similar to: Slight 0.22.2 backward compatibility reporting problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Slight 0.22.2 backward compatibility reporting problem"

2007 Apr 18
Could not describe errors
Hello community, We are running puppetmaster 0.22.3 with 45 servers attached and we are seeing a lot of messages that say: (err): Could not describe /ssh/sshd_config.RedHat: End of file reached: We were seeing a lot of this with 0.22.1 as well. Interestingly, during the stretch where we were running 0.22.2 (most of April until 2 days ago) we didn''t see this error at all or very
2007 Apr 03
How do I use "mount"?
Ok, so I''m obviously doing something wrong here. This is running puppet 0.22.2 on a centos 4 update 4 box. When I try running this test - mount { bigdisk: ensure => mounted, device => ''bigserver:/bigdisk'', fstype => nfs, name => ''/bigdisk'', dump => "0", pass => "0", options =>
2007 Mar 30
subversion and /etc/puppet
I''m trying to come up with a way to manage /etc/puppet on the Puppet server from my workstation. My idea was to place all of /etc/puppet into subversion, check it out to my workstation, commit via ssh, and then use a post-commit to update /etc/puppet. That way any time I made a change in /etc/puppet it would be immediately updated and ready for the next puppetd run. Problem is the
2007 Mar 20
0.22.2 bug?
Hi, I''ve just installed 0.22.2 and believe I''ve discovered a bug (or oversight). I have an exec like this: exec { "change-to-local-mirror": command => "sed -i ''s#\(KERNEL_REPO.*=\).*#\1 $mirror#'' ${rulefile}", path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
2007 Mar 29
SVN commit hook checks
I know someone completed this but I''m not sure the hows and whats of it. Can someone put up a doc or email about this?
2007 Mar 22
Starting out with lots of problems.
So I am beginning the long process of learning puppet... and it seems that I am missing some vital things. My systems are RHEL-4, and i have installed the puppet/facter/puppetmasterd from''s archive. [root@canopus puppet]# rpm -qa | egrep ''puppet|facter'' | sort facter-1.3.6-1.el4 puppet-0.22.2-1.el4 puppet-server-0.22.2-1.el4 on the client I
2007 Feb 21
Facter environment variables being ignored in puppet?
Facter has the feature that it will turn any environment variable named FACTER_* into a fact. I can do this on the commandline no problem, but when I attempt this in puppet it seems to ignore that parts. Is anyone else seeing this? (Is this expected behavior?) I don''t see a ticket or a mail thread on it - though my searching powers have been weak the last couple of weeks... Thanks,
2007 Mar 29
Anyone using the rrdgraph report on the puppetmaster on Debian stable? I''m trying to get this working and not getting far. I even took rrdtool and librrd0-dev from backports and I still get the same problem. It seems that the rrdfiles are being somewhat created, but nevertheless, the puppetmaster isn''t happy and keeps spewing: err: Report rrdgraph failed: Could not create
2007 Aug 23
Questions about modules and namespaces
Hello >From my understanding, modules are not autosearched. So, if I have: include ssh ... then puppet will look for a module names ssh and class named ssh defined in /modules/ssh/init.pp Moreover, if I have: include ssh::global ... then Puppet will for class global defined in /modules/ssh/init.pp or /modules/ssh/ Is that correct? Or am I leaving out some imports
2007 Mar 16
Hello folks, I''ve blended/updated the Glossary of Terms (<>). It seems the definition of "manifests" is a bit different amongst members. Some people consider a "manifest" to be a configuration file written in puppet, e.g. any .pp file. But at my organization, we''ve considered the totality
2007 Mar 26
"Could not run Puppet::Network::Client::Master" after 0.22.2 upgrade
After upgrading my puppetmaster server to 0.22.2 using David''s src RPM''s for RHEL4 rebuilt for x86_64 i am getting the following error when puppetd attempts a configuration run. Mon Mar 26 10:05:43 EST 2007 Puppet (err): Could not run Puppet::[1]Network::Client::Master: Invalid value ''nil'' for noop When puppetd is started the initial run is
2007 Mar 19
ANNOUNCE: Puppet 0.22.2 (grover)
Hi all, I''m proud to announce that I seem to have pushed a new release of Puppet out in record time. This is a minor upgrade, mostly bugfixes and small features, but there are lots of each. See the changelog[1] for an idea of what this release provides, but keep in mind that this changelog is my first real attempt at keeping an up-to-date changelog. Enjoy! 1 -
2006 Nov 11
Ubuntu experience
What is everyone''s experience with Puppet on Ubuntu? Does it work as expected? Any caveats or oddities? -- DK -- Digant C Kasundra <> Technical Lead, ITS Unix Systems and Applications, Stanford University
2007 Dec 18
Backward compatibility issues in 0.24.0
Hi all, Hobbeswalsh on IRC has discovered a backward compatibility issue in 0.24.0, preventing 0.23.x clients working well with 0.24.0 servers. Specifically, you can''t specify relationships to builtin resources when the client is 0.23.x, although specifying relationships to defined resources still works. The problem is that prior to 0.24.0 there was no central class
2007 Oct 02
End of file and other errors: solution
For anyone that has experienced the odd End of file or Cannot describe errors, we''ve found that switching to Mongrel has fixed this problem for us. We''re currently running 5 instance of puppetmaster under mongrel (with the apache proxy in front) and things are going great. For more information on setting up Mongrel, visit:
2007 Apr 05
Documentation conventions
I think some conventions are in order to help with the documentation work. (1) As suggested by someone else earlier, I think we need a clear way to mark areas needing fixes with FIXMEs. (2) Topics under discussion or drafting should indicate such, perhaps at the top of the document, with a reference to the thread. On page comments should have a clearly designated area at the bottom of the
2007 Mar 23
File bucketing changed?
Was file bucketing changed as part of this release or is this a bug? When I look in my bucket folder I see: drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 5222e054e7bc6248f2e9b9146f75aff5 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 3255ad7efedebfd3eccbba74845002a1 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 f8569b1c57819072c37b36bd3814e328 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar
2007 Mar 20
err: cannot create directory, parent doesn''t exist. But it does.
I just updated to 0.22.2 and am running into a strange issue. I''m starting puppetmaster, and seeing this in my error log: err: /puppetconfig/reporting/File[/Library/Puppet/Generated/Server/var/reports]/ensure: change from absent to directory failed: Cannot create /Library/Puppet/Generated/Server/var/reports; parent directory /Library/Puppet/Generated/Server/var does not exist err:
2007 Jan 30
hi I''ve read about PuppetReporting at the Trac website. Apparently you are working on integrating the benchmark tests for every type in ruby. Do you have any idea when this will all get implemented? This is a crucial part (and actually a necessary feature) in the configuration management system we have set up using Puppet. grtz Koen Vereeken
2007 Sep 04
REST/XMLRPC backward compatibility?
Hi all, I''m in the throes of the REST conversion and I''m wondering: How important is it to retain backward compatibility? The language will clearly be consistent between the two, but it looks like it''s going to be a heckuva lot more complicated to keep compatibility for all network services (as in, for each of them, I''ll have to write a shell that