similar to: Last call for fixes: Releasing tomorrow

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Last call for fixes: Releasing tomorrow"

2007 Mar 07
Writing definitions to support changing defaults
What is the right way to write definition so that defaults can be overriden? $puppetdir = "puppet://$server/files" define remotefile($source, $owner = "root", $group = "root", $mode = 0644, $backup = false, $recurse = false) { file { $name: mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, backup => $backup,
2007 Mar 01
Local puppet
I''m trying to scale up Puppet and am wondering if I can use Puppet in an odd way. I''m looking to use Puppet as an authoritative source for all the configuration done to a cluster. That includes fstab''s, modprobe.conf, etc. This reduces duplication. I''m using SystemImager on a cluster and would like to run Puppet during the install, so when the node reboots, it
2007 Jan 25
Conditional exec
I am trying to write a definition that downloads and extracts a tar file if the destination directory does not exist. The tar file won''t change and does not need to be download and extracted if it changes. The definition I am using now is: define remote_tar($source, $directory) { remotefile { "/tmp/$name.tgz": source => $source, } exec {
2006 Sep 01
Recent crashes
Hi, After figuring out the strange "rdoc" related crashes yesterday I''ve really started to test out puppet today. However, as my manifests become more complex I''m back to seeing random crashes again. I read the recent message in the archives of this list about downgrading to Debian''s libruby1.8-1.8.4-1 but it seems like only the "-5" version is in
2007 Jan 22
Resource dependencies
For example, I have a bunch of package resources defined for packages which are contained in the yum repositories defined by the yumrepo resources. If the package is installed first, then it will fail because the repository is not available. I know about "require". But I would prefer not to add a direct dependency on the source repository. Is there an easier way to do this? What
2007 Jan 10
Definition specialization
There was a discussion a while ago about adding inheritance to definitions. There is a need for a way to specialize parameters while allowing passing other options. This comes up with remotefile where it would be nice to have a default server location but not specify all the parameters (and their defaults) in the definition. Was there a change to the syntax? Is there a way to accomplish this?
2007 May 07
Deploying file from server only initially
Is it possible to have a file copied from the fileserver but only when it doesn''t exist? I want to prevent changes on the client from being wiped out if it is different. We have a couple of config files that the DBAs are resistant to managing through puppet. They currently manually deploy changes and I don''t want those changes wiped out if the server isn''t updated. I
2007 Aug 01
Puppet uses too much RAM memory
Hello, I have two Vmware images, with 256MB of RAM memory each one, running puppetmasterd for the server and puppetd for the client. It''s normal that my puppetmasterd and puppetd occupies almost 10% of RAM memory each one? They aren''t doing anything especial, just listening on the ports. Thanks.
2007 Mar 22
Starting out with lots of problems.
So I am beginning the long process of learning puppet... and it seems that I am missing some vital things. My systems are RHEL-4, and i have installed the puppet/facter/puppetmasterd from''s archive. [root@canopus puppet]# rpm -qa | egrep ''puppet|facter'' | sort facter-1.3.6-1.el4 puppet-0.22.2-1.el4 puppet-server-0.22.2-1.el4 on the client I
2007 Mar 01
upgrading puppet?
How are people upgrading puppet itself on their hosts that run puppetd? Can puppet be used to upgrade to a new puppet package via gem, rpm or some other package provider? How do you handle restarting? Just hoping theres a better way than "ssh and a for loop" or having to have another configuration management system installed.
2007 Aug 24
Variable scope: Class inheritance vs Include statement.
Hello. I''m a long time cfengine user, some might say sufferer, and I have finally managed to get around to experimenting with Puppet. So far I''m very impressed. I am trying to get puppet to configure the openntpd config file, from an ERB template, based on the node definition in the site config. What I''m trying to understand is why when I define a variable in a child
2007 Aug 07
parsing manifests in a pre-commit hook
Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to parse individual manifest files as part of a pre-commit hook in subversion. I am looking for something like puppetmasterd --parseonly, but that will work on individual files. This way I can reject a commit if it does not pass. Any ideas? TIA
2007 Feb 27
Using a single class multiple times
Hi- Recently starting using puppet while migrating an existing messy group of systems to some nice new hardware. Things are going incredibly well, and puppet''s functioning great. Have a bit of a headache. I''d like to keep myself from duplicating lots of included classes. Lets say I have this (snippet of a) class: class dbserver { file { "/etc/my_${db}.cnf":
2008 Apr 04
Bug Report: Segmentation Fault when indexing with a specific set of FieldInfos.
I''m submitting this through the mailing list because Trac won''t let me use its bug report form... Is there some more appropriate way of submitting bugs if Trac doesn''t work? This is the Trac error message: 500 Internal Server Error (Submission rejected as potential spam (IP blacklisted by,, Maximum number of posts per hour for this
2008 Mar 31
Mongrels stop responding
I have a Rails 1.2.3 app (due for an update, I know) running on a Mongrel 1.1.4 behind Apache 2.2.3 mod_proxy on Debian 4.0. It keeps hanging up for no reason I can tell. I have tried everything that anyone has ever hinted at being a solution for this problem: - The application doesn''t use MySQL, so setting the connection timeout won''t help. - Using AR not PStore for sessions. -
2007 Dec 20
Puppetrun as normal user
What is required to allow running puppetrun as a normal user? The documentation implies that puppetrun has to be run as root to get access to the SSL certificates. What permissions need to be set to allow normal users (or a group of users) to perform puppetrun? Is it possible to create a more-public certificate that can only be used for puppetrun? We could use the ability to have developers
2007 Jul 31
Directory of symlinsk
How would I make a file resource that produces a directory of symlinks pointing to all the files in another directory? I know how to do it with "cp -s" or "ln -s" commands but doing it with file resource would be better. - Ian
2007 Jan 26
Virtual provides
For example, an exec should depend on the binary being present. But the exec resource should not care where the binary is coming from. For example, we have a stow command: define stow($creates, $path = "/usr/local/bin") { exec { "stow-$name": command => "$path/stow -v $name", cwd => "/usr/local/stow", creates =>
2007 Jan 29
Fatal messages being lost from daemon
I want to use puppetrun so I added --listen to the puppetd command-line. Puppetd would run and then immediately exit. I couldn''t figure out the cause because there was nothing in the logs. I finally figured it out when I ran it with --verbose. # puppetd --listen --verbose Will not start without authorization file /etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf My guess is that the fatal message is
2008 Jun 27
Filtering tagmail reports to errors
Is it possible to filter tagmail reports to warnings and errors? We are receiving lots of puppet reports from using tagmail. But most of them are just "notice" messages. I would like to filter them so we only get errors and warnings, or reports that contain errors and warnings. Would it be possible to have "tags" for the different logging levels? - Ian