similar to: CFengine into Puppet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "CFengine into Puppet"

2007 Sep 11
Managing rc.conf in FreeBSD?
I''m, still, working on converting my cfengine configs into puppet; one of the major hang-ups is the lack of any find/replace in puppet. So for those of you who are using FreeBSD and puppet, how do you manage you rc.conf? -- -- Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard. --Atom Powers--
2007 Apr 09
Issues with Puppet on FreeBSD / Creating a Recipe
Hi, I am running an environment with 15 FreeBSD servers on which I want to maintain ports, rc.conf settings, and assorted configuration in /usr/local/etc/. Looked around the existing Puppet docs, I got a puppetmaster and a test client to work and install a package as specified in the site manifest. This is very basic but awesome! I want to create a puppet FreeBSD HowTo that addresses a
2006 Dec 14
Puppet and Cfengine Differences
Hello, I''ve recently begun looking at Puppet as an alternative to Cfengine and I have a couple of questions. 1) Besides the information posted on the Puppet website, are there any critical differences between Puppet and Cfengine? 2) Does Puppet allow for client-specific file text manipulation. For instance, in Cfengine I can add a line of text to a file if the line doesn''t
2007 Jun 26
multiple ldap classes?
I''d like to keep some pretty granular class definitions in ldap; but I''m not sure what is the best way to turn that into a puppet manifest. Is anybody else doing something like this? For instance, a samba server might have the following classes defined (in ldap): samba, samba-bdc, samba-file-shares, samba-build-shares, etc... And I would like to do something like this: -- class
2007 Jul 03
pupped on the puppetmaster: cert problems
I''m getting certificate errors when I attempt to run puppetd on the puppetmaster. As near as I can tell, this is because I''m using the same puppet.conf for both puppetd and puppetmasterd; but puppetmaster runs as user "puppet" and puppetd runs as user "root", yet both expect the certificates to be readable and chmod 600. I tried telling puppetd to use
2006 Oct 13
Services on Gentoo Client Systems
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 You folks were so helpful with my last problem I thought I''d try again. I''m attempting to use the services filetype to ensure that ntpd is running on all my hosts. Unfortunately this does not seem to be working on my Gentoo test system. I get the following output on the client log: puppetd[3436]: Starting configuration run
2007 Apr 09
Watch a file during the day and just report changes, replace on a scheduleat night if chnged during the day: needs to be a type?
Hi, In our dev/int environemnts, our user base wants to be able to change managed files at will during the day but be notified via email of changes that happen. At night they want the files replaced to their known good state if there were changed. I tried to do this with a custom function that wraps two file types, one that just watches checksum, the other that does a reset of content with a
2007 Dec 01
Building files from snippets
Hi there, I''m facing a problem that I think it''s common enough to be solved directly by puppet or at least have a best practice recommended: building a config file from snippets. I''m thinking for example about a dns zone and hosts inside that zone, ldap server and ldap databases, samba server and samba shares, a firewall config and firewall rules,... The first part of
2007 Aug 24
Problem restarting client service ssh in client
Hello, I want a simple operation in a puppet node like restarting the ssh service if it was stopped. My site.pp is simple as this: import "services/*" node default { include ssh } The services directory as a ssh.pp : class ssh { service { ssh: ensure => running, subscribe => File["/etc/ssh/sshd_config"] } } I''ve stopped the ssh service in the
2007 May 07
Puppet Best Practice
Hello everyone, A long time ago, I posted the Stanford Best Practices and I''ve gone through and updated it today. I''d like to have people go through it and see if we can strip out some Stanford specific stuff and tag this as an official best practice. I think an official best practice will be important as more and more people consider making shareable modules, etc (mostly
2007 Jul 05
Wierd issue with node declaration
I have the following in my site.pp node "" inherits default {} When I try to start puppetmaster it gives me the following error Starting puppetmaster: Syntax error at '''' at /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp:24 When I change the node declaration to this node '''' inherits default {} puppetmaster
2006 Sep 21
Using multiple values for source, for platform/arch/host configs
Hi, in an attempt to simplify my configuration, and from a suggestion on IRC, I was thinking of using multiple values for file { source => [] }. Was just currious if anyone had any comments on this. Basically, I setup my file-server to use: <snip> [private] path /var/lib/puppet/files/private/%H allow * [shared] path /var/lib/puppet/files/shared allow *
2006 Sep 01
templates and require
Thanks everyone for your quick responses to my questions. I''m trying to get templates working. I want to pull the template down from the puppet server, then use it. It looks like the require parameter is not being enforced when using the content parameter so the template can''t be found. This doesn''t work: file { "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" :
2008 Jun 13
I''m very interested in the way that puppet appears to be able to generate nagios configurations though I can''t seem to find any documenation on how it works: is clearly a placeholder page... Meanwhile the various pieces of info at links such as: are just teasing me.
2007 Jul 03
Puppet as a push model
I just started digging into puppet and it looks like puppet is using a pull model. You have a master server and clients talk to it to get config info. Is anyone out there using a push model? If not, why not? Are there security reasons you would use one over the other? It seems that cfengine also uses a push model, so I wondered if this is a "standard" or if there are specific
2007 Mar 13
N00B questions: How to dynamically set hostname in a config file . . .
Greetings - I''ve just started testing Puppet and have a couple of questions: 1. Is there a way to dynamically change a configuraion file that is sent to nodes? For example, I want to modify /etc/hosts to have the hostname and ip address set dynamically - the hosts file shoule look like: But I don''t want to
2007 Jan 23
"Found a bug" message when purging services
I attempted the following: resources { service: purge => true, noop => true } service { sshd: ensure => running; iptables ensure => running; } And got the following message: notice: Starting configuration run err: Found a bug: uninitialized constant Parse notice: Finished configuration run in 0.47 seconds When I remove the ''resources'' line, everything works
2007 Jan 23
Puppet File checksums directories
I''m not sure if this is the way things are supposed to happen but, when I specify a directory with recursion and md5 checksums, the directory itself is checksummed and assumed to have changed. Of course, if anything in the directory changed, the directory checksum will change. What I would like to do is to manipulate all of the files in a directory, but ignore the directory itself.
2006 Aug 27
"Overruling" files from different darfts
On Aug 27, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Thorsten Sandfuchs wrote: > hio, > I''m trying to build a "master"-directory (general) with some base- > files to > spread, and a host/class-based directory-structure to override the > defaults, > if necessary. If a file only is present in the general-section, it > shouldn''t > harm the setup, if it''s only
2007 Jun 04
Virtual defines ?
I just started messing with puppet, and i love it! I have used cfengine in the past, and were in process of planing to replace cfengine now. One thing thats stumped me this weekend and i know i read your working on virtal defines so i can''t do that, but how can i get arond this issue with the curretn setup. I think i am missing something fundamentally simple here. i have this