similar to: Error on first run

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Error on first run"

2010 Sep 09
Having trouble configuring puppet for file serving
Hi, I am running puppet-server 0.25.5 on CentOS 5.4. I defined a moudle in /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf as below: [files] path /tmp/puppet allow * I also defined a resource in /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp: file { "/etc/passwd": owner => "root", group => "bin", mode => 644, } file { "/tmp/0909.txt": source =>
2008 Jun 19
Validate a theory regarding puppet (+ firstboot) please
As I sit here staring at my manifests (and pondering a module to control Glassfish), I''m pondering the best way to do a first-run of puppet to get the initial repositories and puppet configuration downloaded. My theory is that I''ll modify rc.local (or replace firstboot-tui, we don''t use it with automated builds) to run puppetd twice - once to request the certificate,
2006 Jul 28
Minimal Kickstart setups to use with Puppet
Hi, I was at the Puppet talk at Oscon and I would like to try using Puppet for PXE on RHEL machines and I was wondering if there are standard minimal Kickstart recipes from which Puppet can then take over. Thanks, Jason van Zyl jason at
2007 Mar 30
still unable to add new nodes?
I updated to 0.22.3-1 from the dlutter repo (CentOS 4.4) and I''m still having trouble adding new nodes as others saw from the previous version, though I believe the error is different now. The procedure I used was: <client> /etc/init.d/puppet once -v <server> /usr/sbin/puppetca --sign nodename <client> /etc/init.d/puppet once -v This used to work for new nodes, now I
2010 Oct 14
First boot with Puppet
Hi guys, I''m installing Puppet on RHEL5 systems using KickStart but struggle with the first boot. Here''s my situation: 1) kickstart installs the system, including puppet from our local repo 2) after reboot I have to login and set the hostname and IP 3) then run puppet, register it with the server and bring in the config 4) configure puppet for automatic start I have to
2007 Apr 09
cert problem with client
I recently had a working puppet server serving around 4-5 clients. One of the clients needed to be re-built and now only that client cannot connect. puppetca --clean hostname did not work So here is what I did on both the server/client I removed /var/lib/puppet/* Then I restarted the server via puppetmasterd --mkusers --verbose I then connect in via the client with /usr/bin/ruby
2009 Jun 03
[PATCH server] ovirt server installer autobuild integration
update server autobuild to set up a new isolated vm environment and go through the server installer process and rails tests --- | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ovirt-installer-test-answers | 21 +++++++++++++ ovirt-server-test.ks | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644
2007 Apr 13
puppet reporting an older version installation
Hello all, I have puppet rpm on internal repository for updating it to servers that don''t have it on their normal repos (Centos, Fedora Core 4 or older...) Then I have this to ensure that puppet is at latest version: package { "puppet": ensure => latest, provider => yum, } I added puppet 0.22.3 to my internal repository and all servers updated to that version,
2007 Dec 14
Not so complex CompleteConfiguration example of a Complete Configuration?
I am new to Puppet and very eager to apply it to a project. But I am somewhat stymied by the learning curve. So far I''ve found many very simple examples of how to modify a file or add a user and a very complex example . I have not been able to find any other examples of a total configuration tree (ie /etc/puppet/*)
2013 Oct 21
Puppet check ntpd change
Hi All, I am using vms on gogrid and rackspace completely. I am decent but still learning puppet. The biggest problem with vms, especially where I cant control the Host is ntp time and date sync to be good. Here is my config to sync ntp. Please dont tailor my code just help me fix the problem. This code works 99% of the servers its on except for 2 centos 5 machines. class base { class {
2011 Dec 15
time issue with puppet
Hi, I have the following manifest that basically syncs the time for nodes really out of sync and ntpd can''t drift the time back fast enough. The problem is that when puppet executes the catalog, and puppet changes the time, puppet never finishes because it can''t calculate the "run time" since puppet changed the time during the puppet run. Is this a bug? Should I do
2008 May 27
Puppetting the puppetmaster problems
Hi, installing puppet at my first site was quite easy (not w/o problems, but still). At the second site, I''ve run into something more serious. First things first - I install puppetmaster on existing server, used to keep LDAP db (my puppetmaster DOES NOT use LDAP, it just tries to coexist on the same machine). The thing is, I need to puppet this baby, so I''m running into a
2007 Nov 01
New Client Problems
I am having SSL difficulties setting up a new puppet client: Client: fedora (rawhide) using 0.23.2 Server: centos 4.4 using 0.22.3 After initiating contact with puppetd --test, I see the CSR on the server. After signing it, and running puppet again, I get the signed certificate, but also see: err: Could not retrieve configuration: Certificates were not trusted:
2009 Oct 13
timekeeping on VMware guests
Howdy, I am having time-drift issues on my CentOS VM. I had referred to following documentation: , however it didn't help. I used kickstart for creating this VM and I am listing important steps in ref to timekeeping issue. Any comments or suggestion would be appreciated. - CS. ------------------- # For EL5 virtual machines, Append the
2011 Apr 18
Logging configuration
How do I tell puppet to log somewhere other than /var/log/messages. None of the logging configuration options seem to do anything any more. Specifically puppetdlog. # The log file for puppet agent. This is generally not used. # The default value is ''$logdir/puppetd.log''. puppetdlog = /var/lib/puppet/log/puppetd.log -- You received this message because you are
2007 Feb 06
What I''m doing with Puppet
Hi all, Just reading through Luke''s interview on and I came across this statement: "This topic comes up on the list periodically, however, and most people are very tight-lipped about what they''re doing with Puppet." Being the chattermouth that I am, I''d like to take this opportunity to tell you all what we''re (that is, my
2010 Jul 16
Installping puppet with kickstart -- Cannot find local fact /proc/cpuinfo
Hi I have been trying to get puppet working with kickstart. I am trying to install Hadoop on the nodes. Installing puppet from kickstart work and when the machine restarts, certificates are pulled down and hadoop user is created and files are extracted. I want all the user creation etc to be done before the machine reboots so that I can set up init.d scripts to do a start of hadoop . So I
2012 Sep 12
RHEL Kickstart and Puppet certificates
Hello everybody, we´re using Red Hat Kickstarts for some systems. On every new kickstart we´ve to delete the client certificate first on the master. Ist there a best practise to renew the certificate or delete it remotely on the master? kind regards, Ano -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on
2015 Jan 20
Kickstarting several *different* setups
I'm currently using kickstart for installing new servers and have run into the following scenario: all the machines will have the same basic setup of packages, however they will each be configured for a specific task. For example, some will be mail-serving machines and won't need things like a web or mySQL server installed. Others will be web servers and do need those packages. So my
2017 Nov 23
Cluster installation CentOS 7.4 network problems
Hi there, after using Foreman successful on our clusters for more than a year. I'd like to reinstall a 90 node cluster with Centos 7.4. It's now running on Centos 7.3 . I'm not able to just update to 7.4 because of zfsonlinux dependencies and well - some nodes died and had to bare metal install them. So I was able to install these nodes successfully by pxe-booting and using a