similar to: any pointers for starting a windows port?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50000 matches similar to: "any pointers for starting a windows port?"

2007 Feb 12
probably running puppet on red hat for the first time
Here at the University of Sydney I''m trying to give Puppet a go. I haven''t made it past first base yet unfortunately. We run RHEL 4 here, for the most part, and the install guide at says that you should use the vendor''s Ruby, but Red Hat''s current version of Ruby is 1.8.1-07 - is this new
2007 Dec 17
New error in Centos 5.1
Just started a "pilot" puppet server for real after messing around in VMs for the past week or so... I used the 0.24.0 since it was available, and on the test run, got this: err: Could not prefetch package provider ''yum'': Execution of ''/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/'' returned 512: /usr/bin/python:
2007 Apr 02
testing with fake facts
Hello Is it possible to make up your own facts with which to test your manifests? Actually, what I''m trying to do is create a system that will generate the correct set of configuration files for some applications running on Windows. I''m hoping that in time puppet will be ported to windows, but in the mean time I''d like the task of configurations being
2007 Jun 24
Facter operatingsystemrelease on Fedora
Currently, facter returns the kernel version as both the kernel and operatingsystemrelease facts. I would like to change that so that on Fedora, operatingsystemrelease is the release number (5,6,7 etc.) or ''Rawhide'' ... are there any objections to making that change ? David
2007 Feb 14
cvs export on puppetmaster box
Hello I am thinking that it is better to do a cvs export of a project once, on the puppetmaster box, rather than do the same cvs export on all puppet clients, yes? If so, how does one do this? Do you run puppetd on the same box as puppetmasterd and set up the cvs export as an exec for only the node with the same hostname as the puppetmaster? Thanks Jesse Jesse Reynolds Virtual
2008 Jul 08
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.5
Hi all, I''ve finally gotten around to releasing Facter 1.5. As the version bump implies, this is a relatively significant release (for a 2.3k line program, anyway). Mostly, the biggest change is refactoring the code internally so that all of the functionality is split into separate classes in separate files. Also, the facts are all loaded on-demand, which provides dramatic
2007 Jul 01
Mount and fstab problems with large devices?
I''m trying to get a new file server managed by puppet from day 1, at least as much as possible. At the moment, though, there''s two issues I''m running into: 1. fstab should have entries for my comically-large RAID, but doesn''t. 2. each puppet run appears to remount the RAID, even when no rules in the manifest change. I suspect the issue may be in parsing
2010 Jun 15
puppetca unable to sign new certs - Invalid argument error
Hello I have a puppetmasterd installation running on a Mac OS X 10.6.3 Server with puppet installed via macports. Earlier today it was happily signing requests, before I upgraded puppet from 0.24.8 to 0.25.4. Now I get "Invalid argument": bash-3.2# puppetca --sign err: Could not call sign: Invalid argument The only mention I can find on
2007 Apr 25
Facter repository
Is there a repository of Facter plugins that people have made? I''m working on a few that i wouldn''t mind sharing when complete.
2007 Jul 09
This list through gmane
Hi, Would it be possible to make this list accessible from gmane? Regards, -- Ugo Bellavance ( Consultant en Sécurité Informatique Lubik Inc. Site Web: # Tél.: 514-907-3253 # Sans Frais: 866-507-3253 # Fax.: 1-866-334-1426 Protection de courriel par LastSpam (
2007 Mar 07
Writing definitions to support changing defaults
What is the right way to write definition so that defaults can be overriden? $puppetdir = "puppet://$server/files" define remotefile($source, $owner = "root", $group = "root", $mode = 0644, $backup = false, $recurse = false) { file { $name: mode => $mode, owner => $owner, group => $group, backup => $backup,
2007 Feb 21
Facter environment variables being ignored in puppet?
Facter has the feature that it will turn any environment variable named FACTER_* into a fact. I can do this on the commandline no problem, but when I attempt this in puppet it seems to ignore that parts. Is anyone else seeing this? (Is this expected behavior?) I don''t see a ticket or a mail thread on it - though my searching powers have been weak the last couple of weeks... Thanks,
2006 Aug 29
Red Hat release info
Hi all, I''m looking at changing the operatingsystemrelease fact for Red Hat. Linux currently just uses the kernel release as the operating system release, but I''ve got a client who wants the release to have both the specific distro (e.g., AS or EL) and the release (e.g., 3 or 4). Will this particularly annoy anyone? Anyone want to help make the release string work on
2007 Dec 20
No networking
I''m trying to run puppet on a node I''m cloning from CD. No IP, no DNS, puppet with a standalone manifest and --use-nodes. I get dnsdomainname errors and a "Network is unreachable" error. I''m using 0.20, but I checked for new options in 0.23 and didn''t see one to turn off networking. Is this an option? Thanks.
2007 Sep 24
ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.3.8
I''ve just committed Facter 1.3.8. All of the work for this release was done by James Turnbull, so everyone should thank him for getting it done. Here''s the changelog: Fixed Rdoc::usage bug on CentOS 5 - closed Puppet #753 and Facter #40 Added support to return multiple interfaces and their IP addresses and MAC addressess as facts. Returns
2007 May 01
Custom functions and facts
Hello! I''ve been trying to use facts from Facter in a custom function. I''ve been following Matthew''s entry in the wiki ( What i''m seeing is that Facter[''fqdn''].value is always returning the fqdn of the puppetmaster host. I was expecting the fqdn of the client host.
2007 Jun 12
facts from ldap
Does any one have a recipe for getting facter facts from ldap?
2007 Jun 29
Installing a file only if a package is available
Hi, is there a way to make sure a file is installed only if a certain package is installed on the client? e.g. I want to distribute the client key for NX via puppet. However I only want to install these files if package ''freenx'' is installed on the client. I tried adding ''require => package["freenx"]'' but then puppetd complains it
2007 Jan 10
Problem adding facts ...
I have created my first ''fact'', first attempt at Ruby too, and configured the fileserver to server it but when a Fedora (5 or 6) client sync''s puppetd appears to hang. CentOS clients sync and use the new fact fine. Find attached the fact file and the output from ''puppetd --debug --factsync'' on a FC5 client is below. This is a 0.20.1 client and
2007 Jul 13
new puppet providers
I might have the terminology wrong, but how to a give new puppet providers to the puppet clients? I''m thinking a provider is the thing the puppet client uses to implement a task that the master has given it. Am I way off here? Mike B. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.