similar to: Mercurial commit hooks...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Mercurial commit hooks..."

2006 Oct 19
Filenames with dots in the name
Hi, When I try to specify a file I want copied in place, like: configfile { "/etc/init.d/puppet": source => "config/apps/puppet/puppet" } and has a require on that later on: exec { "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d puppet defaults": require => "/etc/init.d/puppet" } puppetd throws an error: err: Could not find type
2007 Dec 11
Node variable names with dashes..
Hi all I''ve stumbled upon something that I consider a bug: Node variables can''t have dashes in them: node blah { $allow-from = "" } err: Could not parse; using old configuration: Could not match ''- from'' at /home/mercurial/repositories/manifests/nodes/nodes.pp:8 I''m using the variable to create a template-based config file.
2007 Apr 18
Overriding variables...
Hi all I''m fighting right now with the functionality of overriding variables. I''ve made a base node with some variables: node base { $country = "dk" $dv = "sarge" } And I''d like to override some of them in subnode definitions: node server01 inherits base { $dv = "etch" } Is this possible, or do I have to wrap the variables in a
2007 Feb 09
Use of variables in defines...
Hi, I''m banging my head against the usage of variables i defines. Fx. I have this defined to easily create new systemusers: define systemuser($home = $home, $shell = "/bin/bash") { group { $name: ensure => present } user { $name: ensure => present, gid => $name, home => $home, shell =>
2006 Oct 19
Schedules for certain weekdays...
Hi From the documentation I can''t see if I can define the following schedule: I want a certain command to be run once a day, monday-friday on a certain time of the day. Can I define that somehow...? -- Med venlig hilsen Juri Rischel Jensen Fab:IT ApS Vesterbrogade 50 DK-1620 København Tlf: 70 202 407 / Fax: 33 313 640 /
2007 Jun 07
Adding recipes...
Hi all Ok, maybe it''s just me, but - how on earth do I add recipes to the wiki...?? When I go into the list of recipes, I don''t find a "Edit this page button". How should I add to the list? -- Med venlig hilsen Juri Rischel Jensen Fab:IT ApS Vesterbrogade 50 DK-1620 København Tlf: 70 202 407 / Fax: 33 313 640 /
2006 Oct 12
Defaults for package type...
Hi I''m wondering if it''s possible to define some defaults for the package type. What I want is that package install/updates only happens at certain times of the day. I could do: class shorewall { package { "shorewall": ensure => latest, schedule => maintenance } } for every package I want to manage. But that means I have to type
2008 Jan 23
Dependency problems with 0.24.1...
Hi All, After trying several times to fix this problem, I give up. I can''t seem to upgrade puppet/puppetmaster to 0.24.1. I''ve just downgraded to 0.23.2 on the puppetmaster, as it was the last working version for me. I''ve tried both upgrading the server first and the client first and both. But when upgrading only the server, none of my clients can get a
2007 Aug 15
Puppet keeps restarting apache...
Hi all, I''ve got a problem when using the Apache2 recipe https:// Puppet is enabling modules and sites on every run, which in turn triggers a reload of Apache. I''ve figured out, that it must be the unless line in the exec statement that''s causing the problem: unless => "/bin/sh -c
2007 Feb 10
Multipe file sources...
Hi, I''m trying to use several sources to pick from in a remotefile statement: remotefile { "/etc/sudoers": mode => 0440, source => [ "config/apps/sudo/sudoers.${host}", "config/apps/sudo/sudoers" ], sourceselect => first } But it doesn''t seem to work. I get an error like this: "File source
2006 Nov 13
(A bit offtopic): A good starting book for ruby programming?
Hi all Guess it''s time for me to dig a bit deeper into the ruby language. Can you recommend some good starting books on ruby programming? Thanks. -- Med venlig hilsen Juri Rischel Jensen Fab:IT ApS Vesterbrogade 50 DK-1620 København Tlf: 70 202 407 / Fax: 33 313 640 /
2006 Oct 18
bug in --mkusers...?
Hi all Just discovered that running puppetmasterd --mkusers creates the user and group puppet, but it also changes roots group to puppet...?? That must be a bug, right...? -- Med venlig hilsen Juri Rischel Jensen Fab:IT ApS Vesterbrogade 50 DK-1620 København Tlf: 70 202 407 / Fax: 33 313 640 /
2006 Oct 19
A bug in the import code...?
Hi, As RijilV pointed out in users/2006-October/000541.html there may be af bug in the import code of 0.20.0: I noticed the same thing about schedules as he has, and I bumped into one more: Type defaults set in a file that gets imported by site.pp yanks a similar error. Moving the code into site.pp removes the error message. -- Med venlig
2007 Jul 24
How to require a defined type...
Hi all, I''m struggling with the following: I have a defined type wrapped in a class: class myclass { define mytype(bla) { file { "blabla": .... } exec { "blablabla": ... } } } And I access the defined type in my other class by doing this: class otherclass { include myclass myclass::mytype { "alb": ... } # and here I want to
2008 Jan 31
too many open files....??
Hi all, I''m fighting with an error message right now, that I don''t understand: puppetmasterd[16269]: Could not write report for at /var/lib/puppet/reports/ Too many open files But an output from lsof states that there is only ~5500 files open - not reaching any max I know of. Anyone else experiencing this...? -- Med
2006 Oct 26
Hi, I''d like to be able to create certain admin users on certain machines, and when I saw the new Resources feature, I thought I could use that. But I can''t get it to work. This is what it looks like: <snip> class admin { define adminuser { @user { $name: ensure => present, group => adm } file { "/home/$name": ensure =>
2006 Oct 17
Puppet tgz installs...
Hi I''m anxious to get puppet into production, and although I''d prefer installing puppet as a .deb package (as most of the servers in our shop runs Debian), I think I''ll try to get some of my not-so- important servers into my test setup by installing puppet with the .tgz files. Upon the first installation I realize that puppetd and puppetmasterd is copied to
2007 Jul 31
End of file reached...
Hi Puppeteers! I''ve been using puppet for a little over a half year, and I''m very pleased with it. Until recently, I couldn''t get reporting to work, but after finding the culprit, it works just fine. Every day Puppet reports lines like the following: Tue Jul 31 04:37:49 +0200 2007 //debian_base_sarge/
2007 Feb 23
Accessing definitions in a subclass...
Hi all Shouldn''t it be possible to access definitions from a super class in a subclass? Eg.: class foo { define bar (bla) { ... } class oof inherits foo { bar { "rab": bla => "something", } } spews out an error: "Could not find definition bar at... -- Med venlig hilsen Juri Rischel Jensen Fab:IT ApS Vesterbrogade 50 DK-1620 København Tlf: 70 202
2010 Dec 10
Problem with syntax checking
Hello! I''m trying to use pre-commit SVN hook for checking puppet syntax. For it I try to use some scripts from this thread: But when I try some of the scripts I see the common problem, expression like this: # puppet --parseonly --ignoreimport file.pp produces no output, but "file.pp" has a