similar to: Preferred method for setting customer facts?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Preferred method for setting customer facts?"

2007 Jul 17
Recommended way to set $FACTERLIB?
Is there a recommended way to set $FACTERLIB so that Puppet will be able to access custom facts when running as a Red Hat service? If I export $FACTERLIB=/var/puppet/facts and then run Puppet manually I have no problems, but I''m not sure how I should be setting $FACTERLIB when Puppet is running automatically. Cheers, James
2007 Jun 14
Custom facts not being displayed
I''ve added some custom facts to my Puppet setup but they aren''t being displayed by facter. I''ve tested them and they work correctly when run manually (and I''ve also tried a number of those listed on the wiki) but they aren''t included in facter''s output. I am using the default settings for factdest and factpath and the facts are being copied
2006 Sep 29
Facts load by puppet -factsync question
fact loads: I use facter to search the rsync path and then i write this sudoers line: Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = /usr/bin/rsync I call puppet like this: puppetd --factsync --server=xxx.yyy.61.131 --waitforcert 60 --test the recipe is: sudoensure_line { sudobackupcommands: ligne => "Cmnd_Alias BACKUPCOMMANDS = $rsyncpath",
2007 Aug 19
Problem with adding custom facts
Hi I''m trying to add extra facts to facter. The puppetd is running on Debian Etch Amd64 as Xen 3.1 guest. I''ve follow the Wiki on adding the facts. First I used relative path in the manifest and added "factsync=true" in client''s puppetd.conf. And then tested it with "puppetd -vt". But no matter what i tried, this error came: File paths must be fully
2007 Jan 10
Problem adding facts ...
I have created my first ''fact'', first attempt at Ruby too, and configured the fileserver to server it but when a Fedora (5 or 6) client sync''s puppetd appears to hang. CentOS clients sync and use the new fact fine. Find attached the fact file and the output from ''puppetd --debug --factsync'' on a FC5 client is below. This is a 0.20.1 client and
2007 Jan 26
Adding custom facts: documentation added
Man #puppet is a ghost town tonight =) now exists. There''s probably errors. -Charlie
2007 Nov 17
oddness with fileserver, facts and plugins sync
I''m working with a pretty simple config at the moment to track down some issues I''m seeing with custom facts and plugins. I have factsync = true (default locations) and I have a simple fact in /var/lib/puppet/facts/ (actually it''s David''s netmask plugin) my pp file I''m testing with contains only: notice "netmask: ${netmask}" puppet -v
2007 Apr 17
Still having factsync trouble ...
Some time ago i sent to the list a problem i was having with facts on fedora core 6 and wasn''t able to find a solution at that time, but with the release of RHEL5 and CentOS 5 based on fc6 i have hit the problem again. i have written several facts to collect information about a clients network and i am also using the vmware fact from the wiki. i have separated my original fact into
2007 Aug 28
adding facts
Hello, I''m a little confused how to configure the puppermaster and puppetd to add a new fact. I''ve followed this tutorial but I''m with doubts about the factsource. In my puppetmaster I have the new fact in /etc/puppet/facts directory. fileserver.conf (on puppetmaster server): [files] path /etc/puppet/files [facts]
2006 Sep 15
before everything
I have some facter file to distribute before running puppet on the platform. The problem is : how can i send the facter local.rb file so the rest of the .pp file take into account the new facts created ? ex: i have sudopath as a facter fact and one sudoers class that need that sudopath to work. How do you model that ? it seems puppet would have to rerun after the new local.rb is downloaded
2008 May 30
pluginsync factsync etc
Hi, When starting puppet on a new machine, (or when the $vardir/lib is empty) puppet will not run the facts, it will only copy them. on the second time puppet runs, it works quiet well: on the client its defined: [main] pluginsync = true pluginsource = puppet://$server/plugins plugindest = $vardir/lib/puppet factpath = $vardir/lib/puppet/facter [puppetd] factsync = true I also tried with
2009 Jul 27
Custom fact errors
I''m a newbie attempting to get a custom fact distributed to clients. I''ve followed the instructions at and based my first fact on a simple recipe. I''m having at least one problem and possibly more. 1) Puppet/facter fails to load the custom fact, complaining that "non- sh interpreters are not currently
2007 May 28
Anyone using storeconfigs with a DB other than sqlite?
Just wondering if anyone is using a backend database other than sqlite, and if so, how easy/hard it was to configure. I''m constantly receiving "SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked..." which I presume is due to sqlite''s relatively coarse locking method. Cheers, James -- Senior Linux Platform Engineer Midrange Services AXA Technology Services - Asia Pacific
2008 Dec 08
if file exists
Is there a condition test to see if a file exists on the puppetmaster? I have about 15 different license files that are loaded on thirteen servers. Not every license goes on every server. I''d like to serve the files only if they exist on the puppet master server. I''m thinking of doing it like this: define install_license($host) {
2007 Sep 27
How does "case defined(Package["package"])" work?
I''m trying to use a "case defined" statement to configure Munin to automatically create plugin links for packages that are defined by Puppet but the behaviour seems to be unpredictable. I have a similar setup for Samba which works, but the Postfix one doesn''t and I can''t see any difference between them. Can some explain to me how "case
2006 Oct 11
Built In Puppet Variables Documentation
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I''m just getting started with using Puppet, and from what I''ve seen I really like it. However, I''m trying get started with slighly more advanced things like templates but I''m running into a roadblock with not knowing what built-in variables I have available to me. Is there someplace this is documented?
2009 Jul 01
Facter infinite looping on custom facts
Hi All Background: I am running Puppet to configure ESX 3.5 servers by NFS mounting the Puppet binaries and configuration from a shared server. This is to ensure VMware don''t come back refusing support for installing non standard software on the server. # ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-04-08 patchlevel 160) [i686-linux] # facter -v 1.5.5
2007 May 18
Requiring Yum be installed before classes use it as a provider
I''m in the process of creating Puppet classes to install Munin via Yum on my RHEL4 hosts. Before Yum can be used as a provider, it obviously needs to be installed. I''ve tried requring the Yum package in the Munin classes but I still get an error about "Provider ''yum'' is not functional on this platform". Is there an easy way to require the yum class
2007 Apr 13
"Parsed Providers must define a default target" error
I''ve just noticed that Puppet is failing to automatically apply changes when running as a Red Hat service. Changes get applied with no problems or errors when I run Puppet manually with "puppetd --test" but fail with a "Could not apply complete configuration: Parsed Providers must define a default target" error in /var/log/messages when the service runs automatically
2009 Dec 21
custom fact and environment variable
Hello, I''m trying to add an environment variable as fact like this : #export $FACTER_test="infof" #facter | grep test test => infof But my fact don''t synchronize with puppet master. I don''t see it in / var/puppet/yaml/clientfile.yaml If I want this works, I''ve need to start puppet like this : #puppetd -vt --factsync but factsync''s