similar to: Organising a Subversion repository.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Organising a Subversion repository."

2004 Dec 03
organising the display in Trellis plots
Hallo, I would like to organise at my pleasure the layout of a trellis plot. Currently I have a 3x3 matrix display and 7 plots. Is it possible to choose which specific panels will stay empty? I tried index.perm to arrange the order. Then there is perm.cond which I could not understand if it can serve for my purpose since I cant really find which kind of data it accepts. Thank you for the help.
2007 Aug 04
Optimization in R
Hi all, I've been working on improving R's optim() command, which does general purpose unconstrained optimization. Obviously, this is important for many statistics computations, such as maximum likelihood, method of moments, etc. I have focused my efforts of the BFGS method, mainly because it best matches my current projects. Here's a quick summary of what I've done: *
2011 Sep 16
Dual Authentication: Local and Active Directory
I was wondering if it was possible to get a Samba server that was acting as an AD member server to also be able to authenticate local users, or is stuck just serving AD users? -- Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at
2007 May 13
symbollic differentiation in R
Hi all, I wrote a symbollic differentiation function in R, which can be downloaded here: It is just a prototype. Of course, R already contains two differentiation functions: D and deriv. However, these functions have several limitations. They can probably be fixed, but
2007 May 13
relist, an inverse operator to unlist
Hi all, I wrote a function called relist, which is an inverse to the existing unlist function: Some functions need many parameters, which are most easily represented in complex structures. Unfortunately, many mathematical functions in R, including optim, nlm, and grad can only operate on functions whose domain is a vector. R has a
2008 Mar 09
[patch] add=TRUE in plot.default()
Hi all, As long as I've used R, add=TRUE hasn't worked in contexts like this: f <- function(x) x^2 X <- seq(0, 1, by=1/4) plot(f, col="blue") plot(X, f(X), col="red", type="l", add=TRUE) I attached a fix for version 2.6.2. Cheers, Andrew -------------- next part -------------- diff --git a/src/library/graphics/R/plot.R
2010 Dec 27
openssh and keystroke timing attacks (again)
Hi all, Over the past 10 years, there has been some discussion and several patches concerning keystroke timing being revealed by the timing of openssh packet network transmission. The issue is that keystroke timing is correlated with the plaintext, and openssh users expect their communications to be kept entirely secret. Despite some excellent ideas and patches, such as Jason Coit's
2008 Feb 27
[Bug 14704] New: randr1.2 broken on apple powerbook 17" Summary: randr1.2 broken on apple powerbook 17" Product: xorg Version: unspecified Platform: Other OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: medium Component: Driver/nouveau AssignedTo: nouveau at
2013 Jul 17
sudo add user script
Hello list, I took another stab at finding a way to add a sudo user remotely and it gets you most of the way there. If you execute the script as root it works beautifully and does just what you want. Which is add the user to the group and gives that user group rights to certain commands. But if you execute it as a user who only has sudo access to the /etc/sudoers file it errors out. cloud:~]
2010 Nov 19
augeas / sudoers
Hello everybody! How can i create with puppet following sudoers file: User_Alias CENTREON=apache,nagios CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* restart CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nagios* reload CENTREON ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nagios* -v * The problem that augeas create only last line, replacing previous one. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to
2007 Dec 26
Thank you puppet!!
I''ve been hacking at puppet for the past week or two, and came up with some great stuff, but I''m wondering if there''s a way to tie it all together To create a virtual machine for our company''s QA environment, I''m currently doing 3 things: #create a vm node vmsvr2 inherits default { include vmserver vmserver::vm {
2014 Jul 02
sssd_sudo search results different from command line ldapsearch
Hi all! I'm attempting to configure sudo rights from Samba ldap. Alas, libsssd_samba receives 0 rules and config doesn't work. I think I have the problem identified here but I don't understand why. The way sssd_sudo searches for sudoers leave all important attributes out and of course filtering then fails. Can you help me to understand why following search results are so different (and
2014 Jul 03
How to manipulate ldap access rights on Samba 4?
Hi, I'm having hard time getting sssd_sudo to work: when sssd_sudo accesses Samba ldap with host principal 'dc1$@teemu.local' it can't read necessary attributes like objectclass: sudoRole. When accessing as Administrator all attributes are shown. How can I enable other users then Administrator to access sudoers' attributes? Below is an example. [root at dc1 var]# kinit
2011 Aug 05
Variable scope when having node inheritance
Hi I''m having some trouble with the following setup: node ''serverA'' inherits server-defaults { include myApp::install } node ''server-defaults'' inherits default { $sudoenv = ''custom_server'' } node default { $sudoenv = ''default'' include sudoers::config } class sudoers::config { file {
2011 Jul 25
Sudo #includedir function ignored CentOS 6
I am unable to get the #includedir function to work with sudo. This works just fine on all my CentOS 5.6 servers, but on 6 it is being ignored. I have this line in the file /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix-puppet zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet However sudo still requires a password. If I put that same line into /etc/sudoers file , there is no password prompt. At the end of my
2011 Apr 20
Folder Encryption and Samba
It's been passed to me from on high that one of our file servers needs to be encrypted. I'm considering either whole-disk encryption or folder encryption. I like the latter since, well, it's less work. Is there any particular folder encryption systems out there that the folks around here can recommend? -- Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at
2011 Jul 26
Incoming External Trust
I'm running a Samba domain (Samba 3.4.7) with OpenLDAP. I also have an Server 2003 AD domain, and want to set up an external trust so that AD users can access resources on the Samba domain, but not visa versa (I believe this is called a one-way incoming external trust). I'm not finding a lot of information out there that makes sense. Does anybody have any hints? -- Aaron Clausen
2002 Dec 02
Has anybody got imq running on iptables 1.2.7a. The home page for imq only seems to have a patch for 1.2.6a. -- Aaron Clausen _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list / HOWTO:
2013 Oct 15
hiera_array, structured data and multiple levels of hierarchy
Hi all! I''m trying to setup a puppet module for sudo that will write multiple files with separate data for each file, all dependent on the hiera hierarchy. Here''s the relevant portion of my hiera.yaml: > :hierarchy: > > - "datacenter/app/role/node/%{::clientcert}" > > - "datacenter/app/role/%{::server_role}" > > -
2011 Jun 27
Ruby script to download files without 'puppet agent'
We have often the Problem that some files need to be checked for updates faster than the cycle of the puppet agent. I try to solve this with a script which tries to download the files directly from the fileserver of the puppetmaster. So far i couldn''t get it to work. I don''t know if i got the URL right, i did not find any examples on the REST API documentation for the