similar to: string conversion?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "string conversion?"

2007 Oct 18
error message: undefined method `parentof?''
Hi Puppet users, I occasionally see this error message in my logfiles, and was wondering what it could possibly mean. I found no mention of it in the wiki or list archives, and so I turn to you. Could not run Puppet::Network::Client::Master: undefined method `parentof?'' for nil:NilClass It appears in the log files at the end of a configuration run, like this: Oct 17 20:13:30
2007 Sep 12
Puppet with Mongrel
Hi, I have just successfully configured Puppet to run with Mongrel, and would like to update the documentation with what I''ve learned. However, since I''m not an expert with these things, I thought I''d share with the list before updating the wiki. So here''s what I''d change: + Remove this picture:
2010 Feb 02
[LLVMdev] jit X86 target compilation callback bug
Hi! We are running llvm jit x86 on MS Visual Studio 2005. It seems there is a bug in asm code in function X86CompilationCallback in file X86JITInfo.cpp. Current code sets stack pointer to invalid value in instruction "and esp, 16". Depending on current stack pointer value it sometimes overwrites ecx and edx registers with next three lines. We have fixed this problem by changing this
2008 Feb 21
looping through a list
what is the proper way to loop through a list in a rails view (assuming that you need to check if it is empty or not) -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Feb 02
[LLVMdev] jit X86 target compilation callback bug
Hello > We are running llvm jit x86 on MS Visual Studio 2005. It seems there > is a bug in asm code in function X86CompilationCallback in file > X86JITInfo.cpp. Current code sets stack pointer to invalid value in > instruction "and   esp,  16". Depending on current stack pointer value > it sometimes overwrites ecx and edx registers with next three lines. How so? The stack
2007 Sep 03
Hi everyone, I''ve been using templates to set up some configuration files, but the templates don''t always get rewritten when I would like, so I thought I''d bring it up to see if anyone has any insight. Here''s an example template, used for setting up a yum repository. The password and IP address are setup using an out of band mechanism, and are not always
2010 Jul 11
difficulty with R expressions in text/legend
hi, i'm trying to prepend some plain (i.e. unevalutated) text to a typographically evaluated R expression in a legend(...) call. here's a working legend(...) call that is close to what i'd like (where x and y are returned from an lm(...) call): legend("topleft", legend = c(bquote(R^2 == .(summary(x)$r.squared)), bquote(R^2 == .(summary(y)$r.squared))), fill =
2007 Aug 17
Intermittent failure in file server
Hi, I''ve just turned email reporting on for my Puppet installation, and discovered that I''m receiving intermittent failures on files being copied from the file server. Puppet is running every 30 seconds, but I''m getting these errors maybe 12 times in 24 hours. Any thoughts on the significance of this? The error message is a bit opaque for me. Thu Aug 16 18:17:56
2010 Oct 01
scoping goes wrong when some functions are used within others.
Dear, I'm following the r tag on, and couldn't but notice there are quite some questions popping up that deal with scoping in relation to custom functions. I grinded my teeth on it already, and I have absolutely no clue what goes wrong. The general pattern is as follows : ff <- function(x){ y <- some_value some_function(y) } > ff(x) Error in eval(expr,
2011 Nov 22
Data Frame Search Slow
Hey All, So - I promise to write a blog post on this topic and post it somewhere on the internet once I get to the bottom of this. Basically, the set-up to the problem is like this: 1. I have a data frame with dim (2547290, 4) 2. I need to make SQL like lookups on the dataframe. I have been using the following sort of syntax: a.dataframe[a.dataframe[[column_index]] %in% some_value, ] 3.
2002 Sep 23
calling a DLL/shared lib from R directly?
Is it possible to call a basic function/subroutine in a DLL/shared lib from within R without having to build an R package? I have a function like: void __stdcall testfunc2( unsigned long a, double b, unsigned long c ) { return a * b * c; } or=20 subroutine fortran_2002_bh_age (sp,site,total_age,bh_age) integer*2 sp real*4 site=20 real*4 total_age integer*2 bh_age
2007 Oct 10
Warning for Fedora Core users
Fedora Core 7 has just updated their Ruby package (was, is now, and the upgrade broke my Puppet installation, and there was a similar report from someone else. Communications between the puppetmasterd and the puppetd running on the same host broke down with the message: Could not retrieve configuration: Certificates were not trusted: hostname not match with
2007 Nov 02
Interaction bug between Puppet CA and mod_ssl
Hello Puppet Users, I have encountered an interaction problem between the Puppet CA and Apache mod_ssl, when the Puppet CA configuration files are moved. By default Puppet CA and the Puppet client share the same location for their configuration files, $vardir/ssl. If this is changed so that they use different directories, and Apache mod_ssl is being used like in the Mongrel configuration, then
2008 Jun 12
Background thread - entension code - switch contexts
Hi, I am using wxRuby 1.9.7 and Ruby 1.8.6. I have built an extension in C++ and used swig to load it into Ruby interpreter, which works great. The extension is an often long executing algorithm, and I''ve noticed that if I fork a new Ruby thread in button clicked event, and in this thread run the algorithm the application freezes for the time of execution. I have looked through the
2006 Aug 01
Partial Naming Madness
Hi, I am having the following issue with a partial. During initial page load, I am doing a "render_partial_collect ''foo'', @foos", and all goes well. Each foo partial makes use of a variable inside called ''foo'' (and can get etc). After all the partials are loaded, I need to :update a div corresponding to one of the partials (ie re-load the
2006 Aug 01
how do set default value for ActiveRecord fields?
Everytime a new record object is created i.e., i want certain fields to be the same. Any idea how to do this? Thanks Chris -- Posted via
2006 Apr 06
How to get Form values in RubyOnRails
Hi I want the FORM values on my controller.i.e. I want the values of login_loginname(Form variable) and login_password(Form variable) on login_controller.rb How can i do that? Table Name is: logins Model:: Login.rb Controller:: login_controller.rb Below is my test form loginname password Hoping for reply Regards Parikshit
2007 Aug 23
Type development for the rest of us
Since I had my type development epiphany a couple of days ago, I''ve decided to write down my understanding of developing simple types, at I''d appreciate comments from people who already know how to develop types as to correctness, and also comments from people who are new to type development about whether it''s a
2006 Apr 26
Immediate help needed
I have posted this previously also but haven''t received any help. So, if somebody could look into it and guide.. I want to validate the extension of files that I am uploading. Like I want only the doc/pdf files to be uploaded.. Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2011 Dec 22
Managing sensitive strings with puppet
I''m new to Puppet, and I''m a software developer, not a sysadmin, so be gentle. I have puppet managing some files via templates, and one of the template variables that needs to be plugged in is a password of sorts that shouldn''t be generally available. In particular, it can''t be stored in the manifest, as that''s stored in version control, and the