similar to: "bug" with ifconfig ... ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: ""bug" with ifconfig ... ?"

2003 May 21
netstat/ipcs inside jail
Hi, i've got this problem with my jail and i'm abolutly lost as in the why of it. I previously posted this on comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc but i was advised to send here I was unable to find help on google :( To resume quick, when i'm in a jail, netstat doesn't work properly. Hopefully i have provided sufficient information for anyone willing to help me :p First of all, my system :
2006 Nov 29
75 seconds timeout when negotiating with smbd.
Hello all, After upgrading to 3.0.23c on my FreeBSD 6.1 box Samba stopped working on any connections. When connecting to smbd, tcp session is established (SYN, SYN+ACK, ACK) then a client send a NEGOTIATION packet, and after some timeout (about 10-15 seconds) this tcp session is closed (by the client) because no response to NEG. packet was received. Then after 75 seconds (counting from the
2008 Feb 13
AMD64 vs i386, ifstat and bsnmp
Couple of little things I noticed with a new RELENG_7 AMD64 box (as of yesterday) ifstat from the ports cannot seem to find interfaces for some reason ? It works fine on i386 [ns8]# ifstat -b ifstat: no interfaces to monitor! [ns8]# [ns8]# ifconfig em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
1999 Oct 17
Pinging win from FreeBSD
Hello Samba folks, I thought you might be able to help me. I have 2 machines, 1 is FreeBSD, 1 is win95. They can't ping each other, but the bsd box comes up in Network Nieghborhood when Samba is active. What's going on? Is it not possible to ping a windows machine from a unix box? They are on the same hub via UTP. IPs are 192.168.1.x and netmasks are same (
2005 Jun 11
wins.dat keeps coming back with bad information
I recently reconfigured a box running FreeBSD 5.3 with Samba v. 3.0.7 running as PDC. It was servicing 2 networks, processing logons for and The reason for 2 networks was security, 115.0/24 had some stuff on it that the users on 200.0/24 shouldn't have access to. Before the reconfiguration, the system was working 100%. To make everything better I flattened
2009 Mar 27
ALT_BREAK_TO... + ILO ... missing something in config ...
Due to an issue I'm having with 7.x, and trying to track it down, I spent tonight getting my server setup to allow my to break into the debugger when it hangs, and hopefully dump core ... But, although I *think* I've got it all, I'm obviously missing something, as it isn't breaking ... First ... I'm running a proliant server, and when I connect via SSH to ILO on that
2006 Nov 09
netbios name resolution stops working after device change
Hi there. This is with regards to samba-3.0.23c, on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p12 Previously I had Samba up and running without any problems. Then I decided to do a tiny upgrade by simply switching to a new motherboard, while keeping all other hardware and software aspects the same. However, after the upgrade, netbios name resolution seems to have stopped working somehow. \\servername lookups no
1999 Oct 17
Ping win/FreeBSD probs
Okay, I'm starting to get excited now because I think someone from the Samba lists has pushed me in the right direction here. To recap: I can't ping my win machine ( from my FreeBSD box ( and vice versa. Both subnet masks are and ipfw is not running. I loaded the dos config program for the card on my BSD machine (by booting off DOS floppy
2008 Oct 29
Problem with Bridging ... and bge devices under FreeBSD 7.x?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm trying to run a QEMU VM on top of a FreeBSD 7.x server ... I've tried the exact same setup on my desktop, using 192.168.1.x and an fxp device, and it all works perfectly, but as soon as I do this on another machine on a public IP, I'm not getting any routing, I can't even ping it from the same machine ... My first thought was
2013 Feb 04
re(4) problems with GA-H77N-WIFI
Hello, I need some advice how to debug this issue ... Recently I got a new mainboard for a router, it's a Gigabyte GA-H77N-WIFI with two onboard re(4) NICs. The problem is that re0 works fine and re1 doesn't: It doesn't receive any packets. Tcpdump displays all outgoing packets, but no incoming ones on re1. Ifconfig shows the link correctly (100 or 1000 Mbit, depending on where I
2003 Sep 15
strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
Hi, in the kernel I have these lines: [...] device miibus # MII bus support device rl device ed options IPFIREWALL #firewall options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE #enable logging to syslogd(8) options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=0 #limit verbosity options IPDIVERT #divert sockets options DUMMYNET
2004 Apr 03
IPSec Racoon and Port Forwarding
Hello, I have given myself quite the headache trying to make this VPN work correctly. I am attempting to use racoon to establish keys and construct an encrypted tunnel between one host(A.A.A.A) with a routable IP address and another that has a private address( with a cable modem(B.B.B.B) forwarding all ports to the private address( Here is a quick topographic dipiction of the
2006 Apr 19
AHC Panic
I've finally been able to capture the panic, as now it occurs even with DDB configured. Of the six machines I have running 6.1-RC (CVSupped today), this is the only one that does this. /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x30c488 data=0x3b6a0+0x3170c syms=[0x4+0x46430+0x4+0x58da4] no such file or directory - Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt. Booting
2008 May 28
7-STABLE: bridge and em
Hello list! When em0 has an inet address while bridge0 doesn't, it seems to be OK: ----- bs1% uname -a FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Sun May 25 20:15:26 MSD 2008 i386 bs1% ifconfig em0; ifconfig tap0; ifconfig bridge0 em0: flags=8943<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
2006 Dec 19
/etc/rc.d/jail: losing IPs if jail_x_interface set and syntax error in jails /etc/rc?
Hi *, I recently triggered an error when setting up a jail-host: I configured the jail(s) like evry jail I set up in the past: On the jail-hosts /etc/rc.conf: # ---- Jail-Globals ---- jail_enable="YES" # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails jail_list="ftp mx1 relay" # Space separated list of names of jails
2005 Aug 18
Closing information leaks in jails?
Hello, I'm wondering about closing some information leaks in FreeBSD jails from the "outside world". Not that critical (depends on the application), but a simple user, with restricted devfs in the jail (devfsrules_jail for example from /etc/defaults/devfs.rules) can figure out the following: - network interfaces related data, via ifconfig, which contains everything, but the
2013 May 15
still mbuf leak in 9.0 / 9.1?
Hi list, since we activated 10gbe on ixgbe cards + jumbo frames(9k) on 9.0 and now on 9.1 we recognize that after a random period of time, sometimes a week, sometimes only a day, the system doesn't send any packets out. The phenomenon is that you can't login via ssh, nfs and istgt is not operative. Yet you can login on the console and execute commands. A clean shutdown isn't possible
2005 Jul 14
[ Possible security issue with FreeBSD 5.4 jailing and BPF]
This message was sent to bugtraq today: While playing around with FreeBSD 5.4 and jailing I discovered that it was possible to put an ethernet interface into promiscious mode from within the jailed environment, allowing a packetsniffer to gather data not meant for the jailed box. This also affects FreeBSD 5.3 (tested) but not FreeBSD 4.x This can be reproduced on boxes where BPF support is
2003 Jun 12
NIC has IP, but has "no carrier"
Hello, My computer is not connecting to the local network with the following configuration: dmesg.boot contains the following lines: ----------------------------------------- vr0: <VIA VT3043 Rhine I 10/100BaseTX> port 0xec00-0xec7f mem 0xfeafbc00-0xfeafbc7f irq 11 at device 12.0 on pci2 vr0: Ethernet address: 00:40:05:a5:00:04 miibus0: <MII bus> on vr0 amphy0: <Am79C873 10/100
2008 Feb 29
7.0 - slow/unstable Internet access via Linux router
Hello, recently I've installed 7.0 and now I'm observing strange thing with my Internet connection. Access to some sites may be VERY slow or doesn't work at all with different kinds of timeout messages or without messages at all (but other sites works fine). For example, firefox may say "Transferring data from..." message and then "The connection to the server was reset