similar to: Group changes made over and over?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Group changes made over and over?"

2007 Oct 29
puppetd and self management
OS: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE Puppet: 0.22.4 OS: CentOS 5.0 Puppet: 0.23.2 Is it currently not possible for puppetd to upgrade itself (0.22.4 -> 0.23.2)? I tried it, and when puppetd attempted to restart itself (using the init provider), it failed to start back up. Perhaps the init provider needs to close all file handles before executing the rc.d scripts? Additionally, I had puppetd update its
2007 Jun 14
Please test export/collect from svn
For those of you out there using export/collect (which we really need to come up with a better name for...), can you test the current SVN code? I''m mostly wondering if the performance is any better. To use it, you''ll have to remove your current database, since the database schema is significantly changed. I''m getting what looks like an additional 25% reduction
2007 Oct 30
append to static array (was: Re: Why External Node Classification is my future)
On 10/29/07, Luke Kanies <> wrote: > On Oct 29, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Brian Finney wrote: > > Although iteration would be really cool if we could also append to an > > array in a global fashion, but thats a completely different dream. > > What do you mean? Thinking some thing like: # define for simple firewall control define port($port, $status){ push
2007 Jun 12
facts from ldap
Does any one have a recipe for getting facter facts from ldap?
2007 Oct 02
End of file and other errors: solution
For anyone that has experienced the odd End of file or Cannot describe errors, we''ve found that switching to Mongrel has fixed this problem for us. We''re currently running 5 instance of puppetmaster under mongrel (with the apache proxy in front) and things are going great. For more information on setting up Mongrel, visit:
2007 Sep 21
mysql storeconfigs needs mysql gem
Recently I started noticing that after running for a while puppetmaster would freeze after a client called `freshness` which would eventually result in the client getting a timeout and the client dyeing. I tracked the freeze down to the call to ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! in rails.rb on line 26. After scouring the nets I finally found:
2007 Oct 16
Template Nodes considered harmful
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Russ, Digant, *! Several times on the IRC channel I noticed people having problems getting to grips with the interaction of scopes when using template nodes[1]. Typically this looks thus: | node genericwebserver { stuff } | | node '''' inherits genericwebserver { | $influence_genericwebserver =
2007 Nov 13
Hello, Is it possible to group many nodes together? Suppose I have a large number of machines that I all want to have the same config - rather than specify them as individual nodes each inheriting the same config, I''d like to say that a group inherits a config, and define the group elsewhere. Does this sort of construction already exist? Could it be cobbled together from what we
2007 Nov 28
puppetrun failing: "connect'': tlsv1 alert unknown ca"
I''m trying to get puppetrun to work, without luck so far. I have my puppetmaster and clients working fine with the clients polling the master. Now I want to be able to force an update. Using version 0.23.2 On the client I set listen=true and created the namespaceauth.conf file. Restarted puppetd and it appears fine. On the master I run puppetrun as root and get root@plane:/etc/puppet#
2007 Sep 25
Runnels development
Looks like there''s enough interest in runnels that it''s time to create a list: -- Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth. -- Katherine Mansfield
2007 Sep 11
Node behavior
Hello, I am rather new to Puppet and am starting to test it out for use on a client''s servers. I am running into difficulty with node behavior. I want to specify a different firewall for every server. The default "basenode" works (applies the various files/functions/etc to all the servers just fine). However, when I specify the following (see nodes.pp, specifically),
2007 Oct 10
Puppet ldapnodes issue
I am attempting to move our test puppet installation from looking for node information in a manifest to LDAP. I followed the instructions at: and was able to get the puppet schema loaded into our LDAP. I can now query LDAP and modify/load data without any issues using the OpenLDAP tools. e.g. ldapsearch -h -x
2007 Dec 11
puppet seems to be restarting itself very often
I turned on reporting the other day and I''m seeing alot of these when puppet runs. Especially during times when nothing is going on (middle of the night etc) Tue Dec 11 12:34:48 -0500 2007 //base/puppet/puppet::client/Service[puppet]/ensure (notice): ensure changed ''stopped'' to ''running'' It''s also quite odd that puppet when it runs it thinks
2009 Nov 11
anchoring of patterns for per-directory merge files
Hi, I'm extremely confused about anchoring of patterns for per-directory merge files, as what I see seems to not be the behaviour the documentation suggests. On the receiver side I have rsync version 3.0.3 protocol version 30. On the sender I have rsync version 2.6.9 protocol version 29. I'm calling: rsync --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter' -avz --delete \ --numeric-ids
2007 May 11
Trailing commas [best practice survey]
I''m sure everyone has read and committed the Puppet Best Practice to memory by now (I joke). One of the things I''ve written in there deals with trailing commas, which I adopted from the way I used to do multiline in Perl, but I''ve noticed that most people don''t tend to do that in Puppet. Should I revise this or should we all start using the trailing commas?
2007 May 28
Anyone using storeconfigs with a DB other than sqlite?
Just wondering if anyone is using a backend database other than sqlite, and if so, how easy/hard it was to configure. I''m constantly receiving "SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked..." which I presume is due to sqlite''s relatively coarse locking method. Cheers, James -- Senior Linux Platform Engineer Midrange Services AXA Technology Services - Asia Pacific
2007 Sep 11
Re: #786: exported resources not refreshed
Hello all, what exactly is the "design decision" that is needed here? We currently have the problem that 0.23.2-3 (debian package) does not work when it comes to collecting exported resources. The resources are saved in the database, so picking them up is the problem (db is Mysql5.x). This is a major problem for us, since we are using this a lot for our monitoring services. I
2008 Jan 18
puppet 0.23.2 can''t collect exported resources
hi,guys I''m test the resources export and collect , OS is Debian etch and sarge, puppet server and client version all of the 0.23.2 ; the db is MySQL-4.1 My test code is like this. node ''b'' { @@file {"/tmp/a": ensure => present ,content => "test"; } } node ''a'' { File <<||>> } I run puppetd on
2020 Apr 29
demoted AD remains in samba-tool drs showrepl
Dear list, in this corona crisis a delivery of a AD to a location abroad takes longer than I expected. I demoted the AD which is in delivery with samba-tool domain demote --remove-other-dead-server=ADDC3 If I know trigger a samba-tool drs showrepl I still see him in the list: CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com ??? NTDS DN: CN=NTDS
2007 Aug 21
Seattle Meetup?
Hi all, It looks like I''ll be in Seattle on Sunday, September 16th through Tuesday the 18th, and I''d like to have Puppet Meetup either Sunday or Monday night. On Adam''s recommendation, I''ll be staying at the Queen Anne Inn, so something near there would be best. Hopefully Adam or Blake can do the actual organization. :) Any takers? -- What is