similar to: Vmware guest can''t connect to puppetmaster on host

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Vmware guest can''t connect to puppetmaster on host"

2007 Oct 11
puppetmaster can''t found the node''s hostname ?
hi,all. I found a interesting problem. first ,a new node run the puppetd to connect the puppet server, then was treated as "default" node. that''s right. Then I add the new node''s hostname in a node define. and run the puppetd ,is still get the default manifests file. But when I restart the pupppuetmaster, then it can get the new manifests file to correspond
2011 Jul 08
Puppetmaster setup with separate CA server configuration help
Hi All, I am setting up puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and separating the Puppetmaster primary CA server. I have 3 host loadbalancer01 - Nginx doing LB on IP address and also running puppetmaster with passenger under (port 8140). primaryca - Puppetmaster Primary CA pclient - Puppet Client The did the following steps: On Primary CA server: ---------------------------- cd
2013 Aug 22
ssl ofloading on amazon ELB for puppetmasters
Hi, I''m trying to do ssl offload on amazon ELB for my puppetmaster servers, it seems amazon ELB is not sending ssl_client_header & client_verify_header puppetmaster Listen 8141 <VirtualHost *:8141> SSLEngine off DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/rack/puppetmaster_8141/public/ RackBaseURI / <Directory /etc/puppet/rack/puppetmaster_8141/> PassengerEnabled on
2012 Oct 29
multiple puppetmasters, single ca
HI all, I am currently setting up a HA devops configuration using puppet. I want to be able to run a single puppet master as the CA and the rest act as peering puppet masters. I have each puppet master running on passenger and I am proxying the SSL requests to the CA server following:
2008 Jan 02
Puppetmaster doesn''t know itself
I restarted puppetmasterd and it announced that the Cert does not match existing key ! [root@puppet ~]# puppetmasterd --verbose --no-daemonize info: Starting server for Puppet version 0.24.1 info: mount[files]: allowing access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: Retrieving existing certificate for
2008 Aug 29
Could not call puppetca.getcert: #<Errno::EHOSTUNREACH: No route to host
Hi all puppet-Users, i try to get my first puppet installation up and running. (puppet-0.24.5, ruby-1.8.5) everything works as expected witch puppetmasterd + puppetd on the same machine. but i''ve problems connecting to the puppet-server from any client host. all i get is the error ------------ debug: Calling puppetca.getcert err: Could not call puppetca.getcert:
2008 Jan 17
A function can always run when a client connect to the pupetmaster?
hello,all I write a function. this function will write the client fqdn to a file. But this function only run one time when the puppetmaster recompile the configuration. How can let this function run every time when a client connect to the puppetmaster ? please help me. -- Huang Mingyou
2007 Apr 30
Best Practice: how to organize puppetmaster directories?
Hi, While puppet creates its own directories for internal stuff (puppetca, state, etc.), there''s a fair bit of latitude given to where things like manifests and uploaded files live. I didn''t get much guidance from the docs when I first set things up so I mostly poked at things until the worked. Take a look at the following and let me know if this looks reasonable; if so, it
2007 Oct 31
puppetd can set more than one server address
hi,all I want set up a puppet HA structure. but if the puppetd can set more than one server address ,the work will be simple :D if one puppetmaster have error, the client can auto try the next. I think I can use the heartbeat or dns to do this same thing,but not so good. so I want know the puppetd can direct set in the configure file ? if not,will be add this option? -- Huang
2011 Jun 29
Setting up puppetmaster-passenger on Debian
I am at the end of my rope here so I pray to the gods that puppet-users can help. Using Debian apt-get install puppetmaster-passenger you get a fairly complete puppetmaster setup. I have the Pro Puppet book next to me and following Chapter 4 on setting up Puppet with Passenger I can see that apt has already done most of the ground work. For example the script is owned by puppet,
2011 Feb 15
Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request
Hi: I''m trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any pending certificate requests. Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues printing notice: Did not receive certificate warning: peer certificate
2010 Jun 18
problems with puppetmaster using intermediate CA cert
Hi, I''m trying to develop a manifest to setup a new puppet master. To solve the SSL certificates I''ve created a root CA outside of puppet, and have generated an intermediate CA for the new puppet master to use. I''ve also configured my puppetmaster daemon to use it''s own ssl directory. So the new puppetmaster is at the same time a client of the old puppet
2008 May 27
Puppetting the puppetmaster problems
Hi, installing puppet at my first site was quite easy (not w/o problems, but still). At the second site, I''ve run into something more serious. First things first - I install puppetmaster on existing server, used to keep LDAP db (my puppetmaster DOES NOT use LDAP, it just tries to coexist on the same machine). The thing is, I need to puppet this baby, so I''m running into a
2013 Jan 22
New user learning puppet and getting error> getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Hello everyone, I''m a new user regarding puppet but I''m skilled with linux. I have setup a puppetmaster server and also have a puppet client for testing on a different box. /etc/sysconfig/puppet has been edited to reach puppetmaster with option (I''m in Costa Rica) On the puppetmaster I was able to see the client with puppetca
2008 Jan 18
puppet 0.23.2 can''t collect exported resources
hi,guys I''m test the resources export and collect , OS is Debian etch and sarge, puppet server and client version all of the 0.23.2 ; the db is MySQL-4.1 My test code is like this. node ''b'' { @@file {"/tmp/a": ensure => present ,content => "test"; } } node ''a'' { File <<||>> } I run puppetd on
2011 Mar 15
error SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
Hello folks, I am getting this error on one of the clients, here''s all of the output. It was working on this client and today it stopped working. I cleaned the cert for this client puppetmaster by "puppetca --clean" and I removed the "/var/lib/puppet/ssl" directory so it would get new certs. But I still keep getting the same error as below. I have other
2007 Sep 21
how to update puppet ?
hi ,all how to update the puppet from 0.22.4 to 0.23.2 . just install it ? is there have some thing need to be be careful ? when update the server and client,all just install the new version ? please help me ,because I use the puppet in product servers,so I need be careful. :D -- Huang Mingyou
2009 Mar 03
port 8140 issue in ubuntu
I installed all required pkgs for Puppet & other configurations are done. I have issues getting certificates from server. vm1 is server & vm2 is client. In client I run, root@vm2# puppetd --server -- waitforcert 60 --test and I see, /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/network/client/ca.rb:31:in `request_cert'': Certificate retrieval failed: Could
2007 Oct 23
what''s the maximum of the runinterval
hi,all I want the puppetd run in daemon only run by the puppetrun trigger, not schedule run . so how can do this ? what''s the maximum of the runinterval ? I want change this option to do this. Please help me . -- Huang Mingyou
2008 Jan 24
Can use a Variables when Realizing Resources
hi ,all When realizing a resources ,can use this syntax like this ? File <<| tag == $idc | >> I had try it ,but can''t work. and not get error from the puppetmaster. -- Huang Mingyou