similar to: storeconfig DEPRECATION WARNING

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "storeconfig DEPRECATION WARNING"

2008 May 12
Enumeration sum
Any idees why I can do this: @sum = @selected.inject(0) { |sum, player| sum + player.value } but not this: @sum = @selected.sum { |player| player.value } @sum = @selected.sum(&:value) The last two give me following error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2) /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.0.2/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb:164:in `calculate''
2008 Feb 13
dependency to storeconfig
Hi all, I''ve noticed, that once using storeconfig, if the db (in my case mysql) is down than puppet wont start... is there a real reason for making puppet depend on the db? Thanks, Ohad _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list
2005 Dec 21
ActiveRecord Error with << in Collection
Hi I get a following error: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in Cmdb#create ConfigurationItemAttributeValue expected, got Array RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/associations/association_collection.rb:128:in `raise_on_type_mismatch''
2010 Oct 11
Nooby Stuck - "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship
trying to set up a "has_and_belongs_to_many" relationship would very much appreciate the help, not sure what im doing wrong at all. Scheme.rb class Scheme < ActiveRecord::Base validates :schemename, :presence => true belongs_to :user has_many :levels, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :works end Work.rb class Work < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Apr 04
habtm and options_from_collection_for_select [1.0.0]
I ran into a problem using options_from_collection_for_select : ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Topic expected, got String): /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/ active_record/associations/association_collection.rb:128:in `raise_on_type_mismatch'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/
2009 Nov 17
has_many :through and foo.bars.include?
hallo everybody, i already googled the following problem, but there are so many questions regarding "has_many :through", that i just couldn''t find what i was looking for. so, i''m really sorry if this has been asked before. if so, just drop me the link. i have a has_many :through relationship similar to the following example: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
2010 Jul 29
Test if stored config is enabled?
Hi I''d like to be able to test if stored config is enabled and active, and if not then react (eg. notice or die). Is there any way of doing this? Thanks Dom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2006 Apr 04
Hi. Im new to Ruby and new to Ruby on Rails and have problems realizing a =20= simple many_to_many relationship: My tables: items <-> items_users <-> users ------------------------------------------------------------------------=20= -------------------------------------- id user_id = id name item_id name ... = password = ...... My Code: class
2008 Nov 06
Rails 2.1.2 bug in include on has_many?
In my continued efforts to port my rails 1.x app to Rails 2.1.2, I keep running into what appear to be ActiveRecord bugs. I am using an :include on a :has_many definition: class Request < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :service_types, :order=>'' ASC'', :include=>:service_response [...] There''s no reason this wouldn''t be supported in
2010 Sep 01
Error on update_attributes with HABTM relationship
Hope someone can tell me what''s up, because this has me baffled. I have an Image model, and a Provider model. Both are defined as "has_and_belongs_to_many" relating to each other. In my image form partial, I have a bit of AJAX generating the provider_ids array dynamically from a provider AJAX search on the same page. So for example, each time I click on a provider name that
2012 Mar 30
storeconfig and oracle Databases
Has anyone got a puppetmaster to populate a remote oracle server? The only thing I have found is I have installed the prerequisties, yet I when I run: puppet master --no-daemonize --verbose --debug I get no indication of any database activity and I get no tables created in my database when a client asks
2006 Jan 23
type mismatch because of misled array index
Most times I look up a list of books I want to know a page reference for each one, so the views that display booklists expect an array of two-element arrays, constructed via a method in the model like so: (class Category) def book @book = self.bookshelves.each { |x| @book << [, x.pages] } return @book end When I get the list of all books that a user has
2006 Jan 22
acts_as_taggable: weird SQL problem with untagging
Setup as follows: class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :filename validates_uniqueness_of :filename, :scope => "user_id", :message => "already exists, try uploading another file or deleting first." acts_as_taggable :join_class_name => ''TagResource''
2007 Jun 01
"Exception: stack level too deep" on collection.clear?
Without getting too deep into my app I''m wondering if anyone has any clues what might give rise to the error posted below. It occurs when I run my unit tests. class Actor < AR:Base belongs_to :court_case end class CaseCause < AR:Base belongs_to :court_case end class CourtCase < AR:Base has_many :actors has_many :case_causes ... end def my_test_method ...
2008 Feb 11
Storeconfigs purge Perl
Here''s some happy-fun Perl to make your storeconfig/virtual resources day better. I probably should have written this in Ruby, but perl comes naturally :) #!/usr/bin/perl # # Perl DBI to remove all related entries from Puppet''s storeconfigs database. # Use when a host is removed from the Puppet network forcibly # Alternatives: run puppet on host to be removed with a blank
2009 Jul 23
simple question about exporting data...
I just have a simple question. I'm using the predict function, and I get about 1000 values. Now, how would I make it into a data frame or a list so that I can easily use Excel to graph the data? Right now, it's in horizontal lines, and it would be a pain to copy and paste and make it into a vertical column. Thanks! -- View this message in context:
2006 Feb 27
Nested hash from form params into create()?
Hi, I''m really excited about getting the create() method working on a nested hash. The Rails book make it seem like I''m close to doing the right thing but I think something very small is not quite right. The error at the below isn''t giving any hints that I understand. I have a form that produces a nested params hash and sends it to my add_to_cart controller method.
2010 Apr 27
strange pson error...
Hello! What does this error means? err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find relationship target "Nagios_hostgroup[]" I cannot find it anywhere in my config... I have only 2 nagios_hostgroups, exported to server, then collected in nagios module. Any ideas? Cheers --- Grzegorz MarszaƂek
2007 Feb 08
a possible bug in Has_many :through using :soucre
I''ve been stumped on this for a few days and I''m not sure if it''s an error on my end or an actual bug. I have a system where I have workshops and users. Workshops have students, presenters, and troubleshooters. I wanted to represent this simply by using has_many :through with :source. Workshop has_many :presenters, :through =>:presenterships, :source=>:user
2007 Jun 23
has_and_belongs_to_many and dynamic find
Hi Just curious if anyone can explain why using a dynamic find fails to work with << operator I have standard habtm relationship class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :roles Now when I assign a Role via << after saving the new User I get wierd behaviour but only when using the dynamic version of find i.e @user = if #