similar to: verify before deploy

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "verify before deploy"

2007 Dec 11
puppet seems to be restarting itself very often
I turned on reporting the other day and I''m seeing alot of these when puppet runs. Especially during times when nothing is going on (middle of the night etc) Tue Dec 11 12:34:48 -0500 2007 //base/puppet/puppet::client/Service[puppet]/ensure (notice): ensure changed ''stopped'' to ''running'' It''s also quite odd that puppet when it runs it thinks
2007 Jun 21
Noop and "dangerous" classes
Hello all, I''m thinking about a configuration class that, amongst other things execs out to a ''dangerous'' configuration script. I''d like to make this a noop by default, so the operator has to try a bit harder to invoke it. So I thought about doing something like: class blah { exec { danger: noop => true, tag => hitme, command
2007 Aug 30
Command line vs config file override for configuration params
Hi all I''m working on my modular recursive Makefile & svn-backed home for my Puppet manifests, custom functions, types, etc. So I''m trying to put together individual modules, test targets and so on. I have noticed that the $libdir (and probably the other configuration options too) sources from puppet.conf are not overridden by specifying --libdir=blah on the commmand line
2007 May 11
Exception handling in custom facts
Hi. I''d like to use exception handling in my custom facts. For example, in plain Ruby: begin buildno = '''' bcrelease = open("/etc/BCrelease") while (line = bcrelease.gets) line = line.chomp buildno = $1 if line =~ /^Build:\s+(\d+)/ end bcrelease.close print "#{buildno}\n" rescue print "No
2007 Oct 08
Noop functionality
I''m thinking about how to set up the processes for Production puppet runs now. Being ultra-conservative here, we''d like to see what would happen before pressing the red button. I can run in noop mode, and everything is evaluated but nothing is done. A YAML report magically appears on the Puppetmaster which my script parses and spits out something the management can read
2007 Jun 11
Managing bigger scripts
Hello, I''m scratching my head as to the best way to plug in a script to do some client configuration. The script is about 40 lines long (full of basic instructions to fiddle with VCS in fact). Lots of execs would seems cumbersome. My thoughts are to simply install this to the client (via the fileserver) and exec out to it. Does this seem sensible? And if so, be aware of things like
2007 Sep 25
"Have I included class X" function?
Anyone know if it would be straightforward to extract this information from Puppet, probably in a custom function: The classes included as a result of the client''s parsed configuration - or - Am I in class X as a result of my parsed configuration? I''m thinking it would result in a more elegant manifest if classes X and Y behaved differently if they were both included compared
2007 Nov 29
Overriding resources in a define in a module - can''t get syntax right
Maybe it works, maybe it doesn''t, but I sure as hell can''t make it work. I get stuck with "Could not find object(s)" whatever I do This is my module init.pp class ztest::setup { notice "MAIN SETUP CLASS" file { directfile: path => "/etc/directfile", owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644, content
2007 May 01
Global Variables?
What is the view of having / not having global variables in Puppet? Facter variables are global in the sense they are defined in every scope (whereas ''normal'' variables are only available within the scope they are defined in). I could simply add a custom fact for my DoesTheServerNeedASerialConsole flag to Facter, but I''m not 100% sure I should be having the client
2007 Dec 10
Results from testing our manifests, functions and types against HEAD
Hi Luke and other people working on 0.24. I hope this is constructive. So, I have our configuration working against a checkout from git as of last night. Subject to (sorry, here''s the big but :) * external_nodes script is not being called (#951) * Custom types aren''t working unless I drop them into $rubysitedir/puppet/{type,provider}. Previously they worked in
2007 Oct 10
Warning for Fedora Core users
Fedora Core 7 has just updated their Ruby package (was, is now, and the upgrade broke my Puppet installation, and there was a similar report from someone else. Communications between the puppetmasterd and the puppetd running on the same host broke down with the message: Could not retrieve configuration: Certificates were not trusted: hostname not match with
2007 Nov 13
Creating a manifests ''release'' under SVN; trouble with SVN headers
Dear all I''ve gotten into the habit of including SVN headers in my templates, etc so it is easy to see where the file installed into /etc/puppet/ came from. Furthermore, we use svn cp to create release branches. Therefore, you''ll see something like this: # $Id: dumpadm.conf 1239 2007-10-23 16:04:06Z sa_dewha $ # $URL:
2007 Nov 20
Suddenly can''t access the puppetmaster anymore
Hi, I have a number of puppets talking to 1 puppetmaster. Everything was working fine until suddenly this week the puppets are revolting. Whenever I try to run ''puppetd -v'' I see a lot of messages like: Certificates were not trusted: hostname was not match I''m sure I did not make any changes to DNS lately and I didn''t upgrade puppet on any of the machines
2013 Jul 17
sudo add user script
Hello list, I took another stab at finding a way to add a sudo user remotely and it gets you most of the way there. If you execute the script as root it works beautifully and does just what you want. Which is add the user to the group and gives that user group rights to certain commands. But if you execute it as a user who only has sudo access to the /etc/sudoers file it errors out. cloud:~]
2015 Nov 02
use pssh to restart a service
Hey Gordon, Sorry, man my bad! Disabling the tty requirement for my sudo user does indeed work. I had a type-o in the sudoers file, and when I corrected it, my sudo command via pssh started working! #pssh -i -h es_list "/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl restart elasticsearch; sleep 10" [1] 20:31:32 [SUCCESS] bluethundr at Stderr: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
2007 Dec 18
Testing / Coding methodologies?
I''ve been having great "fun" testing the new (Puppetised) build end-to-end for several days now. The majority of the fun has been coming from vendor packages (no names mentioned), typically with conflicting permissions on files, or perhaps different home directories, UIDs for the app users so it matters in which order you do things in. My current methodology is to go through
2011 Jul 25
Sudo #includedir function ignored CentOS 6
I am unable to get the #includedir function to work with sudo. This works just fine on all my CentOS 5.6 servers, but on 6 it is being ignored. I have this line in the file /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix-puppet zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/zabbix/bin/start_puppet However sudo still requires a password. If I put that same line into /etc/sudoers file , there is no password prompt. At the end of my
2007 Aug 20
Common routines for custom functions
Hello I want to share some common subroutines between my custom functions. Given the way Puppet loads the .rb files in $plugindest/puppet/parser/functions, does anyone know how should I lay this out? I tried creating a module myutilities def self.blah() ... end end (NOT within the newfunction() call) in one of the (top-level) functions'' .rb file. However, calling
2007 Jun 11
Arbitrary backups
Anyone think it would be useful to have files backed up to the filebucket even if they are not controlled by Puppet? 1 vote here. Derek ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For important statutory and regulatory disclosures and more information about Barclays Capital, please visit our web site at Internet communications are not secure
2007 Oct 31
puppetd can set more than one server address
hi,all I want set up a puppet HA structure. but if the puppetd can set more than one server address ,the work will be simple :D if one puppetmaster have error, the client can auto try the next. I think I can use the heartbeat or dns to do this same thing,but not so good. so I want know the puppetd can direct set in the configure file ? if not,will be add this option? -- Huang