similar to: file type to monitor files recursively and ignore dir timestamps

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "file type to monitor files recursively and ignore dir timestamps"

2007 Feb 16
Rsync Permission Issues
Hi all, I'm new to rsync and have a problem I cannot resolve even after plowing through the lists. I have an rsync server setup with an rsync client. I am trying to backup a directory structure that is over four levels deep. Rsync does great until it hits that fourth level. Then it errors out for each file in that fourth level similar to this: rsync: recv_generator: mkdir
2007 Jun 13
Problem with SquidGuard and DansGuardian
Hi All, I tried installing SquidGuard in a CentOS 4.5 server wit Squid as proxy from RPMForge but uninstalled it since I am having it fails to configure it correctly so I replace it using DansGuardian. But after configuring it and restarting the squid including start of dansguardian service, I observe that there was no effect on our client user. Our user are required have proxy settings on
2009 Jul 08
Recursively templating files in a directory
Suppose I have 100 files distributed recursively: file { "/var/sample": source => "puppet:///files/sample", ensure => directory, recurse => true } What I''d like to do is have all files inside the directory be templated: file { "/var/sample": content =>
2007 Jan 08
shorewall/dansguardian/squid problem
ive got a config thats client -> server ->Dansguardian->Squid -> onward adn I want to transparently redirect web traffic to DG/Squid Not sure where the problem lies - hoping you guys can help me and at least tell me that its NOT my shorewall config heres the configs When I point a browser straight at 3128 or 3129 I get web pages back and the appropriate stuff in the logs . I get a
2006 Feb 17
dansguardian+squid masquerading not working
Hello Everyone! I am using shorewall-3.0.5 on suse linux. Recently we have implemented dansguardian running on 8080 and squid on port 3128. Previously (before dans guardian) masquerading was working fine but after the implementation of dansguardian masquerading is not working. My rules file has entry Previous entry was ACCEPT loc: net REDIRECT loc 8080 tcp
2004 Sep 22
fw to fw question
Hi. I''m a happy shorewall user. I found something that looks like a possible bug. I''m using shorewall on a single computer at home. I''m using the privoxy proxy server and dansguardian content filter. I configured shorewall based on the "one interface" example from the website. I set the firewall up so that users cannot directly connect to
2011 Mar 10
Managing directories recursively and adjust subdirectories permissions?
Hello everybody, I have a strange problem. I manage a directory recursively like this (this part works). class showcase { file { "/opt/files": ensure => directory, owner => "user", group => "group", recurse => true, source => "puppet:///showcase" } } Now, if I want to set permissions on directories included in
2008 Oct 14
Squid proxy High Availability
Hi all, I am running squid integrated with squidguard.dansguardian,clamav running on single standalone centos 5 server.Also running webmin for managing squid.This Squid is serving for 4000 clients. Since it is serving more users i don't want to take risk by running single server,if there is any single point of failure will cause all of my users to standstill. So i am planned to go for
2006 Aug 16
proxy server - ipcop vs CentOS
I have purchased a used Compaq DL360 which I was going to use as a proxy server. Presently, we are using a cheap box with ipcop which is working fine but it didn't have much RAM (64MB), etc. This new box we will want to run squid and perhaps dansguardian for filtering (this is a non-profit company) and I'm wondering if I should just put ipcop on it or would it be smarter/better to install
2012 Oct 13
Getting user list for each group
I use Winbind auth for squid-dansguardian ntlm authentication purpose. I need matching users/group for filtering in squid/dansguardian. getent group is used for finding users for groups except for group Domain Users. getent passwd is used for finding all users and specifically users for group Domain Users (over group ID). This requires enumeration option(winbind enum users, winbind enum groups)
2008 Jun 17
samba ldap squid dansgardian
Hi, Just a question. I have a samba PDC with LDAP backend. I want squid / dansguardian use the user auth from samba NTLM bases. i need user and group filtering and i want it transparent. 2 steps, auth, first the NTLM auth on port 80 to be transparent. second, the dansgadian filter filtering groups. this looks bit like it, but this authenicates against ADS.
2011 May 25
Winbind Trust -- grr
First, Thanks for any and all help!!!! I can't seem to figure out what I need to do, I've been fighting this for a month and am now beating my head off my desk with no solution to be found. I've read others having this issue but they were all older versions.. I am using 3.5.4,, Please read over and give me some input.. Every 7 days winbindd fails on the trust secret. The only way
2007 Nov 21
Migration from RH9
Hi, I will probably have to migrate a few servers running Red Hat 9 to CentOS and I'd like to have opinions. One server to migrate is running Fedora core 4. Reason for migrating to CentOS: no more security updates available, hardware change planned anyway. Here are the services to be migrated: sendmail pop (not sure which daemon, I think it is running the default daemon in RH9) DNS
2005 Jan 04
Shorewall redirect with Squid and Dansguardian
Hi all, I''ve just built Mandrake 10.1 on a Compaq Deskpro that I''ve built as a router/firewall and am redirecting port 80 outbound to force users through the Content Filter. I''ve run this setup on Mandrake 9.0 and 10.0 without any problems but this time the following happens. Squid is accessed through port 3128 and Dansguardian via 8080. If I set my browser on a
2012 Sep 18
How can i get directory recursively?
In manifest i have this instruction: file { "/etc/apache2": owner => root, group => root, mode => 740, recurse => true, source => "puppet:///dist/apache2" } By syntax its right, but on client i see error: err: /Stage[main]/Testing170/File[/etc/apache2]: Failed to generate additional resources using
2004 Sep 20
Re: Can this be done?
Robin Lynn Frank wrote: > We have Shorewall 2.1.9 , squid and dansguardian (a filter for squid) on > the same box. I want to require one group of computers to connect their > browsers via squid on port 3128. The other group, I want to require to > use dansguardian on port 8080 and it , in turn hands off to squid on > 3128. I think I have this figured out, but I thought
2006 Nov 02
Squid/dansguardian on Centos
Hello, Would anyone have a good set of install instructions for Dansguardian running with Squid? Along with that I am interested in being able to apply the 'google patch' which allows for setting google searches to either safe or very safe mode. I can find a text version of the patch, but have no idea how to install it. Thanks! Robert -------------- next part
2016 Sep 21
Handlers in setGraphicsEventHandlers() can recursively call getGraphicsEvent(). Intended behavior?
Hi Is the correct patch to remove the setting of the gettingEvent flag or would it be better to flip the TRUE/FALSE setting (set to TRUE before handling then reset to FALSE after handling) ? Also, for this patch and for the other two you sent, one difficulty will be with testing the patches. I have no testing code for this, so would need at least a test or two from you (ideally someone
2011 Sep 26
Farmhouse in Provence
The Building Painting ( Farmhouse in Provence also known as Entrance Gate to a Farm with Haystacks was made in 1888 by Vincent van Gogh in Arles in Provence at the height of his career. Oil Paintings for sale ( Partially due to having been inspired by painter Adolphe
2012 Dec 18
Puppet v2.7.209 setting permissions recursively
How can I get Puppet to recursively set permissions of a directory, so that the directory and all subdirectories have move 0755 but the files in the directory have mode 0644? When I use the recurse => true option, it sets the files in the directory to executable as well. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view