similar to: no such file to load -- webgen/webgentask

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "no such file to load -- webgen/webgentask"

2008 Nov 28
Webgen as a backend for a end-user friendly CMS?
Hi all, I just had the idea of using webgen as a backend for an end-user friendly CMS. Such an end-user would for example be someone who has no programming or computer skills that go beyond using M$ Word. After logging into a friendly, graphic-based admin area of the website (e.g. PHP or Ruby-based), he/she can easily create, change, delete menu nodes, text content, and do a lot of other
2008 Aug 31
stack level too deep - an elusive bug?
I was experimenting with template chains and detected the following issue with webgen-0.5.3: Generating tree... An error has occurred: stack level too deep The weird thing is that after deleting `webgen.cache`, website compilation is successfully. When `webgen` is run immediately after this successful compilation (i.e. without changing any files), the error above shows up. After
2007 Dec 31
webgen 0.4.7 relased/infos on 0.5.0
# webgen 0.4.7 I released webgen 0.4.7 today which features some minor feature enhancements: * added support for Haml markup * added support for Sass markup * gallery file handler is now multilingual aware * hidden files can now be used by the file handler plugins if the parameter Core/FileHandler:useHiddenFiles is set to true This is a recommened update. # Information on webgen 0.5.0 Alas,
2011 Nov 20
RFC: Block starting line of Webgen Page Format
Hello everybody, I''m currently deciding whether to simplify the block starting line of the Webgen Page Format. Currently one can specify arbitrary key:value pairs on the block starting line, e.g. --- name:test pipeline:erb,kramdown option:value (see However, I don''t think that these options ever get used
2005 Dec 13
Features for next webgen release
| Ross Bamford wrote: | | On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:50:08 -0000, Thomas Leitner <thomas_leitner at |> wrote [in comp.lang.ruby]: | | > I''m currently gathering ideas for new features for the next big | > webgen release (0.4.0). Some of the planned features are: | > | > * RSS feed generation (proposed by Friz Heinrichmeyer) | | That would be very nice -
2010 Feb 15
webgen 0.5.11 released
Hey everybody! -------------- webgen 0.5.11 has just been released! If you don''t know what webgen is, read the "What''s webgen?" section down below. This announcement is also available at In this release there are two big changes regarding the internals of webgen: 1. The dependency on facets has been removed
2007 Mar 30
Current status of webgen 0.4.3 and 0.5.0 (new plugin system)
Hi everybody! As the easter holidays have now finally arrived and all the exams are over, I will have more time for webgen again! Summary ======= * Changes included in the upcoming 0.4.3 release * webgen repository * Status on 0.5.0 * Detailed information on the new 0.5.0 plugin system Changes for 0.4.3 ----------------- I have collected all mails/forum entries/ML postings in which bugs
2011 Nov 25
Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config
Hi everyone, since my last gem update, I get the following error when using webgen: /home/dams/opt/ruby/gems/webgen-0.5.14/lib/webgen/cli/utils.rb:10: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config. /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/psych.rb:154:in `parse'': (<unknown>): couldn''t parse YAML at line 21 column 9 (Psych::SyntaxError) from /usr/libb/ruby/1.9.1/psych.rb:154:in
2008 Aug 24
uninitialized constant "Console"
I just upgraded webgen, and it broke. Here''s what I get when I run webgen: woolley$ webgen --version An error has occurred: uninitialized constant Console woolley$ gem list webgen *** LOCAL GEMS *** webgen (0.5.2, 0.4.7)
2007 Jun 26
Poll for new default website style
Hi everybody, after looking a bit around the Internet and checking which website style some users of webgen are using, I found that many people just stay at the default webgen website style (which is not really pretty ;-) So, I''m thinking about changing the default webgen website style to something more Web-2.0-ish, and I would like to know if there is a particular website style
2007 Jun 20
custom menu plugin not working in 0.4.4
I was pushing out a new version of a site I have that I think was last generated with webgen 0.4.1. Since my gems are updated to 0.4.4 I''m getting this error when running ''webgen''. I''ve reverted back to 0.4.2 and that is the version where this custom vertical menu plugin starts breaking. So I''m not sure what has changed to cause this. I get this
2007 Dec 24
[new user] some features requests ...
Hi, After many tries, i''ve decided to give up dynamic websites, which definitely do not match my needs, and instead replace my blog by a webgen site. I''ve however some unanswered questions. 1) RSS One of the main interest of dynamic website is the ability to provide user a view to last updated pages, thanks to RSS. Is there a way for webgen to generate a RSS file from last
2007 Jun 07
Plugin installation similar to rails
Hey all, I''m considering including a plugin installation mechanism similar to the one available with the rails script/plugin command in the next major webgen version. There would be a repository index located on the webgen homepage, something like This file contains a list of repositories (http and ftp) which provide webgen
2007 Mar 04
Maruku + webgen - access to meta-information from content converter
Hi! I am the author of Maruku (, a Markdown-superset interpreter. At the moment I am 1) learning webgen 2) integrating Maruku+webgen 3) converting my website to webgen, so I have many questions (one question, one message). First one: I wrote the straightforward maruku.rb converter (see attachment). In a content converter, how can I access the meta-information of
2009 Jan 03
Some questions from a new webgen user
Hi everyone. Sorry if it is not the place to post questions about webgen. I use webgen5, i know it is not the stable version but i couldn''t understand how webgen4 worked, it''s easier with webgen5, and i won''t have to change my pages when it becomes mainstream ;) I try to build my homepage using webgen, and there are some things i don''t know how to do (i am sure
2008 Mar 09
issue with plugin loading
OK, I''m once again talking about my future almighty isbn loader. I have written quite all the ruby code I need and, using a basic test, checked it works. Now, I''me having issues running the code. When I run webgen, I got the following error : C:\Documents and Settings\Maison\Bureau\>webgen C:/Documents and
2009 Jan 29
HOWTO install webgen 0.5.6 on Debian GNU/Linux etch
Hi all, Cristian our sys-admin wrote a short HOWTO for Webgen 0.5.6 on Debian Etch, see I thought it might be of interest for others as well. If you know a better way, please let us know. Best wishes, Matthias -- Deputy German Coordinator, Fellowship Coordinator Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) [] ( Join the
2011 Feb 07
The Pygments highlighter supports many more languages than CodeRay. Pygments is written in Python, but I''ve seen non-Python projects use it (Jekyll, Pygments). There''s also this: Any idea how much work it would be to add Pygments support to Webgen?
2008 Jan 02
anchor tags?
Hi, Is there a cool webgen way to do anchor tags? I''ve just been doing this: <span id="anchor_name"/> ...but is there a better way? Thanks, Chad
2007 Mar 30
gallery issue...
Hi, i''m new of both webgen and ruby, so maybe this can be a dumb question, but i can''t recognize any solution by myself. I use webgen 0.4.1 (the newest webgen .deb package). I''m trying to make a test gallery, without succeeding in it. i done (ehm, copied) the file in the root directory: 1 title: Example Gallery 2 imagesPerPage: 32 3 images: