Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "kiteChart to show real values with scalebar"
2010 Oct 13
vertical kites in KiteChart (plotrix)
Dear everyone,
I would like to create a kite chart in which I plot densities (width of the
vertical kites) in relation to sediment depth (on reversed y-axis) for 6
different locations (Distances from seep site, on x-axis on top of the
plot). The dataset I would like to use is:
Distance_from_seep_site Sedimentdepth Density
1100 0 107.8
1100 1 264.6
1100 2 284.2
2012 Nov 03
Violin plot of categorical/binned data
I'm trying to create a plot showing the density distribution of some
shipping data. I like the look of violin plots, but my data is not
continuous but rather binned and I want to make sure its binned nature (not
smooth) is apparent in the final plot. So for example, I have the number of
individuals per vessel, but rather than having the actual number of
individuals I have data in the
2011 Sep 17
R kiteChart (plotrix) arguments
I hope someone is able to help. I've created a graph using kiteChart (in
the plotrix package) but need to know how to perform some basic text
alterations to the graph. I would like to re-orientate the text on the
y-axis from vertical to horizontal. I understand that the argument normally
for this is las=1. However, this does not seem to work. Perhaps kitechart
uses an alternative
2010 Sep 17
Preparing data frame for Plotrix kiteChart
Although, I can fix this, I am trying to sort out something as
straighforward as possible for my students, and I have some questions
that hopefully someone can help me with.
My data is:
Species Distance Count
A 5 0
A 10 5
A 15 5
A 20 3
A 25 1
B 5 8
B 10 20
B 15 28
B 20 12
B 25 12
C 5 5
C 10 12
C 15 19
C 20 27
C 25 34
But I am struggling to get this into a data frame that does
2007 Dec 30
Symbolic substitution in parallel; use infinity symbol?
I'd like to be able to modify axlab in (C) below so that 'Inf'
is replaced by the infinity symbol.
y <- rnorm(40)
breaks <- c(-Inf, -1, 1, Inf)
x <- cut(y, breaks=breaks)
plot(unclass(x), y, xaxt="n", xlab="")
## A: The following gives the axis labels "(-Inf, 1]", etc.
axis(1, at=1:3, labels=expression("(-Inf,-1]", "(-1,1]",
2010 Nov 19
negative axis values in image() and scalebar in cor.plot() {psych}
Dear List,
I sent a related message yesterday, but did not receive it through the
mailing list; on the R-help archives it reads as "An embedded and
charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...". So here it is again, with the
(little) progress I have made since then. Any help would be greatly
I am working with a relatively large correlation matrix (~1600*1600), which
I am
2012 Apr 30
Subtract days to dates in POSIXct format
I'm having problems working with date values in POSIXct format. Here is what I got (eg.lig attached):
x <- read.table("eg.txt", sep = ',', col.names=c("ok","time","secs","lig")) # it gives time as factor
z <- cbind(x,colsplit(x$time, split="\\s", names=c("date", "clock")))
2012 May 05
creating a new column assigning values of other columns
I have to create a new column from the values of other columns of a data frame. The new?column (y$n) is created imposing a condition (using a third variable y$h) that assigns the values of two time variables (y$b and y$timepos). Here's the piece of code to get there (using the attached files):
xact <- read.table("act.lig", sep = ',',
2011 Mar 30
a for loop to lapply
Dear all,
I am trying to learn lapply.
I would like, as a test case, to try the lapply alternative for the
for (i in c(1:dimx)){
---so I wrote the following---
returni <-function(i,ShadowMatrix) {ShadowMatrix<-i}
So far I do not get same results
2012 Feb 02
"shifted" bar chart / battleship curve
What I want to do is create a horizontal bar chart matrix for a set of data that have a common set of variables (e.g., % of As, % of Bs, etc.) listed on the Y-axis and groups (e.g., Classes) on the X-axis. The key here is that the bars for each individual class plot are "centered" rather than left or right-justified. In archaeology plots similar to this are called battleship curves or
2011 Apr 27
Assignments inside lapply
Dear all I would like to ask you if an assignment can be done inside a lapply statement.
For example
I would like to covert a double nested for loop
for (i in c(1:dimx)){
for (j in c(1:dimy)){
Powermap[i,j] <- Pr(c(i,j),c(PRX,PRY),f)
to something like that:
unlist(lapply(1:nrow(ij),function(rowId) { return
2011 Apr 14
Categorical bubble plot
I do not have much R experience just the basics, so please excuse
any obvious questions.
I would like to create bubble plot that have Categorical data on the x and y
axis and then the diameter if the bubble the value related to x and y.
Attached to the email is a pic of what I would like to do.
I do hope someone can help me.
Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Gr??en/recuerdos/meilleures
2013 Jun 10
modify and append new rows to a data.frame using ddply
I have a data.frame that contains a variable act which records the duration (in seconds) of two states (wet-dry) for several individuals (identified by Ring) over a period of time. Since I want to work with daytime (i.e. from sunrise till sunset) and night time (i.e. from sunset till next sunrise), I have to split act from time[i] till sunset and from sunset until time[i+1], and from time[k]
2010 May 28
Matrix interesting question!
I have been trying to do this in R (have implemented it in Excel) but I have
been using a very inefficent way (loops etc.). I have matrix A (columns are
years and ages are rows) and matrix B (columns are birth yrs and rows are
I would like to first turn matrix A into matrix B
And then I would like to convert matrix B back again to the original matrix
A. (I have left out details of
2012 Jun 19
R and C pointers
Dear R devel,
Apologies for these (most probably trivial) questions, doing my first
attempt to call C from R (and actually learning C in the process).
I need to pass a matrix to C, and after reading R-exts.pdf (many
times), I was unable to find how to handle matrices at C-level...
except for, what probably is the answer, that matrices are in fact
vectors with dimensions.
This is a sample code I
2009 Apr 28
latticeExtra: useOuterStrips and axis.line$lwd
I'm working on some lattice wireframe figures that have two conditioning
factors, and I want the strips labelled on the top and left of the
entire plot, rather than above each individual panel. useOuterStrips()
does this, but it draws internal axis lines, even after I explicitly set
axis.line to 0. Is there a way to use useOuterStrips but without axis
I've included a short
2011 Jul 12
matplot with dates/times on horizontal axis
where timestamp is a vector filled with POSIXct objects and xymatrix is
a numeric 2x2 matrix plots but the horizontal axis labels are raw
unformatted timestamps.
I would like to format these in any of the available codes for strftime,
for instance format="%H:%M".
Passing a vector of formatted strings does not work. Any obvious other
2011 Apr 22
Hello everyone,
I am using ggplot
to plot but I am getting the following error which I do not understand
Error: geom_text requires the following missing aesthetics: label
My code is
subsetxx<-subset(xx, xx$Powermap>threshold)
2006 Nov 27
3 prototype/scriptaculous effects in order on one <div>
What I am trying to do is fade out the content in a certain <div> load
new content while its black then fade in the new content but im lost.
I need it to go like this...
but everytime I try to do it it just trys to do all of them at once,
how do I go about making the effects wait on the previous one before it
2007 Jun 19
Controlling text and strip arrangement in xyplot
I've searched the archives and read the xyplot help but can't figure
out the 2 lattice questions below?
DF <- data.frame(x=rnorm(20), y=rnorm(20), g1=rep(letters[1:2], 10),
g2=rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=10),
xyplot(y ~ x | g1 + g2, groups=g3, data=DF)
1) Is there a way to get one strip per row and column