Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Hmisc::xYplot - text on xaxis"
2009 Nov 10
polygon kills X-server
Hi all,
when I make a polygon with 100,000 vertices my X-server is being
killed. This occurs in R-2.9.0 and a freshly installed R-2.10.0
I'm running Ubuntu with a locally compiled R:
uname -a
Linux onyx 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 16:22:17 UTC 2009
x86_64 GNU/Linux
xlower = -2e6:2e6
xupper = rev(xlower)
ylower = runif(length(xlower))
yupper = ylower+.1
2009 Nov 10
polygon kills X-server (PR#14055)
Full_Name: Ludo Pagie
Version: 2.10.0
OS: linux, ubuntu, 8.04
Submission from: (NULL) (
when I make a polygon with 100,000 vertices my X-server is being
killed. This occurs in R-2.9.0 and a freshly installed R-2.10.0
I'm running Ubuntu with a locally compiled R:
uname -a
Linux onyx 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 16:22:17 UTC 2009
x86_64 GNU/Linux
xlower = -2e6:2e6
2007 Mar 31
add confidence intervales to xyplot for ANCOVA and extracting info
I would like to add confidence intervales to an ANCOVA with 2
covariates when using xyplot.
What would be a good way of accomplishing this?
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))
rm(list = c(ls()))
## 1. generate data
random <- rnorm(200)
y <- abs(random)
x1.cont <- abs(random)
x2.fac <-
2009 Apr 15
Lattice xyplot with text under x-axis
Hi All,
I have a data set which I need to plot and show the values of one of the
variables as a second x-axis.
2010 May 26
Custom axis function in lattice:::xyplot
Dear List,
I have been writing a Lattice function to draw what we call
stratigraphic diagrams, these are diagrams with a panel for each species
showing a time series of abundance, but drawn vertically to represent
time passing from bottom of plot towards to top.
I am most of the way there with this now, but I want to do away with the
strip on each panel and instead draw a custom top axis with a
2005 Mar 31
Contingency table: logistic regression
I am analyzing a data set with greater than 1000 independent cases
(collected in an unrestricted manner), where each case has 3 variables
associated with it: one, a factor variable with 0/1 levels (called XX),
another factor variable with 8 levels (X) and a third response variable
with two levels (Y: 0/1). I am trying to see if X1 has an effect on the
relationship between X2 and the
2009 Nov 05
[LLVMdev] Strange error for libLLVMCore.a
mingw, llvm 2.6 (buid with llvm-gcc)
Example source code:
I change
LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&engine, provider, &error);
LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&engine, provider, 3, &error);
$ llvm-gcc `llvm-config --cflags` -c fac.c
$ g++ `llvm-config --libs --cflags --ldflags core analysis
executionengine jit
2006 Jan 23
Sample rows in data frame by subsets
I need to resample rows in a data frame by subsets
L3 <- LETTERS[1:3]
d <- data.frame(cbind(x=1, y=1:10), fac=sample(L3, 10, repl=TRUE))
x y fac
1 1 1 A
2 1 2 A
3 1 3 A
4 1 4 A
5 1 5 C
6 1 6 C
7 1 7 B
8 1 8 A
9 1 9 C
10 1 10 A
I have seen this used to sample rows with replacement
d[sample(nrow(d), replace=T), ]
x y fac
7 1 7 B
2009 Jun 03
Need help understanding output from aov and from anova
Hi all,
I noticed something strange when I ran aov and anova.
vtot=c(7.29917, 7.29917, 7.29917) #identical values
fac=as.factor(c(1,1,2)) #group 1 has first two elements, group 2 has
the 3rd element
When I run:
> anova(lm(vtot~fac))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: vtot
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
fac 1 1.6818e-30 1.6818e-30 0.3333 0.6667
Residuals 1
2012 May 29
GAM interactions, by example
Dear all,
I'm using the mgcv library by Simon Wood to fit gam models with interactions and I have been reading (and running) the "factor 'by' variable example" given on the gam.models help page (see below, output from the two first models b, and b1).
The example explains that both b and b1 fits are similar: "note that the preceding fit (here b) is the same as
2013 Dec 14
Change factor levels
Suppose I have a dataframe 'd' defined as
L3 <- LETTERS[1:3]
d0 <- data.frame(cbind(x = 1, y = 1:10), fac = sample(L3, 10, replace
= TRUE))
(d <- d0[d0$fac %in% c('A', 'B'),])
x y fac
2 1 2 B
3 1 3 A
4 1 4 A
5 1 5 A
6 1 6 B
8 1 8 A
Even though factor 'fac' in 'd' only has 2 levels, but it seems to bear the
2013 Jan 17
Colors in interaction plots
I am trying to plot an interaction.plot with different color for each
level of a factor. It has an erratic behavior.
For example, it works for the first interaction.plot below, with the
example from the ALDA book, but not with the other plots, from the NPK
# from http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/examples/alda/ch2.htm
tolerance <-
2011 Jan 21
match function causing bad performance when using table function on factors with multibyte characters on Windows
[I originally posted this on the R-help mailing list, and it was suggested that R-devel would be a better
place to dicuss it.]
Running ?table? on a factor with levels containing non-ASCII characters
seems to result in extremely bad performance on Windows. Here?s a simple
example with benchmark results (I?ve reduced the number of replications to
make the function finish within reasonable time):
2010 Apr 21
Bugs? when dealing with contrasts
R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with
2002 May 13
GLM questions
I'm doing a glm analysis and I have two doubts (at least :)
1) When I run the function it gives a lot of warnings (see below) what
they mean ? (may be I'm ignorant about this analysis ...)
40: non-integer x = 1.252763
41: non-integer x = 1.864785
2009 May 22
regrouping factor levels
Hi all,
I had some trouble in?regrouping factor levels for a variable. After some experiments, I have figured out how I can recode to modify the factor levels. I would now like some help to understand why some methods work and others don't.
Here's my code :
###some trials in recoding factor levels
2009 Jul 31
how use the subset?
hi ,everyone
I want subtract some dataset by subset.
>From the help running help(subset), ths information is "*subset(airquality,
Day == 1, select = -Temp)* "
while I running my script written as "*g1data<-subset(errdata, fac>12) *"
,it is wrong with the error information "*subset.default(newerrdata,
fac>12),can not find fac*"
and g1 in read
2009 Aug 08
how to get id of other table
Hi All,
I have a doubt regarding join tables
I''m having 2 models
and both models have " has and belong to many" relationships
so there are 3 tables
then i''m fetching the data in controller as
@cfacs=Fac.all(:joins=>:conts, :select=>"facs.name")
but i dont know how to get the
2006 Feb 28
sorting collection lists
I''m using collection.select lists and I would love to sort them by one
or two of the columns as the lists are getting long enough to make a
<%= options = [[''Select a Facility'', '''']] + @facility.collect {
|fac| [fac.name, fac.id] }
select ''placement'', ''facility_id'', options %>
2012 Jan 02
Create variable with AND IF statement
I'm using SPSS at work but really would like to switch to R. Right now I'm
trying to learn R in reproducing calculations I did with SPSS but am stuck
with something that is quite simple and comprehensible in SPSS-Syntax:
IF (variable1.fac = 0 AND variable2.num = 0) variable3=1.
IF (variable1.fac = 0 AND variable2.num >= 1) variable3=2.
IF (variable1.fac = 1 AND variable2.num =