Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "creating a package?"
2011 Apr 21
numbers and superscripts in the same unit of measurement.
Hola everyone,
I'm doing an analisys about abundance of a planctonic specie in Robinson Crusoe Islan and I am having a hard time just adding the superscripts and the 100 (one hundred) in the measure of abundance.
Perhaps this is so basic to you, but I need to put the real unit of measure. Individuals / 100 cubic meters.
I have been looking in websites and R-list and there is not any
2011 Jul 25
Life Cycle Assessment with R.
Hello everyone,
There's something really important about climate change and how many institutions around the globe are looking for softwares solutions in order to achieve they (and everyone) needs to improve life conditions in all the planet.
Currently, they're many comercial softwares working with this important topic named as: "Life Cycle Assesment", monitoring carbon emition,
2010 Dec 30
Curso de R en Santiago, Chile. Gratis!
A todos quienes estan insterados y estan en Stgo de
Chile les tengo una muy buena noticia. Desde hace ya algunas semanas,
nos hemos sentado a la mesa con Alex (Epidemiologo) a discutir la
necesidad de desarrollar un curso de R para principiantes. No solo
porque es necesario unirse en torno a un projecto como es el R, sino que
es una oportunidad para muchos cientificos (como
2012 May 29
Creating a new R mirror in Chile
Hello everyone,
I would like to create a new R mirror en Chile and I would be very placed if any of you who are familiar doing it can help us.
We are looking for manuals and materials need it.
Thank you in advance,
José Bustos
Data Scientist at www.aespro.cl
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2011 Feb 28
R course in Santiago, Chile/ Curso de R en Santiago, Chile (Confirmado)
(English Below)Estimados,
Acabamos de confirmar el lugar y la fecha del primer curso de R en Santiago, Chile. El curso se realizará el día Miércoles 9 y Jueves 10 de Marzo en las dependencias de la Facultad de Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Andres Bello, ubicada en República 440 (Metro República)
El proceso de inscripción del curso se realizará on-line en el link que les adjunto. Además,
2011 Jan 27
Curso R Gratis (Universidad Andres Bello)
Con mis colegas estamos creando un curso básico de nuestra
espectacular herramienta R. Nos hemos dado cuenta que muchas personas usan
software comercial y pensamos que sería una buena oportunidad para dar un curso
gratis acerca de R. Por otro lado, puede ser una buena oportunidad para crear
un grupo de usuarios activos de R aquí en Chile.
Actualmente, estamos invitando
2011 Jan 28
Free R Course Chile / Curso Gratis R (Universidad Andres Bello)
(English version below)
Queridos R-usuarios!
Con mis colegas estamos creando un curso básico de nuestra espectacular herramienta R. Nos hemos dado cuenta que muchas personas usan software comercial y pensamos que sería una buena oportunidad para dar un curso gratis acerca de R. Por otro lado, puede ser una buena oportunidad para crear un grupo de usuarios activos de R aquí en Chile.
2011 Dec 12
Variables from a Dataframe
Hello everyone,
I want make a variable selection from a dataframe, but when I build this new object (using cbind) the new table (which is a matrix) I lost all the original factor names in the variables. I get 1,2,3....
Someone would be so kind and tell me if there's is a ny way to get variables in a dataframe, but not changing these factor to numbers?
Thank you all.
2011 Aug 08
Classification trees problem.
Hello Everyone,
I'm doing a Classification trees with categorical explanatory variables using library rpart and I would like to do a prediction for some data imputs. I don't know where's a function or how can I do it?. Is there someone can help ?? ¿. Here's the code that I'm using.
fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis)
2011 Oct 14
change uppercase variables
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to change the name variables of a big dataset. Here's more than 300 variables. The point is that I have to match it with another dataset that have same variables, but in lowercase, the I can use rbind and do my work.
Is there any function for changing uppercase or lowercase variables?
Thank you in advance!
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2008 Apr 27
R instalation on Ubuntu 7.10
Se ha borrado un texto insertado con un juego de caracteres sin especificar...
Nombre: no disponible
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20080427/53a3d8c7/attachment.pl
2011 Oct 04
joining tables
Hello everyone,
I know this is very basic question for you people. I'm working with mani diferent tables, but everyone has the same variables. (V1, V2, V3). The only think that I need to do is to put together this tables. In other words, creating just one big table with all the cases showed in the smaller tables.
For example:
2011 Sep 14
Image processing and analysis with R
Hello everyone,
I'm working in a project to create an special analysis about visualization in some animals and its behaviour, through checking eye movement. The point is this is very important to get data from the image as a resume of what this animal sees. I think an RGB histogram like photoshop does, but I need to get the data from this histogram analysis and I was wondering about using R
2012 Mar 19
Dotplot: how to change size in the y lab ?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to reduce the font size in the Y exe in this plot:
Anyone knows how to do it?
I have checked the argument lab.cex and cex, but any of these works!
if you want to check us this code:
### read the data
d <- read.csv( file( "http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/data/150/data.txt" ) )
2012 Feb 14
Creating categories from a date-time object
Hello R-List,
I have a question about recoding from a date time object. I have tried using as.POSIXct objects and Chron Objects, but I can get the what I want.
I need to create a new variable from a date-time object, adding "Office Time" for those events that happens between 08:00:00 to 18:00:00 and "Out of Office" all the others, but not including weekends. I have created a
2007 Apr 12
making a counter of consecitive positive cases in time series
Hi all..RCounters!
I´m working with standarized time series, and i need make a counter of consecutives positves numbers to make a cumulative experimental funtion. I have x: the time series (0,1) and y: my counter, i have this for step. What is wrong?.. any can help me please!
for (i in 1: length (x))
{if (x[i]>0)
2007 Jul 08
Making Gehan-Breslow test for Survival data
Hi all,
The survivals functions can be tested by the Log-rank test and others, for
example the Gehan-Breslow. The graham breslow work with the alpha values.
But I don't know how is the Gehan-Breslow test with R. Somebody know a
type function?.. or other suggestions? Any help will be really
Jos? Bustos
Marine Biologist
Master Apllied Stat Program
University of Concepci?n
2008 Apr 21
Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using R
Hi everyone,
I'm studying the manual name: Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using
R and Epicalc, maked by: Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong and Edward McNeil.
And I can't find the data base that they use in some examples, this are
the names:
Somebody can tell me how can I have this files?
O__ ---- Jos? Bustos M.
c/ /'_ ---
2010 Dec 30
Curso de R en Santiago, Chile
A todos quienes estan insterados y estan en Stgo de
Chile les tengo una muy buena noticia. Desde hace ya algunas semanas,
nos hemos sentado a la mesa con Alex (Epidemiologo) a discutir la
necesidad de desarrollar un curso de R para principiantes. No solo
porque es necesario unirse en torno a un projecto como es el R, sino que
es una oportunidad para muchos cientificos (como
2006 Oct 03
maybe use voronoi.findrejectsites?
hi all members,
please, i need you help... now a i´m working with veronoi polygons in a
area with projections, but i need cut the polygons left. On other words, i
need cut the polygons in the worked area.
R help say that use the command voronoi.findrejectsites, but in this
command i need put the numbers, any way...this command not cut!! do you
can help me?
Thank you for help me!
José Bustos