similar to: puppet hangs on Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "puppet hangs on Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum"

2008 May 20
puppet thinks yum fails when it doesn't
Hi all, Not sure if this is a bug in puppet, yum, or just something I''m doing wrong. I''m trying to use puppet to update a package to a particular version and exec a command when that update is applied. The problem is, puppet calls yum which successfully updates the package, but puppet then thinks the update has failed and hence doesn''t trigger the exec. Next
2007 Dec 17
New error in Centos 5.1
Just started a "pilot" puppet server for real after messing around in VMs for the past week or so... I used the 0.24.0 since it was available, and on the test run, got this: err: Could not prefetch package provider ''yum'': Execution of ''/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/'' returned 512: /usr/bin/python:
2007 Dec 17
More 0.24.0 problems
this time when I try to connect the first node: [root@qaagt20 ~]# /etc/init.d/puppet start Starting puppet: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `initialize'': No route to host - connect(2) (Errno::EHOSTUNREACH) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `open'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `connect'' from
2010 Apr 09
Yum provider using version-release as version?
Hi, I''m using yum as our package provider and having an issue. Puppet is complaining of the version, this is the code I''m trying to implement: $snmp_version = "" package { "net-snmp": ensure => "${snmp_version}"; } On the client I got: debug: //Node[]/snmp::base/Package[net-snmp]: Changing ensure debug:
2006 May 07
Problem with the new version of win32-process
Hi all, Well, I''ve messed something up in the pure Ruby Process.fork method. If you run the test_fork_waitpid.rb file (in CVS), you''ll see this error: c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/windows/process.rb:132:in `call'': can''t convert false into Integer (TypeError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/windows/process.rb:132:in `OpenProcess''
2013 Jun 08
Using yum provider to install local RPM
Hey guys, puppet n00b here. I think I already found an answer for my question here, but the topic was dated back in november of 2011, so I''m hoping things have changed since then! Here''s the topic I''m referring to.!topic/puppet-users/oSHWWjMX-sE I''m running: CentOS 6.3 yum 3.2.29 puppet 3.2.1 To sum it up, I
2012 Feb 09
Puppet master can not find file_metadata for my puppet module
Hello, I am running a puppet master version 2.7.5 on Centos 5.7 and a puppet agent version 2.7.5. I am simply trying to apply changes to files by defining a file resource in my manifest. When I execute my puppet agent to do the installation it complains it can not find the file meta data. Here is my manifest. class neospeech::config { file { "/usr/vwmrcpd/vwmrcpd/vwmrcpd":
2007 Apr 05
"old" rpm version package handling broken!? (SuSE8)
Hi! Using (among others) the pretty old SuSE8.1, I cant get puppet to install packages. The rpm programms bahaviour was changed somewhen between versions 3 and 4 (sry, don´t know exactly when) and the old version does not support the "--nosignature" and "--nodigest" params and "--oldpackage" is purely an update parameter so when trying to install a package I
2010 Apr 12
Cron question
Hello, Why the following lines doesn''t work? cron { "app" : command => ""nice -n -10 /usr/bin/php /var/www/public_html/rotinas/rotinas.php 2>&1>> /var/log/app.log", environment => "PATH=$PATH", user => root, hour => ''*'', minute =>
2007 Dec 10
Results from testing our manifests, functions and types against HEAD
Hi Luke and other people working on 0.24. I hope this is constructive. So, I have our configuration working against a checkout from git as of last night. Subject to (sorry, here''s the big but :) * external_nodes script is not being called (#951) * Custom types aren''t working unless I drop them into $rubysitedir/puppet/{type,provider}. Previously they worked in
2008 Feb 04
possible issue with puppet/yum - maybe a repeat
Hi working with the following puppet-0.24.1-1 puppet-server-0.24.1-1 ruby-1.8.1-7.EL3.8 rhel3 u8 The puppetmaster is running on rhel4 u5 I am working with puppet and rhel3 u8 and I have any an issue anytime I ask puppet to interact with yum for the record - yum from the cli works perfectly I setup a class to manage ntpd and in the class I have the following function # make sure ntpd is
2014 Sep 17
[PATCH 0/2] supermin: use librpm for rpm support
Hi, this work makes supermin use the rpm library instead of invoking rpm directly. This, together with a needed refactoring of the dependency resolution, should help in make supermin faster on rpm-based systems. Surely the patches will still need polishing, especially for behaviours of newly added stuff, but at least it's a good starting point. Noting that you need rpm-devel on most of rpm
2008 Jan 02
Puppetmaster doesn''t know itself
I restarted puppetmasterd and it announced that the Cert does not match existing key ! [root@puppet ~]# puppetmasterd --verbose --no-daemonize info: Starting server for Puppet version 0.24.1 info: mount[files]: allowing access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: mount[files]: allowing * access info: Retrieving existing certificate for
2004 Dec 10
win32-process 0.3.1 is out
Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that I released 0.3.1 last night. This addresses Bug #712 and incorporates Patches #1087 and #1137 (thanks Aslak). I''ll try to get an open4 implementation out this weekend, though I noticed that Aslak''s patch is different than what Park originally had, so I''ll have to decide which I prefer, or if they can be blended somehow.
2009 Sep 25
Puppetd hangs with 100% CPU usage
Hi again, puppetd started to hang with 100% CPU usage all of the sudden. Strace just keeps repeating these 2 lines: --- SIGVTALRM (Virtual timer expired) @ 0 (0) --- sigreturn() = ? (mask now []) In logs it hangs with this message: debug: Calling fileserver.describe But lots of these fileserver.describe calls prior to hang are successful. If I run it with puppetd
2008 Nov 24
Problem with RubyGems installation
Hello, I am trying to install RubyGems on Ubuntu and i''m having trouble. I''ve downloaded rubygems 1.3.1 and when i run the sudo ruby setup.rb command I get the problem mentioned below. I''d really appreciate if someone can help me out. Thanks mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8 mkdir -p /usr/bin install -c -m 0644 rbconfig/datadir.rb
2012 Sep 14
assistance needed - err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired
Hi, I have a puppet infrastructure running 2.6.14 under Passenger with about 30 nodes. I''m just spinning up a new Cent 6.3, puppet 2.7.19 master. Right now I have the master built and configured using the same configuration as my 2.6.14 setup, with a few tweaks for the new version. Puppet on the master built itself fine. I have puppetd stopped on the master. I tried pointing one
2011 Nov 18
Puppet on windows: File resource problem
Anybody knows what this error, bellow, means, the target file, C:/Splunk/etc/system/local/inputs.conf, does exist. sometimes, if I delete the file, it does actually create it, but never update it if it exists and changed... The resource is defined as:     file { "splunk_inputs":        owner   => SYSTEM,        group => SYSTEM,        mode    => 664,        require =>
2012 Dec 07
Help with PuppetDB
Hello Everybody, I am trying to install the puppetdb on the same machine as am running my puppetmaster. I am getting the following error when am trying to connect the agent: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed to submit ''replace facts'' command for to PuppetDB at
2010 Oct 06
weird ELF error
Anyone know what this is? It doesn''t seem related to puppet but I''m stumped. info: Loading facts in dmidecode info: Loading facts in cpuinfo debug: catalog supports formats: b64_zlib_yaml marshal pson raw yaml; using pson /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:55:in `deserialize'' /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/rest.rb:69:in