similar to: Add attributes to igraph vector by name, not index

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Add attributes to igraph vector by name, not index"

2007 Oct 18
Remember me functionality
Hi all, I am trying to implement the functionality of Remember Me. The requirement is that once the user closes the browser after checking the remember me check box, it should return to the login page with username and password fields to be filled into the text boxes and the checkbox button checked, so that there is no need to fill all the fields. I am not able to fill the text boxes with user
2011 Oct 11
plots of correlation matrices
Hi, I want to do a visualisation of a matrix plot made up of several plots of correlation matrices (using corrplot()). My data is in csv format. Here's an example: id,category,attribute1,attribute2,attribute3,attribute4 661,SCHS,43.2,0,56.5,1 12202,SCHS,161.7,5.7,155,16 1182,SCHS,21.4,0,29,0 1356,SSS, 8.8182,0.1818,10.6667,0.6667 1864,SCHS,443.7273,9.9091,537,46 12360,SOA,6.6364,0,10,0
2006 Apr 03
attribute select problem
Hi, I''m searching a metod to do a selection suck as: Select attribute1,attribute2 from table where conditions I know that the "find()" and "find_by_sql" methods takes all the attribute...But i want only attribute1 and attribute2...Can someone tell me if there''s a method that give me this opportunity? Thanks,Ivan. -- Posted via
2006 Apr 01
Any way around AssociationTypeMismatch?
I want to have popup menus and check boxes in my forms to let users select associated objects. In the form I''m working on, the object "belongs_to" another type of object which is selected from a popup menu. The id of the chosen object(s) for association is passed back in the parameter hash, but when rails creates a new object from this parameter hash, I get a
2007 Feb 26
Problem concerning CSV Mime Type
Hello, I have an application that should be able to export a list of users as CSV. So I put Mime::Type.register "text/csv", :csv into my environment.rb, and added this code to my UserController''s index action: format.csv do require ''csv'' CSV::Writer.generate(csv_string = "", '','') do |csv| csv
2007 Jan 28
Views just returns #
hi im new to ruby on rails, and I have a stupid little problem, when i do <%= Class1.find(:first) %> in a view file, it just shows "#" on the website :( how do make it the value in the mySQL table? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2007 Dec 20
factor manipulation: edgelist to a matrix?
Hello All, I have had considerable bad luck with attempting the following with for loops. Here is the problem: # Suppose we have a data.frame with the following data, which can be considered a type of edgelist (for those with networks backgrounds): # # V1 V2 # 1 A # 1 A # 1 B # 2 A # 3 C # 3 A # 3 C # 3 B # # I want the output of the function to produce a matrix, such that #each factor of
2011 Apr 09
Converting edgelist to symmetric matrix
Hi, I have network data in the form of a couple of edgelists containing weights in the format "x,y,weight" whereby x represents row header and y represents column header. All edgelists are based on links among 634 nodes and I need to convert them into a 634*634 weighted matrix. I searched for online help using possible keywords I know, but I could not find a clue how to do this in
2011 Jan 05
unique limited to 536870912
Hi I am using R with igraph to analyze an edgelist that is greater than the said amount. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks Inder
2011 May 18
data network format and grouping analysis
Hi everyone, I have a dataset of friendship with this format: ego alter 4746 1 2 9742 1 3 14738 1 NA 4747 2 NA 9743 2 3 14739 2 1 4748 3 13 9744 3 5 14740 3 14 4749 4 NA 9745 4 NA 14741 4 NA 4750 5 NA 9746 5 13 14742 5 10 4751 6 12 9747 6 7 ... NA means that individuals don't select any
2003 Apr 22
Social Network Analysis and R
I'm interested in computing densities of a number of small ego-centred or local networks. I've installed both the R program and the sna package. My next task is importing the data into R. Our data was entered into Spss in an edgelist format in which each case specifies the link between an alter and an ego. For example: 10101 10102 1 10101 10103 3 10102 10104 2 10201 10203
2013 Apr 15
create an access file
Hi there, I have seen this post. have odbc installed in my machine. Now I have the following message: channel2 <- odbcDriverConnect("test.mdb")Warning messages:1: In odbcDriverConnect("test.mdb") : [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
2008 Mar 26
Latentnet Data Import
Hello everone, I am a computer science researcher in the UK - and have a quick question regarding importing data into R and more specifically latentnet. I am trying to import data such as a text file containing: (This is based on the Sampson data set) ----------- Network attributes: vertices = 3 directed = TRUE hyper = FALSE loops = FALSE multiple = FALSE total edges=
2012 Nov 19
R SNA: Creating a adjacency matrix containing all actors but only values of a subset
1 down vote favorite my problem is the following: I am using the R SNA package for social network analysis. Lets say, my starting point is an edgelist with the following characteristics. Every row contains a firm name, the ID of a project they are involved and further characteristics, let's say the projects year. Firms can be in several projects, and one project can consist of a
2011 Jul 06
superimposing network graphs
Dear all, I have a undirected network (g), representing all the sexual relationships that ever existed in a model community. I also have a directed edgelist (e) which is a subset of the edgelist of g. e represents the transmission pathway of HIV. Now I would like to superimpose the picture of the sexual relationships with arrows in a different colour, to indicate where in the network HIV was
2008 Dec 26
question about SNA in R, thanks!
Dear colleagues, I'm trying to have a look at the Assortative and Disassortative ( of the network I have. But it seems that the igraph hasn't mentioned that yet. I have to get the in/out degree of the vertices of each edge and calculate the Pearson's Correlation coefficient which seems to be quite a huge task for me. :( So I wonder if
2008 May 21
Callback method for field
Is there callback method for field level? Generally, after_create and after_save will fire at object level. I need to fire some code when the value for the field is changed. I need to call the call back method from observer -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2009 Dec 04
R igraph clusters component
Hi R-users, I'm using igraph for an undirected graph. i used clusters() igraph function to know the component size(subgraphs) as shown bellow: c <-clusters(g)    # component sizes size <- sort(c$csize, decreasing=TRUE) cat("Top 20 cluster of the graph","\n") for (i in 1:20) {   cat(i,"  size:",size[i] ,"\n") } Can anyone help how to extract the
2009 Mar 05
Chunk of text won't show up when compiling Rd file
Greetings - I am trying to document the "value" section of a function. The function returns a list, but the list itself also has attributes. I would like to itemize the list entries, and itemize the attributes, but in between I would like to have a sentence or two about the attributes in general. However, for some reason this intermediate sentence won't show up in the compiled
2009 Apr 06
Bonpower Crashes Trying Sparse Matrix (Igraph)
Hello All, I have been trying to do bonpow for a while now.Bonpow works for few graphs and for few others it goes out of memory. I did see reply to one of the posting Alph Centrality Crashed in Igraph memory error. The solution in the posting was to use sparse matrix. This is the link of the message. I was able to obtain