Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "User defined panel functions in lattice"
2012 Apr 19
Fwd: User defined panel functions in lattice
Hi ilai
Thank you for your suggestions.
I do not know what happened yesterday I must have omitted a few
changes out in going from R to email
and apologies for the double posting - I had troubles sending it as
my ISP gave a message of not being connected for email but was for the web
I was trying to get panel.Locfit to work in a number of situations.
1. Conditioned by Farm (3 panels) with 2
2014 Oct 07
lattice add a fit
What is the way to add an arbitrary fit from a model to a lattice conditioning plot ?
For example
xyplot(v1 ~v2 | v3,data=mydata,
Will add a loess smoother. Instead, I want to put a fit from lm (but not a simple straight line) and the fit has to be done for each panel
2011 Jan 09
Rectangle height in lattice xyplot key
Dear All
I have a problem with the height of the boxes in the key in the following.
(The text is over 2 lines to accentuate the problem of no space
between the rectangles.)
Is there an easy way to put a space between the rectangles; size
controls the width but there appears to be nothing for the height?
key = list(corner = c(0.8,0.8),
2009 Aug 05
multiple lty on same panel in xyplot
I would like to use lattice graphics to plot multiple functions (or groups
or subpopulations) on the same plot region, using different line types "lty"
or colors "col" to distinguish the functions (or groups).
In traditional graphics, this seems straightforward: First plot all the data
using 'type="n"', and subsequently execute a series of "points"
2013 Mar 12
Specifying point symbol fill colour in lattice xyplot keys
Dear all,
When defining explicit keys with xyplot, I have previously used the fill
parameter to set the background colour of point symbols. That's no
longer working for me, and I am wondering whether it's a bug or whether
I've misinterpreted the documentation and have been relying on a feature
wasn't intended. If the latter, can anyone suggest the correct way to do it?
2013 May 21
Lattice, ggplot, and pointsize
When inserting R plots into a document using odfWeave, I fought for a
while to get Lattice plots use the same text size as base plots. I
eventually discovered that specifying a point size via e.g.
svg(pointsize=10) has no effect on Lattice plots. One needs to adjust
the size manually via:
trellis.par.set(fontsize=list(text=10, points=8))
This is also developed for both Lattice and ggplot2 by
2009 Aug 28
Plotmath, sweave and lattice graphics interaction problem
Dear List,
I have hit this problem with using a plotmath expression in an axis
label on a lattice plot I'm including in a Sweave document. The actual
document is far too long and boring (unless you are interested in the
hydrochemistry of upland lakes) to include here, but the following
minimal example reproduces the problem; basically, the PDF produced by
Sweave has missing characters in the
2009 Aug 18
second y-axis in lattice xyplot
Dear R-help,
I recently discovered lattice xyplot, but have been struggling with plotting a second y-axis. I am able to do this with plot() but can't figure it out in xyplot. Any help would be appreciated.
I have found help on adding a second Y-axis when the data is all part of the same data frame, but I have two different data frames.
Both data sets are being plotted against "Date".
2010 Jan 02
xyplot: several plots in one creates y-scale problem
I've been looking for a solution to this problem for some time now but
I seem unable to solve it.. so this is the case: I want to plot 4 time
series in the same graph using xyplot(). When I do this with
xyplot(mydata[,2]+mydata[,3]+mydata[,4]+mydata[,5] ~ mydata[,1], data
= mydata,
type = "l",
auto.key = list(space="right", lines = T, points = F),
2013 Jun 10
Using Lattice, LatticeExtra - Hide right and top axes in multipanel plots
Dear Rxperts,
How do I hide the top and right axes in multiple panel plots? A couple of
examples are provided below.. Would highly appreciate appreciate your
#Example 1
xyplot((1:200)/20 ~ (1:200)/20, type = c("p", "g"),
scales = list(x = list(log = 2,alternating=0), y = list(log =
xscale.components =
2010 Oct 28
xyplot and panel.curve
Hi All
I have regression coefficients from an experiment and I want to plot them
in lattice using panel curve but I have run into error messages.
I want an 3 panel conditioned plot of 2 curves of Treatment 2 in each panel
conditioned by Treatment1, the example curve expression is x+value*x^2
A rough toy example to give an idea of what I want is:
data = expand.grid(Treatment1 =
2011 Aug 04
Sweave - landscape figure
Dear R-users
I am trying to understand how Sweave works by running some simple examples. In the example I am working with there is a chunk where the R-commands related to plotting a figure are placed. When running R CMD Sweave ? , pdflatex the output is a portrait figure. I wonder whether it would be possible to change the orientation to landscape (not in the latex file but in Rnw file).
2013 Feb 26
Help with graphs in A4 size
I need to generate complex graphics which have to be shown in the plot window but also in pdf file, and they must have A4 size. This is the reason why I use width=8.27 and heigth=11.69.
The problem is that I don't make it runs when I put something (text, lines, and so on) outside the plot region.
I mean if I run the following code, it works perfectly, because the text "My
2013 May 02
Lattice xyplot multipanels
Derar Rxperts,
I have a strange situation.. I see curly brackets around "strip.levels" in
multipanel strips while using lattice::xyplot. .How do I get rid of the
curly brackets? For some reason, I am not able to reproduce the problem
using an example below...
Any suggestions are highly welcome!
q <-
2008 Aug 13
Comination of two barcharts and one xyplot
Hi Rhelpers,
I would like to have some help with a plot which is beyond my capabilities. This plot that I am seeking involves an overlay of two different barcharts and one xyplot.
The code that I have used is the following :
# df1$Year.ord created to obtain the right order i.e. 2015M < 2015K
2013 Apr 07
Same boxplot colors by panels in lattice (bwplot)
Dear all,
I would like to have the same color for the all boxplots from the same
panel, but my code below shows the two colors alternating. Thanks!
D1 <- rnorm(200)
D2 <- factor(sample(letters[1:2],200,TRUE))
D3 <- factor(sample(letters[3:5],200,TRUE))
DF <- data.frame(x=D1,a=D2,b=D3)
2013 Feb 15
lattice 3x3 plot: force common y-limits accross rows and align x-axes
Good afternoon,
I would like to ask for help in controlling y-axis limits and labels in
lattice doplots. Unfortunately, the problem is somewhat convoluted,
please bear with the long explanation.
I would like to create a 3x3 lattice of dotplots, say subject ~ count.
The plot is conditioned on variables treatment and risk: subject ~ count
| treatment + risk. In the experiment, not all subjects
2006 Dec 04
background color in strip.custom()
Hi all,
how can I change the background color in lattice strips according to a
factor level, eg:
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- sqrt(x)
f <- gl(2, 50, c("A", "B"))
xyplot(y ~ x | f)
I like to change the background color of the strips according to the
levels in f and tried several things like this with no success:
xyplot(y ~ x | f,
2009 Nov 26
lattice --- different properties of lines corresponding to type=c("l", "a") respectively
I think the subject says it all. I want to make a simple lattice plot,
using xyplot with the
argument type=c("l","a").
The problem then is that in the resulting plot it is
difficult/impossible to see which plot corresponds to the average
and which to the individual profiles. I triedthings like extra
arguments lwd=c(1,3) or col=c("blue","red")
2013 Dec 13
data point labeling in xyplot
Hi Folks,
I have data with a format like:
ID y param1 param2 groupingFactor1 groupingFactor2.....
1 ...
so several grouping factors and repeated measures. I am using trellis
and xyplot to get plot with several grouping factors.
something like xyplot(y~x|grouping1*grouping2, data=na.omit(mydata),
panel=function{panel.xyplot(x,y);....}); Lets say x is the