Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "formatting sub-second intervals"
2010 Jul 09
apply is slower than for loop?
I thought the "apply" functions are faster than for loops, but my most
recent test shows that apply actually takes a significantly longer than a
for loop. Am I missing something?
It doesn't matter much if I do column wise calculations rather than row wise
## Example of how apply is SLOWER than for loop:
mu=0.05 ; sigma=0.20 ; dt=.25 ; T=50 ;
2011 Aug 29
replacing elements of a zoo object
Why doesn't this work?
x = zoo(1:5, as.Date('2001-01-01')+1:5)
x[as.Date('2001-01-05')] = 0
I think this is especially bad because it doesn't cause an error. It lets
you do something to x, but then you can't see x again to see what it did.
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2011 Dec 06
read.table performance
** Disclaimer: I'm looking for general suggestions **
I'm sorry, but can't send out the file I'm using, so there is no
reproducible example.
I'm using read.table and it's taking over 30 seconds to read a tiny file.
The strange thing is that it takes roughly the same amount of time if the
file is 100 times larger.
After re-reviewing the data Import / Export manual I think
2010 Apr 19
How to pass a list of parameters into a function
Does anyone know how to pass a list of parameters into a function?
for example:
# I would like this to work:
# OR I would like this to work:
2011 Dec 07
RSPython installation
Does anyone know if Is there a way to manually install RSPython?
I get this error when I try to run the script from my DOS prompt.
V:\>R CMD INSTALL -c C:/Users/gene.leynes/Downloads/RSPython_0.7-1.tar.gz
* installing to library 'C:/Users/gene.leynes/Documents/R/win-library/2.13'
* installing *source* package 'RSPython' ...
2011 Feb 23
The L Word
I've been wondering what L means in the R computing context, and was
wondering if someone could point me to a reference where I could read about
it, or tell me what it's called so that I can search for it myself. (L by
itself is a little too general for a search term).
I encounter it in strange places, most recently in the "save" documentation.
save(..., list = character(0L),
2013 Oct 15
Data handling
Hello all,
I'm having a problem with data handling. My input data is (dput in the
after the signature):
Date Time Fraction
06/19/13 22:15:39 0.3205
06/19/13 22:15:44 0.3205
06/19/13 22:15:49 0.3205
06/19/13 22:15:54 0.3205
06/19/13 22:15:59 0.3205
06/19/13 22:16:09 0.3205
Date in format month/day/year, Time in HH:MM:SS and fraction represents the
fractions of
2011 Sep 06
Possible to access a USB volume by name in windows
On the Mac it's pretty easy to get to a USB drive by name. For example the
following command works if you have a USB drive named "MYUSB"
Is there a way to do the same thing in Windows (without knowing the drive
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2011 Sep 26
Testing for arguments in a function
I don't understand how this function can subset by i when i is missing....
## My function:
myfun = function(vec, i){
ret = vec[i]
## My data:
i = 10
vec = 1:100
## Expected input and behavior:
myfun(vec, i)
## Missing an argument, but error is not caught!
## How is subsetting even possible here???
Is there a way to check for missing function arguments, *and*
2011 Dec 07
curve fitted ... how to retreive data
Dear R users,
I have now managed to fit the curve using the thin plate spline as follows:
b <- gam(y~s(x1,x2,k=100),data =dat)
What I want now is to get the fitted data for y and copy it so that I use it for further analysis.
Many thanks in advance
2009 Jul 22
How to replace NAs in a vector of factors?
# Just when I thought I had the basic stuff mastered....
# This has been quite perplexing, thanks for any help
## Here's the example:
prices=c(4.45, 3.25, 4.42, 2.25, 3.98))
2012 Jul 31
Ubuntu installation
I just followed the instructions on
CRAN<http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README> to install
R on an Ubuntu instance.
sudo apt-get install r-base
Why does it install an old version of R? Can I install version 15.1?
I changed my sources.list to be a current cran mirror. I believe that I
have entered the URL correctly because at first I had it wrong (there was a
2011 Jan 13
PBSmodelling: Change the "edit" option of a widget
Is it possible to toggle the "edit" option of a widget?
I would like to make it so that when a user clicks on a boolean (like "use
constraints") it will lock or unlock the field in which they would enter the
I can imagine redrawing the whole GUI using a function attached to the
boolean, but that's clunky and slow.
I tried changing the .PBSmod variable... but
2012 Aug 03
Recursive function calls
My apologies, I know that this is not a new problem, but I'm not sure how
to find the answer
I want to recursively loop over an object and trim trailing white space.
When I use this function on a list of data.frame I get output like this:
[1] "c(\" many spaces \", \" many spaces \")" "c(\" many spaces
\", \" many spaces
2011 Jan 12
I think that the "quietly" argument in "require" isn't working
> require('JumboShrimp', quietly=TRUE)
Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
logical.return = TRUE, :
there is no package called 'JumboShrimp'
By the way, the behavior is the same with options(warn=0) or options(warn=1)
I'm using R 2.12
2011 Feb 04
aggregate function - na.action
Can someone please tell me what is up with na.action in aggregate?
My (somewhat) reproducible example:
(I say somewhat because some lines wouldn't run in a separate session, more
x1=sample(c(NA,'m','f'), 100, replace=TRUE),
x2=sample(c(NA, 1:10), 100, replace=TRUE),
x3=sample(c(NA,letters[1:5]), 100, replace=TRUE),
2011 Dec 06
To Try or to TryCatch, I have tried to long
So after about 4 hours struggling with Try and TryCatch I am throwing in the
towel. I have a more complicated function that used logspline through
iterative distributions and at some point the logspline doesnt function
correctly for some subsets but is fine with others so I need to be able to
identify when the error occurs and stop curtailing the distribution and I
think this Try or TryCatch
2011 Jul 27
apply is making me crazy...
I have tried a lot of ways around this, but I can't find a way to make apply
work in a generalized way because it causes a failure whenever reduces the
dimensions of its output.
The following example is easier to understand than the question.
I wish it had a "drop=TRUE/FALSE" option like the "[" (and I wish I had
found the drop option a year ago, and I wish that I had 1e6
2010 Feb 17
Dock graphs when using R in Eclipse with StatET plug In
Does anyone know how to dock graphics windows in Eclipse when using the
StatET plug-in for R?
Right now every time I make a graph it pops up as a separate window, which
takes up too much real estate.
By the way, if you have not tried the StatET thing, you should. It's really
nice, and I'm sure I'm not even using all the bells and whistles. The
"automatic variable
2009 Sep 04
where did ggplot go?
This must be explained somewhere, but I've been searching for a couple of
hours and not found it.
What happened to ggplot? It appears to be missing on CRAN, except in the
Has ggplot2 replaced ggplot?
I was trying to run some examples and found that "pscontinuous" and "ggline"
are not part of ggplot2.