similar to: warning message: coxme with package multcomp

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "warning message: coxme with package multcomp"

2013 Jul 05
multcomp on significant interaction in coxme model
Dear R community I currently try to get post hoc multiple comparisons with the package multcomp from a cox mixed-effects model, where the survival is explained by two variables (cover with levels: nocover and cover; treatment with levels: tx, uv, meta), whose interaction is significant. I read Hothorn, T. 2011: Additional multcomp Examples and there is an example involving a two-way ANOVA with
2014 Jul 06
Panic: file istream.c: line 167 with 2.2.13 + istream.c/.h from dovecot-2-2-dffc6dd2be0d
Hi, Getting following panics with traces: Jul 6 08:11:52 dovecot: imap(user at domain.tld): Error: Cached message size smaller than expected (1782 < 1872) Jul 6 08:11:52 dovecot: imap(user at domain.tld): Error: Maildir filename has wrong S value, renamed the file from /path/cencored/Maildir/cur/,S=1782:2,S to
2007 Feb 22
Error in solve.default
I am trying to run the following function (a hierarchical bayes linear model) and receive the error in solve.default. The function was originally written for an older version of SPlus. Can anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? Thanks R 2.4.1 on MAC OSX 2mb ram Mark Grant markg at > attach(Aspirin.frame) > hblm(Diff ~ 1, s = SE) Error in solve.default(R, rinv)
2007 Oct 12
collapsing a data frame
Trying to find a quick/slick/easily interpretable way to collapse a data set. Suppose I have a data set that looks like this: h <- structure(list(INDEX = structure(1:6, .Label = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"), class = "factor"), TICKS = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 ), BROOD = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label =
2013 Sep 12
Problem getting a dovecot proxy to connect to another dovecot machine via STARTTLS
Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem trying to setup a dovecot proxy. I have a setup with two nodes. One is a working Dovecot/Postfix mail server (node a). The other is running a dovecot proxy and roundcube webmail. Currently I can telnet to port 143 (or openssl s_client to port 993) to localhost on node b. I can then login to a test account on node a. This all works. However, once I instruct
2006 Sep 05
help: advice on the structuring of ReML models for analysing growth curves
Hi R experts, I am interested on the effects of two dietry compunds on the growth of chicks. Rather than extracting linear growth functions for each chick and using these in an analysis I thought using ReML might provide a neater and better way of doing this. (I have read the pdf vignette("MlmSoftRev") and "Fitting linear mixed models in R" by Douglas Bates but I am not
2012 Mar 27
two lmer questions - formula with related variables and output interpretation
Hello, I have been attempting to set up a lme and have looked at numerous posts including 'R's lmer cheat-sheet' as well as reading a number of papers and other resources including R help, but I am still a little confused on how to write my model (I thought I had it). I have asked a number of questions on different forums; most of which have been resolved. My main concern right now
2008 Jun 25
data frame manipulation - splitting monitoring interval and assigning stage
Hello, everyone. I'm hoping to prevent myself from doing a lot of pointing and clicking in Excel. I have a dataframe of bird nest check observations, in which I know the date of the first check, the date of the second check (both currently in Julian date format), the status of the nest at the second check (alive or failed), and the date that the nest hatched (i.e. changed from Incubation
2008 Jan 07
help on log-gamma regresion model with R
Hii all, may I introduce myself. my name is Putro Nugroho i'am astudent of Gadjah Mada University, i'am doing on my final exam about Parametric Regression Model with gamma and log-gamma regression model. I have a problem about the syntax program on R because it doesn't work with gamma distribution with log link function. when I use zelig package it doesn't work when the data is
2010 Apr 25
replace question mark with a dash
Hi: I have the following dataset in R( thanks Gabor for your help) but now the problem is that all the dashes are converted to questions marks ("?") I?am trying to get the dashes back using: mydf <- data.frame(lapply(mydf,function(x) replace(mydf,"?"(x),"-"))) but isn't working. I also tried: mydf <- replace(mydf,mydf=="?","-)")
2010 Apr 24
how to lmport this dataframe into R
Hi: I?need?help with a dataframe(see?pic attached). is a mix of dates and text. I want to create a table either?using latex function from hmisc or xtable. I already know how to do this but the problem is getting the dataframe into R. I don't have a reproducible example?but I am hoping that the pic attachment will make it to you.?If someone is interested in helping with this task I could send
2010 Apr 24
how to import a dataframe with mixed text and numbers
Hi: I?need?help with a dataframe. is a mix of dates and text. I want to create a table either?using latex function from hmisc or xtable. I already know how to do this but the problem is getting the dataframe into R. I don't have a reproducible example?.?If someone is interested in helping with this task I could send the excel file?offlist. Thanks Date????????????????????????????
2001 Feb 24
Updating Starcraft?
I'm having a little trouble with trying to install newer versions of Starcraft (updates or Brood War) on a win-free Wine installation. I can run the installer off the original Starcraft CD, and it puts all of the files in the right place, adds a couple registry entries, and then chokes on creating the entries in the Start Menu. Still, I can kill the process at that point, and I have a usable
2006 Jul 11
Multiple tests on 2 way-ANOVA
Dear r-helpers, I have a question about multiple testing. Here an example that puzzles me: All matrixes and contrast vectors are presented in treatment contrasts. 1. example: library(multcomp) n<-60; sigma<-20 # n = sample size per group # sigma standard deviation of the residuals cov1 <- matrix(c(3/4,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,1,0,-1/2,0,1), nrow = 3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE, dimnames =
2006 Aug 03
question about dll crashing R
I have ported some R code to C to make it faster. I can perform .Call("foobar",....) once and it works fine. Absolutely correct answer. If I put a loop inside foobar and run the main code routine more than 100 times, it crashes R. Or if I call .Call("foobar"....) seperately more than two tims it crashes R. For the most part I am doing matirx multiplies using EXP
2011 Jun 22
error using glmmML()
Dear all, This question is basic but I am stumped. After running the below, I receive the message: "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!" model1 <- glmmML(y~Brood.Size*Density+Date.Placed+Species+Placed.Emerging+Year+rate.of.parperplot, data = data, cluster= data$Patch, family=binomial(link="logit")) My response variable is sex ratio, and I have learned quickly not
2012 Mar 28
Urgent - I really need some help lme4 model avg Estimates
Hello all, If someone could take a little time to help me then I would be very grateful. I studied piping plovers last summer. I watched each chick within a brood for 5 minutes and recorded behaviour, habitat use and foraging rate. There were two Sites, the first with 4 broods and the second with 3 broods. As the data within a
2005 Nov 21
singular convergence with lmer function i lme4
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a GLMM to the following dataset; tab a b c 1 1 0.6 199320100313 2 1 0.8 199427100412 3 1 0.8 199427202112 4 1 0.2 199428100611 5 1 1.0 199428101011 6 1 0.8 199428101111 7 0 0.8 199527103011 8 1 0.6 199527200711 9 0 0.8 199527202411 10 0 0.6 199529100412 11 1 0.2 199626201111 12 2 0.8 199627200612 13 1 0.4 199628100111 14 1 0.8
2005 Nov 25
Use of nesting in lmer- error in numerical expression
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a GLMM using lmer to a dataset where the brood identity (LNRREIR) is nested within mothers identity. The reason for this is that each mother can have several nests within each year and also between years. I am running the following script (actually I have tried all different combinations with LNRREIR and mother): mod <- lmer(sr~z.hatchday +
2003 May 19
multcomp and glm
I have run the following logistic regression model: options(contrasts=c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) m <- glm(wolf.cross ~ null.cross + feature, family = "binomial") where: wolf.cross = likelihood of wolves crossing a linear feature null.cross = proportion of random paths that crossed a linear feature feature = CATEGORY of linear feature with 5 levels: