Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Using dcast with multiple functions to aggregate"
2008 Jul 30
bug in 'margins' behavior in reshape - cast
according to the documentation of the cast function in the reshape function,
I would expect this bit of code from the examples to calculate marginal
means over only the 'diet' variable.
#Chick weight example
names(ChickWeight) <- tolower(names(ChickWeight))
chick_m <- melt(ChickWeight, id=2:4, na.rm=TRUE)
cast(chick_m, diet + chick ~ time, mean, margins="diet")
2009 Jul 06
ReShape chicks example - line plots
In the examples from the ReShape package there is a simple example
of using melt followed by cast that produces a smallish amount of
output about the chicks database. Here's the code:
names(ChickWeight) <- tolower(names(ChickWeight))
chick_m <- melt(ChickWeight, id=2:4, na.rm=TRUE)
DietResults <- cast(chick_m, diet + chick ~ time)
My challenge
2011 Oct 31
reshape2: Lost Values Between melt() and dcast()
Working with 5 subset streams from my source data frame, three of them
successfully call dcast(), but two fail:
jerritt.cast <- dcast(jerritt.melt, site + sampdate ~ param)
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
winters.cast <- dcast(winters.melt, site + sampdate ~ param)
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
Yet both data frames have the values in their
2012 Oct 17
Comparing dcast and reshape
I'm in the middle of my own little intellectual exercise comparing
dcast() and reshape() and have successfully stumped myself. I want to
melt() a data frame, then dcast() it into a new form. After doing so, I
want to duplicate the process using reshape().
So far, I can do the melt and cast
Raw <- data.frame(site = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
id =
2012 Dec 03
Excluding all missing values with dcast ("reshape2" package)
Hello--I'm doing a simple crosstab using dcast:
rawfreq <- dcast(nh11brfs, race3~CHCCOPD, length)
with the results
race3 Yes No NA
1 White non-Hispanic 446 5473 21
2 Other non-Hispanic 29 211 0
3 Hispanic 6 81 1
4 <NA> 10 83 1
How would I modify this call to exclude all missing values; that is, to
2012 Aug 07
reshape2's dcast() Adds NAs to Data Frame
I need to understand how and why dcast() adds NAs to a data frame that
contained no missing values.
The database table of chemical concentrations has all missing values
removed because they cannot contribute to data analyses. The structure of
the R data frame of these data have no NA values, and neither does the data
frame resulting from applying the reshape2 melt() function to it. However,
2013 Jun 26
Error when using median as aggregation function in dcast
I am trying to calculated various summary statistics using the dcast
of reshape2. This works perfectly for getting the mean, sum, length, sd. But
when I want to calculate the median I get an error. I tried it with and
without removing
my_median <- function(x) median(x, na.rm = FALSE)
median_df <- dcast(patch_stats_dfm,formula=species~input+barriers,my_median)
Error in
2015 Apr 30
predict nlme
Estimado Oliver Nuñez
Envío un ejemplo reproducible.
Javier Marcuzzi
# de donde tomo datos, y tiene el modelo (en el pdf)
# librería con las funciónes que voy a usar
# creo algunos datos que agrego a los origonales
Factor[Factor > 0 & Factor <= 10] <- 'A'
Factor[Factor > 10
2016 Feb 11
Invertir dcast
Hola a todos,
Queria preguntaros si conoceis alguna manera para invertir la funcion dcast. Quiero transformar una matriz en un data frame de tres columnas que indiquen solo los casos donde la combinacion fila-columna sea diferente de NA.
Se me habia ocurrido hacer un bucle que fuera seleccionando todos los valores para cada combinacion de fila y columna, pero el problema es que con una matriz de
2010 Oct 01
Format of Output of Residuals
An excerpt from dataset ChickWeight:
??? weight Time Chick Diet
1?????? 42??? 0???? 1??? 1
2?????? 51??? 2???? 1??? 1
3?????? 59??? 4???? 1??? 1
I am interested in the residuals of the dataset.? Specifically in
saving them to another format. I have been creating text files with
CW.lm <- lm(weight ~ Diet, ChickWeight)
resid.CW.lm <- resid(CW.lm)
But when I call:
The data
2013 Jan 22
Simple use of dcast (reshape2 package)
Suppose I have a small dataframe
> aa
Target Eaten ID
50 TPP 0 1
51 TPP 1 2
52 TPP 3 3
53 TPP 1 4
54 TPP 2 5
50.1 GPA 9 1
51.1 GPA 11 2
52.1 GPA 8 3
53.1 GPA 8 4
54.1 GPA 10 5
And I want to reshape it into
1 1 0 9
2 2 1 11
3 3 3 8
4 4 1 8
5 5 2 10
I realise that
2009 Nov 14
Weighted descriptives by levels of another variables
I've noticed that R has a number of very useful functions for
obtaining descriptive statistics on groups of variables, including
summary {stats}, describe {Hmisc}, and describe {psych}, but none that
I have found is able to provided weighted descriptives of subsets of a
data set (ex. descriptives for both males and females for age, where
accurate results require use of sampling
2011 Dec 12
using dcast to reshape a DF from long to wide with multiple measured variables per obs
I have data in the following format:
person<- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3)
v2<- c("2011-01-01", "2011-02-01", "2011-03-01", "2011-04-01", "2011-01-01", "2011-02-01", "2011-03-01", "2011-04-01", "2011-05-01", "2011-01-01", "2011-02-01", "2011-03-01",
2016 Feb 11
Invertir dcast
Con data.table todo puede ir muy rapido.
> require(data.table)
> M=matrix(c(5,NA,NA,NA,6,NA,7,NA,8),3,3)
> M
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 5 NA 7
[2,] NA 6 NA
[3,] NA NA 8
> M2=data.table(M)
> M2
V1 V2 V3
1: 5 NA 7
2: NA 6 NA
3: NA NA 8
> M3=melt(M2,variable.name = "columna")
> M3
columna value
1: V1 5
2: V1 NA
3: V1
2013 Jun 26
Margins in dcast (reshape2)
I'd like to get mean values for the margins of my casted data.frame.
For the casting I am using dcast() from reshape2. However, when I set
the margins parameter (margins=c("grand\_row")) I get following error
an unrecognized escape character '\_'. So what is the correct command
to get the outermost margins only in reshape2?
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2012 Mar 19
Reshape data frame with dcast and melt
I implemented two functions reshape_long and reshape_wide (see full working
example below) to reshape data frames.
I created several small examples and the two functions seemed to work
properly. However, using the reshape_wide function
on my real data sets (about 200.000 to 300.000 rows) failed. What happens is
set all values for X, Y and Z were set to 1.
The structure of my real data
2010 Aug 12
Linear regression on several groups
I have a simple dataset of a numerical dependent Y, a numerical independent X
and a categorial variable Z with three levels. I want to do linear
regression Y~X for each level of Z. How can I do this in a single command
that is without using lm() applied three isolated times?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Linear-regression-on-several-groups-tp2322835p2322835.html
2024 Dec 12
Cores hang when calling mcapply
Hi Thomas,
Glad to hear the suggestion helped, and that switching to a `data.table` approach reduced the processing time and memory overhead?15 minutes for one of the smaller datasets is certainly better! Sounds like the adjustments you devised, especially keeping the multicore approach for `make_clean_names()` and ensuring that `ID_Key` values remain intact, were the missing components you
2011 Jul 18
Extract confidence intervals from rma object (metafor package)
Dear R-experts!
I am working on some meta-analysis using the metafor package. I would like
to extract values of the confidence intervals of the effect sizes of the
single studies from an rma object. Those values are printed out when
plotting a forest plot using the forest function on the rma object, however
I was not able to locate them.
Many thanks for your help!
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2010 Aug 25
Estimate average standard deviation of mean of two dependent groups
Dear R-experts!
I am currently running a meta-analysis with the help of the great metafor
package. However I have some difficulties setting up my raw data to enter it
to the meta-analysis models.
I have a group of subjects that have been measured in two continuous
variables (A & B). I have the information about the mean of the two
variables, the group size (n) and the standard deviations of