similar to: Server is not a class with mongrel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Server is not a class with mongrel"

2007 Dec 07
last version of puppetd that will work with ruby 1.6.8 (RHEL3)
Hello... What is the last version of puppet that will work with ruby version 1.6.8? I have a few RHEL 3 machines I would like to run puppetd (only the client, not puppetmaster). They will be updated to RHEL 5 fairly soon, so I don''t want to spend a lot of time trying to get a more recent version of ruby on them. thanks /me buys Luke a beer for all his help :) I now have
2006 Dec 18
file diff?
Hello... I am looking to replace my current config file management solution with puppet. I looked at both cfengine and puppet and neither seem to have a "diff" option. as in: configfile { "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf": source => "/httpd/httpd.conf" } will install a httpd.conf file. What I would like is to be able to see a unified diff of the
2010 Apr 27
Puppetmaster with stored configs leaks file descriptors on CentOS 5
Hi folks, When I enabled stored configs on my puppet master, it began keeping lots of open connections to the MySQL server (as far as I understand it opened one connection for each client run and never closed them). I set up the server to close idle connections after 5 minutes. Now the database server does close the connections but the puppet master keeps them in CLOSE_WAIT state and eventually
2008 Jul 26
Mongrel on Ruby 1.8.6 w/ patchlevel 279 (Win)
Hi, I can''t install Mongrel on Ruby 1.8.6 (patchlevel 279), using Windows XP. My environment: C:\ruby18>gem environment RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 1.2.0 - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2008-07-17 patchlevel 279) [i386-mingw32] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: c:/ruby18/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 - RUBY EXECUTABLE: c:/ruby18/bin/ruby.exe - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: c:/ruby18/bin -
2007 Nov 26
Help with tags
Hello... I need some help with tags. as an example: # pseudo code class ssh { file { "/etc/ssh/ssh_config": # normal stuff tag("dangerous") } file { "/etc/ssh/sshd_config": # normal stuff tag("dangerous") } file { "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts": # normal stuff tag("safe") } } on client: puppetd --tags
2010 Nov 15
bug with using exported resources?
Hello... Is this a bug or by design? I''m using exported resources to generate /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts. I changed the example from the docs to this: @@sshkey { "$fqdn,$hostname,$ipaddress": type => rsa, key => $sshrsakey, } so that I would get one line per host in the ssh_know_hosts file. What happened was that on each run several (all?)
2010 Nov 07
EC2 with puppet bootstrap notes and scripts
Hello... I wanted to be able to startup an EC2 instance with one command and have a fully functioning server without having to shell into each new instance and configure the bits to allow puppet to finish the configuration. Here are some notes I came up with for bootstrapping an ec2 instance with puppet using Ubuntu 10.04. I left out a lot of things about creating and running custom AIM
2011 May 24
ruby 1.9.2 rpms for testing
Hello... I noticed from the list that puppet is not ready for ruby 1.9.2 yet. I''m working at a ruby shop so I gave a shot at building ruby 1.9.2 rpms with supporting gems for RHEL/CentOS. I have ruby-1.9.2 rpms that replace the vendor rpms and ruby192 rpms that install in parallel with the vendor rpms. Is anyone interested in using these rpms to get puppet working with 1.9.2 and/or
2007 May 04
Problems with mongrel_cluster on FreeBSD
I''m running FreeBSD 6.1 and installed the mongrel_cluster prerelease. I had a problem with the mongrels not stopping, and it turns out it''s because ps is reporting my processes as just [ruby18] instead of someting more like "mongrel_rails start -d ......." Not sure why it''s doing that, but it is. Any ideas? For the time being I just changed line
2007 Mar 04
Backgroundrb spiking CPU after first run on Mongrel cluster
I''ve been troubleshooting this problem for several hours now and haven''t been able to figure out what''s wrong. I have two boxes, dev and prod, both are identical except that prod uses Ruby 1.8.5 and dev uses 1.8.4. Both are running Slave 1.2.0, Daemons 1.0.5, and Backroundrb 0.2.1. The behavior I''m seeing is this. When I first start Backgroundrb, this is what
2006 Mar 20
FreeBSD Performance Tip
A small note to all the FreeBSD folks about Ruby performance. While trying to tune Mongrel to run faster on FreeBSD I was stumped as to why it was so horribly slow compared to Linux. Linux on the same machine was getting about 800 req/sec, and FreeBSD was maybe pushing 23 req/sec. Pathetic. I managed to tweak the thread model in Mongrel and get FreeBSD up to about 210 req/sec but still that
2006 Apr 14
rake test errors
I have Rails 1.1.2, ruby 1.8.4 and gentoo linux running kernel 2.6.15. Here are the errors: gregg@gregg2 ~/user/DMS $ rake test (in /home/gregg/user/DMS) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/ ordered_options.rb:2: warning: method redefined; discarding old []= /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/active_support/ ordered_options.rb:11: warning: method
2009 Feb 18
Linux ps reports mongrel as [ruby18]
I''m running two sets of mongrels using mongrel 1.1.4, one for production one for staging. When executing ''ps'' from a linux shell, the production mongrels report as expected, however the staging processes are listed as [ruby 18]. The result seems to be that mongrel_rails cannot stop the staging processes because it doesn''t recognize [ruby18] as a mongrel
2005 Mar 16
Problem joining a Samba 3 domain - DC can't be contac ted
My domain name is SAMBA-DOMAIN, I can't join it from a win 2003 machine. Now, if I try to join it from a XP machine, I am asked to enter a username and password for a user allowed to join the domain, however, the info I enter is not accepted!!! Any idea please? Thank you Note: to manage joining my samba domain from a xp machine, I had to change a registry key. --- "Mccrory, Kevin
2007 Jan 09
ruby18.core purpose?
Hi all, Been using Rails for 5 months or so, one thing that is bugging me is why some of my applications end up having pretty large ruby18.core files (30+ megs) in the root of the rails directory? I''ve spent a good while looking for a reason but haven''t had any luck - could anyone enlighten me? I pre-apologise if I''m missing something really simple here but this has
2005 Mar 09
Chapter 6: Making Users Happy...
Not sure if this is the place to post this but....I'm just going through the process of installing Samba and LDAP using the current version of Chapter 6: Making Users Happy ( <> ) I found one error in the Install and Configure Idealx smbldap-tools
2005 Mar 14
W2K Server and Workstation can't join SMB/LDAP domain
I have a SMB Domain set up with a PDC and BDC. The BDC is joined to the PDC domain fine and shows up in the LDAP directory. I can add and delete users to the LDAP directory. I can use the user accounts to access the Linux boxes. My W2K boxes see the domain and domain servers when browsing. I can access the shared drive on the PDC. I cannot join the Windows servers to the domain. I get an error
2007 Dec 27
order of execution
Hello... I''m adding users via something like: define devel_user ($fullname, $uid) { user { "$name": ensure => present, comment => "$fullname", gid => "500", uid => "$uid", shell => $operatingsystem ? { FreeBSD => "/bin/sh", default => "/bin/bash", }, home =>
2009 Feb 22
Strange error when running rails 2.3 on ruby 1.9.1 on FreeBSD
I am trying to run rails on FreeBSD 7.1. I''ve already installed Ruby 1.9.1 (from ports), apache, passenger (edge version from git), Rails 2.3 RC 1 (using gem --source like described on the Everything installed smoothly and I am able to run ruby 1.9.1 programs. The problem is when I try to run rails. It fails with this error: [grzesiu@cratan ~/.gem/ruby/1.9/gems]$
2007 Dec 13
ANNOUNCE: 0.24.0 is out
At long last, 0.24.0 has been released. Look for your friendly packagers to package it up in the near future, but in the meantime you can download it: I''ll be walking the different release sites (RubyForge et al) and posting it there, too. Look for a related announcement later today on changes in development practices