similar to: Is there a way to ''exec'' last

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Is there a way to ''exec'' last"

2007 Feb 21
Facter environment variables being ignored in puppet?
Facter has the feature that it will turn any environment variable named FACTER_* into a fact. I can do this on the commandline no problem, but when I attempt this in puppet it seems to ignore that parts. Is anyone else seeing this? (Is this expected behavior?) I don''t see a ticket or a mail thread on it - though my searching powers have been weak the last couple of weeks... Thanks,
2007 Oct 12
puppetd dies?
Greetings all, My deployment of puppet includes a monitrc to make sure that puppetd stays up and running. It seems like (across all of my hosts) that pupeptd will end up dying and restarted by monit. I''m running puppetd under a screen session now on one particular host with --debug --verbose to see if any thing comes out on console but until it happens again, any anybody else
2007 Jun 20
0.23 question
I think that I''m running into the warning on external node support here but after a recent upgrade for my puppetmaster I get: puppetmasterd[19397]: Could not find with names, aa0-006-4 I''ve not changed puppetd.conf which contains: ldapnodes = true ldapserver = ldapbase = ou=hosts,dc=foo,dc=com I''ve not
2007 Dec 17
question about 0.24.0
I see in the changelog that: You now must specify an environment and you are required to specify the valid environments for your site. (#911) Does this mean that the puppetmaster has to be updated before clients work correctly? I ask because I''m testing out a client upgrade to 0.24.0 (server is still 0.23.2) and this is what I''m seeing: [~]% sudo /foo/bin/puppetd
2006 Sep 02
BayLISA Puppet presentation video
Hi all, Jennifer Davis from BayLISA has done us the service of already posting the presentation from this past Wednesday night: It''s about 2 hours total, and I can''t promise it''s any kind of amazing presentation, but I do a
2007 May 17
Puppet not honoring alternate path to namespaceauth.conf
Greetings, I''ve two questions for y''all. 1) I''ve setup an alternate installation path for puppet in a site local directory outside of ''the usual places''. Puppetd seems to insist that /etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf exists despite setting :authconfig in both puppet and puppetd. As a result part of my installation now includes a symlink to point
2007 Oct 31
puppetd can set more than one server address
hi,all I want set up a puppet HA structure. but if the puppetd can set more than one server address ,the work will be simple :D if one puppetmaster have error, the client can auto try the next. I think I can use the heartbeat or dns to do this same thing,but not so good. so I want know the puppetd can direct set in the configure file ? if not,will be add this option? -- Huang
2007 Oct 17
Greetings, Shouldn''t puppetd -o --ignoreschedules ... imply that splay* options are ignored :-) If that''s not the intended behavior could we get a --run-now that ignores splay* and schedules? Cheers, Ryan
2007 Mar 23
File bucketing changed?
Was file bucketing changed as part of this release or is this a bug? When I look in my bucket folder I see: drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 5222e054e7bc6248f2e9b9146f75aff5 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 3255ad7efedebfd3eccbba74845002a1 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar 17 00:04 f8569b1c57819072c37b36bd3814e328 drwxr-xr-x 2 puppet puppet 4096 Mar
2007 Jul 23
options not being parsed...
With both puppet-0.23.0 and 0.23.1 if I setup just the configuration file puppet.conf, none of the puppetd options seem to get parsed. I first noticed this when monit failed to start/stop services due to the lack of a pid file being generated (and mine is not in one of the usual places). I''m sure that something like the patch attached but I bet it breaks other assumptions :-) Cheers,
2007 Oct 10
Puppet ldapnodes issue
I am attempting to move our test puppet installation from looking for node information in a manifest to LDAP. I followed the instructions at: and was able to get the puppet schema loaded into our LDAP. I can now query LDAP and modify/load data without any issues using the OpenLDAP tools. e.g. ldapsearch -h -x
2008 Jan 22
Has anyone done rollbacks with puppet? The story goes that last night I pushed a change out, which intentionally changed the way certain services where managed. The change involved pushing out a few files, cronjobs, etc., which was okay until it was discovered there was a bug with the service. My configurations are kept in subversion and rolling back to a previous configuration would have
2007 Jan 10
Definition specialization
There was a discussion a while ago about adding inheritance to definitions. There is a need for a way to specialize parameters while allowing passing other options. This comes up with remotefile where it would be nice to have a default server location but not specify all the parameters (and their defaults) in the definition. Was there a change to the syntax? Is there a way to accomplish this?
2006 Aug 28
Templates and arrays
I''m in the process of documenting templates right now, and I figured I should see what happens when you use them with arrays: $ cat ~/bin/test.pp $values = [this, is, an, array, of, values] $content = template("/tmp/templates/testing.erb") file { "/tmp/temtest": content => $content } $ cat /tmp/templates/testing.erb <% values.each do |val| %> I got
2005 Sep 15
Can someone point me in the direction of a quick postfix/fetchmail setup example?
I need to start doing some email filtering. Can someone point me in the direction of how to do this if they have a link handy? If not I'll Google anyway, but I thought I'd ask just in case. Preston
2007 Apr 23
exec resources
I am consistently getting the following error from puppetd when an exec resource is triggered by a refresh event: Apr 23 10:36:11 mailhub puppetd[37884]: Reopening log files Apr 23 10:36:11 mailhub puppetd[37884]: Starting Puppet client version 0.22.3 Apr 23 10:36:11 mailhub puppetd[37884]: Starting configuration run Apr 23 10:36:12 mailhub puppetd[37884]:
2007 Dec 19
Invalid argument - connect
Hi puppeteers, I have a problem with one of my puppets. When I run puppetd and a file needs to be updated I get the following error message: debug: //jupiter/freebsd_base/File[/etc/rc.conf]: Changing source debug: //jupiter/freebsd_base/File[/etc/rc.conf]: 1 change(s) debug: Calling fileserver.retrieve debug: Calling puppetbucket.addfile err: Could not call puppetbucket.addfile:
2007 Jun 08
Slightly off topic: nifty side affects...
I''m curious if anybody else has seen this behavior.... Right now I have puppetd making sure that NFS and NTP services are running across a group of hosts, and if for some reason those services are not running, puppet will happily start them up for me. The catch is, in my environment we''re pushing towards IPv6 except for customer facing equipment. So when puppet comes along and
2010 May 25
purge maildir folder after sa-learn
Hello, I am looking for a command-line utility to automatically purge one Maildir folder. I want to periodically run sa-learn from cron, and after the spam learning folder has been added to the Bayes database, its contents should be deleted. I've searched a bit, but only found a few old utilities or some telnet+expect scripts, which both didn't look too reliable. Is there any
2007 Nov 30
memory leak?
I have a client I''m testing where the puppetd process grows slowly (over a few days) to the point where it exceeds 100MB. This triggers an alert and we restart the daemon, but I''m curious whether anyone has noticed similar behavior. Details are: Server: CentOS 4.5 x86 (on VMWare Server guest) RPM install from dlutter repo (puppet-0.23.2-1.el4) The only thing I can